Monday, May 30, 2011

The Day

In like 8hours time, the time will arrive; my grade 8 piano exam.

OMG! I'm so scared. I know I've practice well enough for my pieces and exercises. But I'm still average in scales and my aural is lower than average and my sight reading is even worst (The worst of all, am expecting to give up my 10marks sight reading).
I had piano lesson just now in the afternoon. I felt that I've played really well in my first piece. My second piece was very okay too except I got panicked in the last 2 pages that i ruined it a bit. And my third piece, I got out of control. But overall, it's okay.

I'm gonna wake up at 7am later and practice till 8am and start going for the exam at 9.05am. So, wish me luck everyone. I hope I don't panic. (I hope the chocolates you gave me will help like a miracle for me to not be panic).

But every time when I played well, one thing always come in my mind: Now that I can play my 3 pieces well, i can't fulfill my promise anymore. I know, the past is the past. If there's still a chance, I'll still play it for you cause you were the source for me to have the enthusiasm and the will to practice. I'm sorry and thank you.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Doggies In The House

New born puppies are in the house! ♥ Well, not in my house but in my friend's house. They are so cute! ♥ Like 2 weeks old puppies.

Can't stand but to take pics of them.

I adopted one but I can't bring her home so I'll let Ai Yin to take care for me and I'll go visit her from time to time. I name her 'Bear Bear' cause she really looked like one. I'll buy her a big pretty ribbon next time. ♥
Anyway, the others are cute too! I so feel like bringing them home!
There are all seven of them. adorable. ♥

Maybe when they can walk and really drink or eat something (other than their mum's milk) I'll bring Bear Bear home for a day or two. ♥


The other day, I went to take pics of a doggie too. Name, Chloe. I love her! ♥
I wish she's not taken away. I wold be very sad. *cries*


Anyway, my piano exam is in 2days time. Wish me luck.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


うれしい - Happy ♥

Yes, today I'm happy. Why? Cause all my effort, time, scarification have come to a good result. My piano lesson. After a week of practicing non-stop day and night (I never practice my piano for more than 45minutes a day but now I've got no choice but to practice like 3-4 hours a day), my piano teacher said I'm so much better. She said my pieces are okay already. Meaning my pieces are ready for the exam. Yeay! I'm so happy! ♥

But I don't think I played very well in today's piano class cause I'm still stuck at certain parts. Also, I still lack of rubato in my second piece and my fingers still tangles in my third piece and in the middle part in my first piece. I think i can play better.

However, my scales, I don't know why I panicked in class just now that it sucks. At home, I practiced them so well but I just ruined everything in class. And my exercises are okay except for the last piece! I just realized I've been practicing the wrong notes all this while! OMG!

As a conclusion, I still need more practice.

But overall, it's only satisfying but I'm still happy! ♥

Anyway, tonight, I'm gonna have my belated birthday steamboat with my family. Yeay! And Cake cutting celebration too. ♥

And I'm thinking to go over to my friend's house to play with her puppies again. They are all new born puppies. They looked so cute and fragile. So vulnerable. ♥ Can you imagine how small they are?


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Declared Twenty

It's 24th May 2011. My 20th birthday is over. I'm really officially declared 20 years old. (Am old already)

My birthday was great. Thank you everyone!

2 days before my birthday, I celebrated at the beach and some where near my friend's house with my secondary school friends (Kar Ming, Kah Yee, Sin Yee & Ai Yin) with a picnic! ♥

My grandma and god-mother gave me ang pau~ ♥♥♥

When my birthday starts at 12am, Eugene surprised me a self-made cake and chocolates! ♥

Then I didn't go for class in the morning cause it was raining too heavily and I was lazy to get up. So I continued sleeping.

When I woke up and opened my door, I found a present on my doorstep. I guess it's from my mum! It's from my brother! ♥♥♥

My 3 college classmates present me a cake and a mug with arashi pictures in it. It's the heat-color-changing mug thingy! ♥

Evening, I went to Harvest In Cafe for dinner. ♥

My dad wanted to make a steamboat on Wednesday so he said to leave the birthday cake (my brother bought for me) to be cut on Wednesday. ♥♥♥

At night, Xeng suddenly called me out for a eat-out. Tho it's only a drink but I'm very happy to see him. It has been a while. Smart looking Xeng! ♥

I'm really happy! Thanks a lot!

 From my brother
 From Eugene
From my college classmates

My family, cousins, relatives, KY, Yvonne, Hoay Hoay, Jo Yen, Tauke, Mimi, Alfred, Wu Feng, Jacob, Gita, Sarah, Steph, Swee Ming, Daniel, Mun Yee, Zhi Kang, Tai Lou, Joey, all my college classmates, Hui Kian, Sherine, Vi-chan, Noeil-chan and my other LJ friends and my other CLS friends and TARC friends and outside friends etc., anyone and everyone who wished me, thank you so much! (Tho I'm still waiting for someone to wish me.) I really appreciate it! ♥


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last 19th

Just wanna post something before my sweet 19 ends.

Neh... It wasn't really a good nineteen years old year actually. Everything wasn't really well in my 19.
So, I hope my 20 will be nice.

I went celebrating with Kar Ming them earlier yesterday. She pushed me into the sea but it was fun. Thanks for the happy night! And thanks for the sticky and fruit tarts.

Today, thanks to my mum that I had an awful evening. Ugh~ Don't mention it, really.

Anyway, I just wanna say tho it's not a really good 19 but I still love it. Thanks everyone or anyone who made my 19 a nice year.

And Happy Birthday to myself first! <3


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Exposed & Nervous

Suddenly, a fact that I decided to remain silence had been exposed to my 2 classmates.

It's not that I wanna hide from them on purpose cause I don't treat them as friends. I just don't fell like it's a must to expose it to anyone.

It's not like I denied and lied too. I did admit when they asked too. So it's not counted as I hide from them intentionally, right?

Anyway, sorry I didn't tell you guys.

Sometimes, I felt like it's so hard being in between them. I put them all as the same level. So, I felt guilty in either side when I scarify one side for another side. So, please understand me. *Sobs...sobs...*

Oh, and please, don't expose anymore okay? I don't want to let more people know.


My piano is bad. My exam is in 2 weeks time. Gosh~ I don't know how to practice anymore and I'm really bad in it. Especially when I play in front of people, I'm even worst. What to do... What to do...?
I don't feel like going anywhere but to stay at home and practice my piano day and night. Which means, including going to college. What made me felt worst was I only have 2 more piano classes only before my piano exam starts. I hope my teacher could spare more time for me for these 2 weeks. I could give up college classes tho.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Years - Never Fail

HOMG!!! I love this fanfic sooooo much!!! This writter never fails in amusing me in her fanfics!

Title: [Y]ears

Series: Alphabets Challenge
This was written a while ago, therefore the year ended in 2010.

Fifteen years ago, we were strangers.
We didn’t know each other existed, didn’t have any connection.
That fateful year, I was accepted in JE. In the first few months, I was still getting used to things, still meeting new people every single day. Before I knew it, I saw you in a sea of people.
We were arranged in the same stage play together, along with Masaki. In the same year, M.A.I.N was formed. That year connected us together.
I made my first drama debut that year in Amagi Goe. I still remember the smile and the praises you had for me after you watched it. Those smiles and praises were so intoxicating, my chest felt weird and I wasn’t able to sleep for a few nights.
I was planning to quit Johnnys at the end of that year, but I was tricked into debuting. When I found out about this, I was already standing on a goddamn boat facing at least 20 reporters while suppressing the need to vomit.
But then when I see the happy smile you had on your face, I suddenly thought that debuting wasn’t all that bad.
I was given the ‘bad boy’ role in Handoku. This was my first time playing such a character, and I didn’t have many people to ask for advice. While I was wondering how to portray the character, you offered to help.
“But I have more experience in acting than you do.” I chuckled as we both sat on your bed, a script in my hands.
“Oi! I offered help here!” You chuckled as you bent down to search for something under your bed. When you presented a bottle of alcohol, I gave you a questioning look.
“We’re under age, Jun.”
“Come on Nino! You’re playing a bad boy character right? Underage drinking is the perfect practice to be a bad boy!” You smiled as you uncapped the bottle, and took a big sip.
Hesitantly, I took a sip as well. I took a bigger sip, just because I didn’t want to lose to you. Us being hot-headed teenagers that hate to lose to one another, we took turns sipping more alcohol than the other did in the last turn. Not too long after, the bottle was emptied and our faces were crimson red. Our consciousness however, seemed to remain. Just barely though.
“I never thought that-” Just as I turned to the side to look at your face, I realized that we were merely inches apart from each other.
My voice seemed to have stopped working, and my body froze when your face got bigger and bigger. When your lips touched mine, I felt my body getting weaker and weaker.
When my mind decided to work again, I tried to struggle out of you.
But you didn’t stop. Your arms tightened around my shoulders as you press me onto the bed, lips demanding more and more. For some reason, I stopped struggling.
Even after you pulled away, you stayed in a close proximity. Your face filled my vision and our panting was all I could hear.
“Push me away…” You suddenly said. “Push me away and leave. Don’t look back. I promise I won’t go after you…”
I could hear the self restrain in your trembling voice. The grip you had on my shoulders was gone, fisting the bed sheets instead. You tilted your head from me, but I could still see your face. The usual confidence you had was gone, and your eyes were filled with uncertainty.
Slowly, I lifted my body up to kiss you.
“Nino…” You were stunned for a few seconds, but recovered almost immediately. You seemed to have gained confidence through my kiss, and gently pushed me back down on the bed.
I didn’t care if alcohol provoked us, but I circled my arms around you as our naked bodies connected. I wanted your warmth, needed your touches.
Other than you, nothing in the world mattered.
It’s been years since the first time we met, embraced and loved. As years passed by, problems surfaced but we didn’t dare to voice them out.
I can’t give you the things you want, and the things I can offer aren’t what you are looking for. We aren’t suited for each other, yet we didn’t want to give up. Neither of us wanted to admit defeat, wanted to face the fact that we are a mistake.
We were both in denial, both unwilling to lose. When we lay in each other’s arms, trying to search for the warmth that drew us together in the first place, we found nothing.
We would both want to cry as we hug, because something was missing.
In the end, we finally decided to let our tears fall. We cried as we enjoyed each other’s warmth, knowing that this embrace will be our last.
When we can’t find the reason to hold onto each other anymore, we were inevitably destined to turn back into friends.
Fifteen years ago, we were strangers.
Fifteen years later, we’re friends.
We still go out to drink and fool around in the green room. We still smile and care for each other, except that kind of care has turned into something else. 


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cold Mornings

I find her story is kinda peaceful and I like her style of writting.

Title: Cold mornings
Author: ggumilgeoya
Pairing: ohmiya
Genre: r; angst, romance
Ratings: Probably Pg-13
Words: 505
Summary: Dark curtains and smudged make-up.
It's not even seven o'clock. Too early to be awake, too late to get to bed. You are already up. Work is demanding everything from you. And yet. To you it seems like you are still sleeping.

The curtains are still closed. But it doesn't matter. They have the same colour as the night sky anyway.

You yawn. Stretch. And lean against the fluffy sofa. Shuffling, and then you are not longer alone in the room.

Morning” Ohno yawns.“Morning” you respond in kind as you slouch further down the sofa.

Short night?”Short night.” The other nods. And watches your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes lock. The clock keeps ticking. You swallow. And then you are already up on your feet.

It's really cold outside for June.” you say randomly while striving forward towards the make-up table. He gets up the second you arrive there.

My hands were -are- freezing.” There are only a few millimetres between you. You look up. And then he's already turning you around. And before you know it your sitting comfortably on the wooden make-up table. Tubes and brushes find their way to the floor as he presses into you. Presses you against the mirror behind you.
Your legs wind around his waist. You press your foreheads together. Breath him in.
You are cold.” “So are you”. And then his hands worm around your cheeks. His thumbs drawing circles along the curve of your eyes. You lean into the touch. Smile. Feel how warmth his slowly starting to spread where his hands are touching you.

He presses further. Another small tube finds its way to the floor. And you respond. And kiss him.

It's feverish and hurried. Arms, hands are pulling the other closer, closer. Your legs are tightening around him. He gasps into your kiss. You chuckle and whine. As his left hand pinches your cheek. You want to protest. But now he's kissing your neck. Lifts your shirt and trails his nose along your collarbone. And so you stop thinking. And surrender to the warmth. Press further and further (into him).  

Minutes later, with both of your shirts gone. And your trousers tangled somewhere around your feet. You are resting your forehead against his shoulder. His hands drawing little stars on your back.  

Are you still cold?” he asks in a soft voice. Small lips against your ear.

You don't answer. But tighten your hold around his body. Your gaze drifts to the dark curtains. You smile and press against him. He happily obliges. And responds in kind until your are pressed flush against one another.

There is only you and him in that little room. The slow ticking of the clock on the wall. Your heartbeats and those dark curtains that shield you from the outside. Here it is only you and him. He kisses your forehead. And you know he is thinking the same.

It's seven thirty. And the coldness has disappeared. You are ready to wake up.

Mr.Children: HANABI

I just happen to watch Code Blue in TV again and so I went to search for the theme song. Unexpectedly it was sang by Mr. Children. It's quite a nice song.

HANABI (Fireworks)

English Translation:

What value left is there
in this world I live in?
I start thinking its all meaningless
or maybe I’m just tired?
In exchange for something I got
I gave up a number of precious things
but it’s not such a peaceful world
that I can lament each and every one.
What kind of dreams should I envision?
What kind of hopes should I take with me as I go forward?
These seemingly impossible to answer questions
Get buried in my day to day life.
If you were here I wonder what you would say?
you’d probably say I was being “gloomy” and have a laugh.
I just wish i could see your gentle smile to blow away my melancholy.
even if it’s a light like fireworks
that can never be caught
one more time, one more time, one more time, one more time
I want to reach out for it.
We all carry sadness with us
but we hope for a better tomorrow
I wonder to what extent we can love a world
gripped by fear, thrown into unrest?
I get choked up on the words ’cause I think too much
I hate how clumsy I am
Yet oddly enough, I hate more how skillfully I can pretend.
Whether we spend the years laughing or crying
time passes the same for all
the future is calling to us
are you, now, hearing it too?
Even though we knew from the start
that we’d eventually have to say goodbye
one more time, one more time, one more time, one more time
and as many times as I can I hope to see you again.
I never imagined that simply meeting you
could make the world seem so beautiful
would you laugh at me for being simple minded?
I want to say “thank you” to you from my heart.
I wish my heart flowed fast and smooth like water
so that it would not settle in one place.
For all those times when I need to see you
for those times when I’ll miss you so
one more time, one more time, one more time, one more time
I want to burn your memory deep in me.
We all have our problems
but we hope for a better tomorrow
I wonder to what extent we can love a world
gripped by fear, thrown into unrest?
one more time, one more time,
one more time, one more time…

Marvel Studio

Since 1944, live action films of Marvel Comic had been filmed. The first was Captain America. Of all these years, many other films based on Marvel Comic had been released.

This year, 2011, three films are being filmed;
  Captain America: The First Avenger
X-Men: First Class 

Last year, they released: Iron Man 2. Next year they are gonna release Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, The Avengers and The Amazing Spider-Man.

I never really like to watch these movies until I watched Thor. (Of course I''v watched Spiderman and ... Well, that's the only Marvel film I've watched.) It's amazing. The graphic and stuff. Now, I'm waiting for Captain America. The trailer seems nice. When I was young, I've played video game on Captain America before (with my brother). Such memorable memory.

Anyway, I kinda got a bit addicted to there Marvel Heroes. So, stay tune.


Saturday, May 14, 2011


After watching Arashi's Scene Concert, I fell in love with this song again, 静かな夜に (Shizuka na Yoru ni); One Silent Night by Ohno Satoshi. His dance was so awesome! ♥

雨の調べ 漂う涙の奏 霞む空が 覗いていた
時を止めて まどろむ森の深くに 記憶を隠したまま 光探す

幾つも色を重ねるたび 夢のように滲んでゆく (Baby)
たなびく風に身を委ねたなら 届かないこの声も

伸ばした手のひらに触れた光 通り過ぎてゆく
目覚め忘れた 花を濡らして
まるでそれはいつか見た景色 戻れない
ひとり描き続けた 静かな夜に

瞳閉じて 流れる涙はどこへ 眠れぬ長い夜に 星を探す

指先なぞるかすれた色 形さえ薄れてゆく (Baby)
震える胸に溶かした傷みが 流れてはとめどなく

追いかけて儚く消えた夢に 心は揺れて
別れを告げた 何も言わずに
誰かの呼ぶ声が今もまだ 響いてる
ひとり立ち尽くしてた  遠く見つめて

月は君を映し出して 白く輝く
雨は降り止むこともなく 僕を包んだ

伸ばした手のひらに触れた光 通り過ぎてゆく
目覚め忘れた 花を濡らして
まるでそれはいつか見た景色 戻れない
ひとり描き続けた 静かな夜に

追いかけて儚く消えた夢に 心は揺れて
別れを告げた 何も言わずに
誰かの呼ぶ声が今もまだ 響いてる
ひとり立ち尽くしてた 遠く見つめて

The melody of rain The music of tears dropping The hazy sky is peeking through
Stop time Deep in a sleeping forest where you hid your memories Search for the light

When many colors overlap, blurring like a dream (Baby)
If possible, abandon yourself to the lingering wind, along with this voice that can't reach you

The light that touched the palm of your extended hand passes through
Water the flowers that forgot to wake up
It's as if that is a landscape I'd seen some time I can't go back
I continued to draw alone Into this quiet night

Close your eyes Where did the flowing tears go? On this long sleepless night, search for the stars

My fingertips trace the colors lightly, if only by the fading shapes (Baby)
The grief that melted away from my trembling heart flowed endlessly

The fleeting dreams that I was chasing disappeared, shaking my heart
I was told goodbye and didn't say anything back
Someone's voice calling out to me still echoes now
Tired of standing on my own and staring into the distance

The moon reflects you White and shining
The rain, without ever stopping, engulfs me

The light that touched the palm of your extended hand passes through
Water the flowers that forgot to wake up
It's as if that is a landscape I'd seen sometime I can't go back
I continued to draw alone Into this quiet night

The fleeting dreams that I was chasing disappeared, shaking my heart
I was told goodbye and didn't say anything back
Someone's voice calling out to me still echoes now
Tired of standing on my own and staring into the distance


Scene DVD Dome and Beautiful World Album

New Arashi DVD Scene (Dome) release!

The DVD will be released on 15th June, will have 2 versions, we can see Fukuoka concert (16th Jan 2011), we have Limited Edition and Regular Edition.

LE has these special contents:: (3 discs)
・嵐ドキュメンタリー Arashi documentary (hell yeah! <3)
・アルバムジャケット撮影風景 Album Jacket behind the scenes
・ソロインタビュー Solo interview
・ミュージックビデオ「タイトル未定」 PV (title not decided yet)
LE will have premium package + Live photobook
Re has these: (2 discs)
・ソロインタビュー Solo interview 
・ミュージックビデオ「タイトル未定」 PV (title not decided yet)
Both things included on the LE

New album "Beautiful World" will be released on 6th of July, will have 7 new songs plus 5 solo songs (and of course the singles released from Bokumite album till now :P), the first press edition will have special lyrics booklet.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Opposite of Good is?

The opposite of good is bad. Yes, I've got a bad day.

Woke up in the morning feeling heavy. Prepared and started off to Prangin Mall to search for my McDonald Can Glass. I don't know if the cashier speaks English or not or she's new or whatever it is, I'm sure I made myself clear asking "Excuse me, I wanna ask if the Can Glass is still available?" but she couldn't understand what I was saying. Anyway, it's not available. So I rushed to Sunrice McDonalds and it's not available anymore too. On the way there, i met this stupid driver driving a silver Toyota, driving so damn slow and yet let other car cut in the line in front of him and was driving like a snake! I'm so unlucky to unconsciously followed him from behind.

So I went to have my lunch with my classmates and went to class late. Then I got home having a headache and went to sleep.

Luckily I had at least a good evening. Dinner with my parents and went pasar malam with Eugene and met Zhi Khang on the road and went pasar malam and ate with him and his girlfriend. He bought lots of bananas and ate like 5 of them in the coffee shop. Lolz...XD We talked and stuff. Then after that, i went to Farlim McDonalds to get the Can Glass again but it's not available anymore too. Sad.
Then went to see star and saw a cute cat. It's so adorable. Then went home when it started drizzling. Luckily the day ended well.

By the way, you! Don't be sad okay? I'm here for you anytime. Don't be disappointed okay? If you are, then I'm even more disappointed with my Can Glass thingy already. Hugssssss... Have a good sleep and everything will be fine the next day.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

School Starts

First day of Year 3 Semester 1. My class's timetable sucks. Class starts at 8.30am which means I have to wake up an hour earlier. Ugh~ 8am is already struggling, now 7.30am is like hell.

Anyway, first class was boring. Then we had 4 hours break. Then second class was a bit more exciting cause my classmates and I were like planning where to hang out, barbaque, Alor Setar trip and stuff. Then we were like talking about the McDonalds Coca-Cola glass. I want to collect them all this time. They look really pretty. Especially the purple one! But I missed the first one. But I'm still gonna go get the second one tomorrow! Yeay! I was actually thinking to get it today before my second class starts but then I overslept before going to my second class.
Anyway, I was really excited planning those days and they were like booking all my days up cause we had lots and lots of activities pending and my days are like kinda full. Lolz...


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Don't Fanfic

Just read this fanfic. it's really a nice one. Someone should read this! The you is me and the he is you. Imagine while reading.

Title: Don't
Author: zero_shichi
Characters: Arashi
Pairings: OhMiya
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG
Summary: You couldn't believe your ears, but one glance at his eyes, you know you're not just hearing things.
Warning: Second person's point of view from Ohno's view of things, if that made sense. T_T

You couldn’t believe your ears, but one glance at his eyes, you know you’re not just hearing things. But there’s still that question that you wanted to ask: Why?
It had only been two months, give or take a week. He had been the one who confessed, and it took you completely by surprise. In spite of everything, he’s your best friend, and it hadn’t actually occurred to you that he would like you that way.
Though even if that was the case, you couldn’t help but think that he’s cute when he turns all shy and blushes like that. Maybe that was why you said ‘yes’ without even blinking. And it was a really good choice, since you probably wouldn’t have forgiven yourself if you had missed the burst of happiness in his eyes and that adorable little grin that followed your reply.
At that time, you still didn’t know how much that ‘yes’ meant to him. But you never actually bothered to confirm, because he’s always there and he’s happy. That was all that mattered.
Although you were aware of one thing; nothing had changed in your relationship even afterwards.
He clung to you the same as always, one of his hands automatically lifting itself and moving unconsciously on its way to some part of your body; mostly your hip, your back, your hair, and sometimes when you’re lucky (which you won’t ever admit to anyone that you’re anticipating), your hand. He expresses his affection to you the same way, and you made sure that you’re always ready to accept it without a second thought.
You were getting accustomed to everything, but not really because you know that nothing is different. You’re still best friends, but also more than just.
You didn’t think anything had gone wrong at any point in time, which once again begs that question in your mind: Why?
But you find that you couldn’t quite voice this question out. You try to clench your hands, to know if they’re still there, but it only made you realize at once that they’re trembling.
You feel something shatter in your chest, because he’s not looking at you, and you want him to, so that you can see the confirmation that he’s just joking, or you’re just one way or another dreaming. Because it just couldn’t be true.
He was always there and he never stopped telling you he loved you, never once restrained himself in showing it even in front of the public eye, and he always made you feel it.
And then in a flash of understanding, like a bolt of lightning suddenly hitting your spine, you become conscious of what didn’t happen.
He always touched you, a constant presence and words of affection that you abruptly realize were a little bit desperate, and, if you actually paid attention, insistent. You just accepted them with a reassuring smile each time.
Now it dawned onto you that you on no occasion touched him first, and now that you allow yourself to look back, it struck you with an amazing force and a rushing sense of guilt and ache that you’ve not ever told him that you love him, too.
And if you paid a little interest and some of your time looking at him properly, you’d have seen how exhausted he looked for reasons more than the heavy workload. That if you just stayed and stare for a moment after each time he said ‘I love you’, you’d have seen that he was waiting for you to say it back.
And if you didn’t continue reading the fishing magazine you had in hand before he came, you’d have noticed the resigned look on his face before he curled on your side with his DS magically emerging in his hands.
If only you did, but you didn’t, because you’re an asshole who (if you’re truly honest with yourself) didn’t deserve his whole-hearted attention and affection.
So now he’s breaking up with you.
You stand quietly in the middle of the green room with just the two of you, and you realize with a start that he’s walking away, and there’s that unexpected crushing feeling in your heart, like the whole world just fell down on you just by seeing his back, and the way his shoulders sagged like it was all he could do to keep going.
It’s getting harder and harder for you to breath with every steps he take, and the pain in every inch of your body was becoming overwhelming that you’re almost convinced that you’re having your worst nightmare and you’re being tortured in hell right now.
You raise a hand in a motion that would’ve told him stop if he was looking.
You open your mouth, your heart shouting don’t go, but all that came out was a feeble croak, dry and needy, like you haven’t tasted water for a very long time.
He might’ve heard it, because he turned around just a moment before he managed to hold the doorknob.
He looks at your face slowly, meeting your eyes with a painstaking emotion that suddenly turned into a pure declaration of shock. His eyes widen and his mouth falls, and something in his eyes turn soft and sorry, if a tiny bit hopeful, for a reason you can’t comprehend completely.
Every edges of his expression were apologising, and he’s walking back to you before you can do anything to react.
It was only when you blinked that you realize your own tears flowing, and not only your hands are trembling now, but your whole body and every corner of your bones, so violently that you’re certain you’ll break down any minute now.
But you didn’t, because he was suddenly holding you, his arms around your waist and his face buried on your neck. He was holding you together, carrying your weight in his already fragile state.
You vaguely heard him whisper your name, like it’s a sacred word of love, so softly, that you’ll even believe that you only imagined it.
You blink again, and you’re hugging him back, tightly, like the two of you are the only ones holding each other from breaking point. You exhale, which sounded more like a broken shudder as you found yourself chanting on his hair, softly, desperately, don’t leave me, don’t leave me, don’t leave me, while your tears continue to fall down, wetting a spot on his shoulder where your face is resting.
It took you a moment before you register his voice, so full of regret, “Oh-chan, I’m so sorry. Please stop crying. Don’t cry. Please.”
But you’re too relieved, his figure and scent around you too familiar that you’re confident you’d die without it. He runs his hand on your back, a habitual gesture, comfort, a movement that speaks so many words in a manner that only you can understand.
It was probably after 5 minutes (which felt inexplicably like a lifetime) when you managed to calm down, just a bit, but you still couldn’t let go of him, terrified that he might disappear if you do, and you can’t deal with that, because you know, and you haven’t told him, but you know it’s true and it’s overflowing to the point that its already so painful, and you want him to stay, that’s why—
“I love you.”
A beat and a half, and there’s another rush of relief when you feel him smile in the crook of your neck. He mouths the words back, like he’s etching it on your skin over and over, engraving you with the forming shape of his emotions in every parts of your body he touched.
So you swear, you swear to yourself that you’ll try again; start not just to accept his touch but to give it back, touch him back, and let him feel how much you love him, too.
And you’ll say it as often as he does, or twice more, every single moment that you have with him.
And it doesn’t matter if it’s for all eternity, because that’s exactly what you need, precisely what you’re wishing for.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Shipping Romance

Just read a few fanfic and found this. This wasn't very nice but still it's simple. So, I decided to re-post it.

Title: Shipping romance
Pairing: Ohno Satoshi/ "you"
Rating:  PG-13
Genre: romance, friendship, angst, drama 
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, but the story is mine. :D
Note: English is not my native language, so I'm sorry for mistakes
Summary: Yoko is dating Suki since weeks, but nothing happens between them. And it seems she to prefers

You met him some months ago. It was love at the first sight, but you always had the feeling that he wasn't really interested in you, even though you were a couple.
Ohno was really caring about you, and you felt the passion in his kisses, but he never said a word and told you that he loved you.
„What do you want to do next weekend?“, he asked you in the evening. You knew what he wanted from you. He wanted to go fishing and it was the most boring thing you could imagine, but you loved him and that means you also loved his hobby in a small way.
“I don’t know, I don’t have any special plans, what about you?”, you asked him innocently, robbing closer to him till your legs touched each other.

He smiled at you and answered after a while: “You know what I want to do!” You grinned back and nodded, but in your head you already had the horror picture of another boring day on the ship.

He stood up and stroked above your cheek, kissing you slightly before he walked to the bathroom. You really wished that he’d show you his love more often, and you were quite unsure about his feelings towards you. There must be love from his side, but you didn’t know if he felt the same as you did, and for you it was more like “just try if it works out”. You never felt the way you did this time, and you never had the wish to stay with someone forever till you met Ohno.

Later in the night you went to bed and Ohno was still sleeping. You had a lot of work to do, so it got later than you wanted. You looked at the man next to you. He was sleeping, small wrinkles around his mouth and you were wondering what he was dreaming about. After an hour lying awake you finally found some sleep.

On the weekend you prepared yourself for the boat trip. You sighed deeply and rolled your eyes when you heard him from behind: “You don’t have to join if you do not want to”. You just smiled and shook your head. It would be the best day you ever head, but you didn’t perceive that.

Some hours later you stood in the small kitchen on the boat and knit the strawberries for your planned dinner. You decided to stay one night on the sea, and you couldn’t deny it, but it felt strange to be on the sea during night. The last months you refused to stay longer than a few hours there, but this time you agreed.

You really wanted to check his feelings, and the best way for this was escaping from every day life and creating something special.

You ran up and down and after an hour you were done with everything and sneaked around where Ohno was sitting and staring on his rod in the water. He didn’t recognize you and winced when you hugged him from behind.

“Oh god, I get a heart attack…”, he looked at you and smiled shortly.

“Dinner is ready”, you grinned and looked at his irritated face.

“But we ate two hours ago?”, he answered and stood up when you pulled on his arm.

”Dessert…”, you just said and pushed him around till you reached the other side. He looked at the blanket on the ground, the strawberries and the candles around him. You knew he wasn’t the romantic type at all, and normally you weren’t too, but you really wanted this day to be special.

His sight fell on a small piece of paper, which was lying next to his glass of wine. “You should read it”, you whispered into his ear, let his hand off to sit down on the ground.

You could feel your heart beat fast and you breathed in deeply. You had no idea how he’d react when he read your letter, but you had to write everything down, because you weren’t good in using words.

He looked at the paper and started to read.

Dear Ohno,

We met up some months ago, and you maybe you can’t believe what this meant to me. I never thought I could fall in love with someone after my last relationship, but you managed it to make my rainy life became sunny again.

It was love at the first sight, at least from my point and my world melted away when you kissed me. I never thought you were interested in me, but when I saw your eyes on this evening I knew that there was more between us, and I just tried to find out what you were feeling in this moment.

Maybe I haven’t said it that often during the last time, but I really love you, and I can’t imagine being together with someone else.

I am not good with words, so I hope you forgive me for writing you even though I am sitting next to you right now.

I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone and I really hope you feel the same as I did.

You could see that he was reading the last sentence again and again. You waited for his statement, but for a long time there was only silence between both of you. You felt the tears came up in you, because you didn’t know what this meant. Wasn’t he in love, was everything too quick from your side, did you make a mistake….

You bit on your lips and looked at the sea. The moon was reflecting on the water and after another minute of silence you looked at him and said his name. You could see him wincing shortly and finally he looked at you.

His eyes were teary and you knitted your eyebrows when he started to speak with a broken voice.
“Why do you think I don’t feel the same for you?”

You didn’t thought of such a question but you wanted to be honest and you felt heart pumping against your chest when you started to speak: “You never said a single word…”


“You never said that you love me”, you looked up and met his eyes.

“I never got a letter like this one…”, he said. You looked irritated at him, because you didn’t know what he wanted to tell you right now.

“It never happened that someone told me that he loved me. Or I should better say, no one ever told me that he loved me and was honest with his words. Every girl just said it because I am an idol, but I never got a letter where every word was so full of emotion and I believe every word of it”, he continued and rubbed his eyes.

Was he really crying right now? You didn’t know what you should do and waited some moments till he looked up at you again. “That’s why I never said that I love you, because I was afraid that you didn’t feel the same.” He whispered.

You could hit him, because it wasn’t logical at all, but when you saw his face, you couldn’t do anything but robbing up to him and sitting down on his lap. Your hands were close around his neck and you felt his breathe on your skin.

“I love you”, you heard him whispering in your ear. You dissolved from him and looked into his dark eyes and replied: “I love you too”.

You could see him smiling at you, and you felt his hands running down your back. You bent over a bit and touched his lips with yours. He leaned into the kiss and you never felt something in your body like you did during these minutes and you hoped this feeling would never change again.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Great Hang Outs

These days are full of fun!

Two days ago, we went Prangin Mall and 1st Avenue for shopping. Then we were in Queensbay Mall and Autocity. We had J.Co Yogurt Ice-Cream in Queensbay Mall. Definitely thumbs up! ♥ Then we went to autocity to TAO. Mimi and I kinda set it as like every year in the month of May, we'll celebrate our birthday together since we were born in the month of May. Last year, we went to TAO too. My cousin came along as well and she got lost somewhere on the way to Autocity. It was fun and was very full eating those! I like the crab meat with cheese and takoyaki. ♥ They ate lots and lots of scallops and there's oyster too. But the service was kinda bad. I kinda got pissed off with the waitress from the beginning till the end.

Then we went to BED for a drink. They ordered 2 bottles of Hoegarden and a Pina Callada for us. ♥ Pina Callada was not that good. We drank and talked and stuff. Then we took pictures too. I listen to lots of story and it's interesting.

Yesterday, I went Sakae Sushi but the food was kinda bad after they changed the menu, again. Ugh~ This is the second time they change and it's getting worst. And I still want my okonomiyaki! I wonder if Autocity's sakae Tenpanyaki has it. Then we went for a movie, THOR. A nice movie! The graphic is so pretty! ♥ Oh, and I met Yvonne! Such coincidence. And all of the sudden, Jo Yen texted me and said she saw me! It really has been a while since we see each other! ^^

Today, Mimi called me out for a drink with all the others photographic society members at the beach. It was fun! We played 'true-or-dare' and it was still fun. I drank a bottle tho. Then we talked and stuff. We should do that again some other time!

P.S. Happy 2nd Month Anniverysary!!! ♥♥♥
