Wednesday, May 25, 2011


うれしい - Happy ♥

Yes, today I'm happy. Why? Cause all my effort, time, scarification have come to a good result. My piano lesson. After a week of practicing non-stop day and night (I never practice my piano for more than 45minutes a day but now I've got no choice but to practice like 3-4 hours a day), my piano teacher said I'm so much better. She said my pieces are okay already. Meaning my pieces are ready for the exam. Yeay! I'm so happy! ♥

But I don't think I played very well in today's piano class cause I'm still stuck at certain parts. Also, I still lack of rubato in my second piece and my fingers still tangles in my third piece and in the middle part in my first piece. I think i can play better.

However, my scales, I don't know why I panicked in class just now that it sucks. At home, I practiced them so well but I just ruined everything in class. And my exercises are okay except for the last piece! I just realized I've been practicing the wrong notes all this while! OMG!

As a conclusion, I still need more practice.

But overall, it's only satisfying but I'm still happy! ♥

Anyway, tonight, I'm gonna have my belated birthday steamboat with my family. Yeay! And Cake cutting celebration too. ♥

And I'm thinking to go over to my friend's house to play with her puppies again. They are all new born puppies. They looked so cute and fragile. So vulnerable. ♥ Can you imagine how small they are?


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