Thursday, June 30, 2011


It's the final day of June. It's horrible cause the last day of June I have to study like hell for tomorrow's test. They said it's really difficult.

Anyway, yesterday I went for a movie; Laddaland. OMG! It's so scary. Of all the horror movie I've watched, this is the worst. My ability to watch horror movie had deteriorate.

Then we went to buy some Japanese chocolates. They are on sales. My favorite. Costs us RM20 for these 3 boxes of chocolates. But they are all very nice. <3
Today, Mimi came in to my lecture class cause he's bored. But, he's bored in my lecture class too. I sat with him and we talked a lot. Well, it's basically me.

The other day, I was bored in class. So I started designing some stuff. It took me around 3hours to compltet only the bottom part.
On Sunday, I went for dinner. Steamboat! Hehee... It has been a while. Then after steamboat, we went to Straits Quay and had starbucks. It was nice.


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