Sunday, June 12, 2011


I find this fanfic so cute~ ^^

Title: Misunderstanding
Author: thereaper_nino
Series: Robot AU
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Genre: fluff, AU, mild angst, romance
Disclaimer: I own nothing, really T^T
Summary: A call came. And another one. Satoshi had never thought a call could provoke many different emotions inside him, and he didn't have a name to this kind of feeling.. And lately I'm into angst again, but because this was supposed to be fluffy so it turned out to be a mild-angst instead XD Hope you will enjoy it
He hadn’t heard the insistent ringing until it was the forth or fifth time as he snapped up from his bed sleepily. It was already late in the morning, and because Sho had a date today with Aiba, Satoshi had a day off. Nino had already left, so he was supposed to answer the call. He got up from his bed, yawning while approaching the phone in the living room and picked it up lazily.
“Moshi moshi?”

It was his first time using the phone. Because Nino barely had any calls, and because he claimed that it would add more money to the bills so he barely made any calls too.
A girl’s voice came from the other line. Satoshi suddenly felt wide-awake as the girl continued asking with a confused tone.
“Are you Kazu?”
“Well, no…” Satoshi stuttered, his frown furrowed.

Since when did Nino let a girl call him by his first name?
“Eh? So who you are?? Where is my Kazu??”
“What?” Satoshi swallowed the sudden lump in his throat. My Kazu? The girl’s voice echoed in his mind mercilessly. The girl, however, stopped for a second and continued curtly.
“I’ll call back later.”
And she hung up the phone. The long beep signaled that the connection was gone, but Satoshi was still standing rooted to the ground as he blinked slowly. The girl’s voice was completely unfamiliar. Satoshi had stayed with Nino for half a year now, and he had never heard her voice before… Something inside Satoshi squirmed uncomfortably as he thought about the possibility of Nino having a girlfriend. But, why, Satoshi thought bitterly, if Nino had a girlfriend why did he not mention about her to me before? It wasn’t like Satoshi was going to stand in their way…
The thought weighed him down the whole morning, and he sat in front of the television, shuffling through channel after channel and found himself watching nothing at all. It was the girl’s voice and Nino hiding something from him that occupied his mind, and no matter how many times he reminded himself that he had no right to demand his master to tell him everything, he still found it disappointing.

So he spent the rest of his day lying on the sofa, staring at nothing in particular, wondering about several different possibilities, and waiting for Nino to come home. The rain started to pour without him noticing, and when he heard the front door clicked open, he realized that it was raining cats and dogs outside.
Nino stumbled into the warm apartment, shuddering hard. He was completely soaked, and Satoshi immediately ran towards him and took him into his arms. Nino smiled.
“I forgot the umbrella.”
“I could’ve brought it for you.” Satoshi whined. Nino was trembling, and the wet t-shirt only made him feel worse. 
“It’s okay,” Nino said and struggled out of his shoes. Satoshi took a towel and started to dry Nino’s hair, and Nino let out a chuckle “I can do it myself.”
“No,” Satoshi refused stubbornly as he continued to wipe Nino’s arms and face. When he finished, he took Nino’s arm and tugged him into the bathroom. He filled the bathtub and started to undo Nino’s shirt, not noticing the blush on his master’s face.
“I can do it myself,” Nino laughed while pushing Satoshi’s hand away and slowly removed his shirt. Satoshi stared at him, and Nino felt uneasiness coiled inside his stomach “Do you mind looking away?”
Satoshi smiled, turned around and exited the bathroom. The door closed with a small click, and Nino let out a breath he had been holding.

It was hard for Satoshi to ask about the girl now, when Nino looked totally exhausted and what would he do if talking about it would only make Nino feel worse? So he decided to put it aside and climbed onto their bed with Nino already snoring beside him, pulling the blanket over their bodies and hugged Nino tightly.

That night, even though Nino was curled up beside him, it seemed like his body heat still couldn’t lessen Nino’s cold. He was trembling slightly in Satoshi’s arms, and his breath became heavy on Satoshi’s chest as he gripped Satoshi’s shirt tightly. Satoshi frowned when he felt Nino’s feverish hand on his chest, and he leaned in to check Nino’s temperature.
“Kazu, you have a fever.” Satoshi whispered near Nino’s ear, carefully putting the man’s head down onto the pillow as he sat up and covered Nino’s body with the blanket.
Nino nodded vaguely before drifting off to sleep again, as he mumbled incoherently under his breath. Satoshi bit his lips worriedly, and he went to the first aid box to find Nino some medicine. Nino was already sleeping, and he didn’t move when Satoshi touched his shoulder, calling him to take the medicine. Satoshi sighed and lifted Nino’s head, the man slightly stirred but didn’t open his eyes.
“Kazu, you need to take this, okay?”
Nino shook his head and turned away to continue sleeping.
“Tired…” He murmured, barely audible.
“Come on,” Satoshi said coaxingly “Or do you want me to help you?”
“How?” Nino chuckled, and slightly opened his eyes, just to see Satoshi put medicine into his mouth and took a sip of water. “What?”
And before Nino could protest – he didn’t have any energy to - Satoshi’s mouth had met his and all Nino could do was to close his eyes tightly and obediently opened his mouth when Satoshi nudged his lips slightly. The medicine was passed to him and he swallowed it involuntarily, his mind was still occupied by the thought that Satoshi was kissing him - and it just made his mind whirled uncontrollably. They had shared kisses before, but they were all light kisses, and he had never felt this way. It was somehow more intimate, and in a second Nino forgot that he was ill.
“Feeling better?” Satoshi smiled, and Nino’s hands came to his face and covered his eyes shyly.
“Worse.” He muttered.
“Why?” Satoshi asked worriedly, his hand came to smooth Nino’s messy hair as he laid him down again, his head on the pillow and fixed the blanket gently. He then lay beside Nino again.
“No…” Nino sighed, then turned to Satoshi and wrapped his arms around his waist “Never mind.”
Satoshi pulled Nino closer until their chests met, and Nino sighed into his neck contentedly.
“Kazu… your heart is beating really fast.”
“That’s why it’s worse.” Nino mumbled, and snuggled his nose nearer to Satoshi’s collarbone, and his breathing evened slowly as he fell asleep in Satoshi’s embrace. Satoshi didn’t sleep after that, but stayed awake to observe Nino’s sleeping face. He checked the fever from time to time, and was relieved when Nino’s temperature went down to normal. He wasn’t trembling anymore, Satoshi remarked, so it was good. Nino was slowly recovering.

Dawn came slowly as the sun rose from the horizon. The first rim of sunlight shone into the small bedroom, and Satoshi suddenly woke up. He turned to Nino, who was still sleeping in his arms with his face buried into his chest. He smiled involuntarily, and gently put Nino’s head onto the pillow. When he sat up and was about to leave the bed, he felt Nino tugging at his sleeves. 
“Stay.” Nino ordered, his eyes still closed but his hand didn’t let go of Satoshi’s sleeves.
“I need to make you some breakfast.”
“Don’t wanna,” Nino mumbled stubbornly “You stay.”
Satoshi sighed, but he knew he was happy when Nino held him like this. Nino was his master – no matter how much Nino didn’t want to, Nino was still his master. It was always Nino who taught him things, who paid his bills, who provided him a place to stay… But when Nino was sick, like this, he became weak and small, and it was Satoshi’s turn to protect him, and to indulge him as much as he could.
So he sat down back on the bed and Nino crawled onto his lap. Nino’s hand found his, and Satoshi could feel Nino’s fever still hadn’t completely gone.
“You need to sleep.” Satoshi whispered as he fondled Nino’s hair gently. “I won’t go anywhere.”
Nino nodded slightly and squeezed his hand, until he fell asleep again. 
Satoshi didn’t go anywhere after that. He felt happy enough just to stay awake and look at Nino’s sleeping face with a smile.

And he decided, no matter whom the girl was, she just couldn’t jump in between them.

The second call came when Nino was outside again. It was late at night but Nino had yet to come back – the younger man seemed to have so much to do these days. And it was Satoshi’s habit to wait for Nino to come home every night. When Satoshi was on the verge of falling asleep, he heard the phone ringing again. His eyes snapped open and he stared at it as if it was going to come alive any moment. Looking around and realized Nino hadn’t come home yet, he lazily got up from the sofa and went to where the phone was placed – a strange worry grew inside him as he picked it up.
“You again?” The same voice with the last time squealed, and Satoshi found it annoying. He frowned and demanded a little sternly.
“Who are you?”
“Where is Kazu?” The girl ignored Satoshi’s question as she went on “Tell him he can’t avoid me forever, if he doesn’t talk to me I’ll go there!!”

“But who are you?” Satoshi asked again, completely annoyed with the girl. Why was she so insistent on meeting Nino?
“Eh? You don’t know me?” Satoshi could almost picture the smirk on her face “Well, funny. I’m his girlfriend!”

Satoshi gasped. He stared at the wall in front of him dumbly, speechless. So she was really Nino’s girlfriend? But how on Earth could Kazu hide this from me? It is impossible, isn’t it? We are always together… Wait, there were times when we weren’t together though, when I went to Sho’s place and Kazu was supposed to go to his workplace… 
Satoshi couldn’t think of anything anymore. He didn’t understand. The uncontrollable and unwelcoming feeling was there again, haunting him like a shadow of evil, and Satoshi felt like he was becoming another person. He no longer felt kind and peaceful, but he wanted to snap at people and to get angry and be selfish. He wanted to ask Nino thousands of questions, he wanted Nino to say no, she’s not, he wanted Nino to… He didn’t really know what he wanted from Nino, but it was definitely not this – when he knew nothing about Nino’s love life and a girl suddenly showed up and shouted to his face that she had his Kazu.
The girl just hung up impolitely after that, just like last time, leaving Satoshi speechless and lost. He stared at the phone for a while, and when he decided it was useless to keep staring at it like that, he put it back onto the holder and slouched down onto the sofa. The thought of Nino having someone and didn’t bother telling Satoshi that hurt him, but the fact that Nino didn’t like him as much as he had hoped hurt him ten times more. So he was just spacing out, turning off his energy (one of those tricks that Sho had taught him besides those related to touching and kissing) and went to sleep. He didn’t want to think anymore. He didn’t want to feel anything.
But when Nino opened the door tiredly and came close to him, Satoshi had no choice but to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes and felt his heart beating again. When he was fully awake, he saw Nino already sitting beside him, his eyes closed tiredly.
“Welcome home, Kazu.” He greeted him, a little half-heartedly, and he hoped that Nino didn’t notice. His hope was dashed when Nino frowned slightly at his tone.
“What’s wrong?” Nino raised his head up.
“No…” Satoshi shook his head quickly before he could stop himself. He was supposed to let Nino know about the call, right? But he didn’t want to. Part of him wanted to ask Nino who she was and what was going on between them, part of him didn’t want Nino to know that the girl had called him. He was being torn between two decisions that he didn’t see Nino yawn and leaned into him.
“I’m sleepy,” Nino said and closed his eyes, and Satoshi had no choice but to carry Nino to their bed and lay down beside his master. Nino smiled into Satoshi’s neck and fell asleep almost immediately, leaving Satoshi awake with many different emotions flowing through him that he had never experienced before.

“It’s called jealousy!!” Aiba exclaimed playfully when Satoshi told them his story. Sho just crossed his arms and looked at Satoshi with a small smile on his face, and Satoshi just frowned in confusion.
“Jealousy?” Satoshi repeated. He had heard the word somewhere, from television, some songs or dramas, but he didn’t actually understand it. After all, there were too many things he needed to learn.
Sho smiled encouragingly when Satoshi looked to him for help, and he motioned Satoshi to sit down beside him.
“You don’t want him to meet that girl again, right? Then it’s jealousy, isn’t it?” Aiba added, his voice amused – though Satoshi didn’t know what was so amusing. Everything was like a mess in his mind, as he didn’t feel at ease anymore, but something had born and was growing up inside him whenever he thought about that girl. Like a demon was squirming and burning his heart, and he found it was hard to stay neither still nor did he feel like talking to Nino about this. No, he didn’t want to know if Nino was really dating her. Or he wanted to, but he was scared of knowing that secret.
“Satoshi,” Sho said softly, and Satoshi raised his head to look at him. There was seriousness in Sho’s eyes, but there was also the same gentleness Satoshi always admired. “It’s normal to feel that way. You love Nino, so it’s normal to feel jealous when Nino has someone else.”
“Nino really does have someone else?” Satoshi asked, his voice and eyes dropped and he looked like a lost puppy, like he was suddenly thrown away and didn’t know where to go.
“I didn’t say that!” Sho chuckled “All I said was, you care about him, so it’s normal to feel this way, you know?”
“Is it bad?” Satoshi raised his head “Will Nino be upset when I feel like this? He won’t be happy, right? I… I mean, he has all the right to have a girlfriend, and I have no right to… But still…”
“Just tell him what you’re thinking,” Sho suggested softly “It’s no use wondering about it alone. Talk to him.”
“But you know… I don’t want to…” Satoshi blushed slightly “I don’t want him to know that I… don’t like it when he has a girlfriend.”
“Why not?” Sho arched an eyebrow “It is what you should tell him, isn’t it?”
“But he won’t like it. I don’t want to burden him…”
“Stop thinking this way,” Sho shook his head “He likes you a lot, that’s what we all know. And there’s no way he would choose a girl over you!”
“But… what if he does?” Satoshi stuttered, still unconvinced.
“Satoshi, be more confident of yourself!” Sho scolded gently with arms akimbo.
Satoshi just nodded uncertainly.

When Satoshi reached home that day, Nino was already there. When he was about to enter the apartment, he heard a familiar voice that he never wanted to hear again, and he stopped in his tracks. The girly voice could be heard clearly from here, and Satoshi felt like his heart had doubled its rate. Following the first voice was Nino’s, a little annoyed.

“And you promised that you would come!!!” The girl squawked. Satoshi frowned, what were they talking about?
“I wanted to, okay??! But I’m too busy these days, can’t you tell? Geez, I don’t even have enough sleep!”
“But it was my birthday!” The girl retorted angrily. “And you totally forgot about it, didn’t you?”
“No I didn’t!” Nino snapped “I do remember, okay? And here, I have prepared a present for you!!”
Satoshi’s heart dropped as he heard movements and then the girl crying happily, telling him that Nino had given her the present she wanted. 
“Okay, okay, you’re suffocating me!” Nino’s voice was still showing annoyance, but it had changed into a lighter and happier tone, and Satoshi knew he was smiling. They were hugging, it was obvious, from the way Nino’s voice sounded muffled.
Satoshi could feel the pain from somewhere on his left chest, but he brushed it away quietly. He had heard enough, he decided. He turned away to leave the apartment so as to give them the space they needed, and with heavy steps he headed back to Aiba’s store, and wondered if Sho would mind letting him share the place tonight.

“What??” Aiba rolled his eyes in disbelief “He asked you to leave them alone??”
“No, no, he didn’t,” Satoshi quickly said, “He didn’t know I was there. I just… I couldn’t interrupt them, right? I think it’s better that I leave…”
“But… were they happy together?” Aiba still didn’t believe it as he kept insisting, “What if you just misunderstood everything?”
“What was there to misunderstand?” Satoshi smiled sadly “Nino gave her a birthday present, and they were hugging….”
“What if,” Aiba tried “They were just friends and…”
“Friend don’t do that to each other,” Satoshi cut him off, and with another sad smile he turned to Sho, who kept silent until then “Can I stay here tonight? I don’t have any other friends…”
“Of course you can!” Aiba exclaimed and patted Satoshi’s back friendly “You’re always welcomed here!”
“Thank you, Aiba-san,” Satoshi bowed. Aiba waved his hand as if saying it’s nothing, and when Satoshi wasn’t looking, he shot Sho a meaningful look. Sho just nodded understandingly.


Satoshi heard noises when he was in his sleeping state, his energy turned off and his mind switched off. He didn’t want to wake up – he didn’t need to, because his body only reacted to Nino’s presence, if he didn’t want to no one else could wake him up. And now all he wanted was to fall into a deep dreamless sleep and maybe tomorrow he could go back, and pretend that nothing had happened and would wish Nino happiness with all his heart.
Therefore when he heard his system starting to run, feeling his heart started to beat, his breathing starting to even out, his body warming up automatically, he opened his eyes confusingly when he came back to life slowly. He blinked one or two times before he realized he was staring at those deep eyes that he was so fond of, which were glaring back at him angrily. Their owner was standing in front of him, arms crossed, brows furrowed, and Satoshi knew Nino was about to burst out any moment.
“Hi…?” Satoshi opened his mouth, and suddenly felt bitterness in his throat.
Nino glared at him. Satoshi saw Sho stood behind Nino, his eyes turned from Sho back to Nino, clearly confused.
“What the hell is this?” Nino asked. Satoshi could sense the anger, but he had no idea why Nino was so angry with him.
“What…?” Satoshi faltered, his mind still hadn’t worken up so he couldn’t say anything more. Sho smiled behind Nino, and with a wink he said softly to both of them.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” and with that, Sho left the room, leaving Satoshi alone with Nino, who was still boiling with anger and Satoshi felt like he was the reason for Nino’s rage.
“I was so worried, do you know that??” Nino snapped “Why on earth did you stay here and didn’t even think about calling to tell me??”
“I…” Satoshi stuttered, but it was no use. Nino arched an eyebrow and waited for his answer, which Satoshi thought he could never give. He couldn’t say that his heart almost broke seeing Nino together with that girl.
“Satoshi,” When Nino sensed that Satoshi wouldn’t answer him any time soon, he sighed in defeat. “What is the problem?”
“She called you,” Satoshi suddenly said. He was tired of all of this. “Twice. But I didn’t let you know… I’m sorry.”
“And that’s why you didn’t come home tonight?” Nino frowned “I’m not going to be mad at you just because of that!”
“No, it just…” Satoshi mumbled “I saw you two when I came home…”
“Huh? So you came home?” Nino rolled his eyes in disbelief “Why didn’t you just come in…”
“I couldn’t,” Satoshi shook his head quietly “I thought you two wanted to be alone…”
“What?” Nino frowned again “Why would I want to be alone with her?”
“She… is your girlfriend, isn’t she? So it’s normal to want to be alone with her…” Satoshi said, confused.
Nino’s eyes widened and he had a strange expression on his face that Satoshi couldn’t quite decipher. Was he angry? Or did he find it funny? Why did he look like he was going to laugh?
“Who told you she’s my girlfriend???” Nino cried, his anger was replaced by a half-wanting-to-laugh, half-wanting-to-keep-serious face. Satoshi tilted his head uncertainly.
“Uh… She told me that?”
“What?? I’m going to kill her!” Nino grunted as he scratched his head, frustrated “She’s my sister, Satoshi!!!! And there is no way I’ll ever like a girl like her!!! She’s a disaster!!!”
“Your sister?” Satoshi’s jaw dropped at the sudden information. Nino nodded, and with one long stride he was in front of Satoshi as he pulled the other man into his embrace. Satoshi could feel heat on his cheeks when he realized that Aiba was right. He really just misunderstood it all.
“And that’s why you left?” Nino murmured, his hand tightening around Satoshi. Satoshi could only nod.
“I didn’t want to see you with her…” Satoshi answered with an inaudible voice. Nino only chuckled.
“What about another girl?” Nino teased, and Satoshi hugged Nino back just as tight.
“I don’t want to see you with any other girls.” He said, and quickly added when Nino was about to talk “Or boys.”
“Are you jealous?” Nino chuckled, and Satoshi could feel his face turn a deep shade of red.
“I don’t know if it’s jealousy, but I want you to be with only me,” Satoshi gathered all his courage, feeling all his blood had gushed to his face. But he had finally said it. He could feel Nino smiling into his shoulder, and was amazed that a gesture so simple could bring warmth all over his body.
They stayed like that for a while, and when Satoshi wondered if Nino would ever answer him, he heard his murmur.
“I’ll be with you only.”
And with that, Satoshi felt so happy that he could cry.
He smiled and hugged Nino tighter, kissing him with all his heart.

Outside the door, Sho and Aiba gave each other high-fives, with victorious smile on both of their faces.


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