Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hectic Life

Monday was bored. Taxation class, somehow, I felt that I become one of the so-called active student cause I was talking and stuff but didn't quite like this kind of me. Anyway, in class, I was drawing a lot instead. Well, not as much as when I drew in TARC.
After class, I went for lunch with Ah Hui, Ah Fook and 2 other classmates in the college cafeteria for the first time. The food wasn't bad and the cost was reasonable too. I ate fried rice with chicken set. Not bad. We talked a bit here and there and I just realized these guys are gonna be my coursework group-mates. Once again, I'm the only girl.
Oh yes, morning, finally Gurney management called me and asked me to start work the next day. I was a bit glad but a bit not ready for work actually. I didn't mind tho.

At night, I went for steamboat with Ah Khang and Lilian like we agreed last week. Too bad Eugene can't go. I was more quiet tho cause I was busy eating. Lolz... My habit, while eating, I don't talk. It was fun too tho. And Zhi Khang came up with a mini fry bird egg. It was so cute.
After steamboat, I went home. I started doing the handwork thing. Actually I'm just helping my mum but I'll get paid too. There's a lot of them but I like doing them.
Tuesday, class was boring as usual. We started to online and stuff instead of paying attention in class. Anyway, after class, we went for lunch together with another 3 girls. It was fun talking to them tho it's just basic introduction about ourselves.
After lunch, I went for work. First day of work was totally boring. Filing a stack of documents. After class, I went home. Had dinner and went to my uncle's office to teach my cousin to study. Ended up, chatting the whole night. It has been a while since I last talk to her about our stuff.

Ugh, my Tuesday was such a busy day. Nine in the morning, I had class. Two in the afternoon, I had my office work. Eight in the evening I had tuition class. Twelves in the midnight, I had my handwork.

Tho I really do admire people who work day and night, but I'm tired of it and I wouldn't do it too.

Wednesday, the first 9am morning class, we had already wasted 45minutes in changing classes (cause there's no classes for us to use). Buy the time the class settled down and started the lessons, it was already 10am. And the lecturer was like teaching for 15minutes and the class ended. OMG!

Anyway, I was surfing the net anyway so I don't really care. One of our classmates distributed chocolates for us! Loves it.
After class, Ah Fook, LeeShan, Ah Hui, Kar Hou and I were planning to go for lunch together since we've got like 3 and a half hours of breaktime. But it was too early for any restaurant to open for lunch. So we stayed in the computer lab and chat. Ah Hui and I were surfing the net for food and were teasing and making fun in facebook. Lolz....

At 11am, we decided to go to Gurney Plaza, Chopper Board to eat. The 5 of us and Evelyn went. We walked around first before going for our lunch. We went to MPH, talked a bit here and there. In Chopper Board, I was taking photos and stuff but the guys were shy. Lolz... While we girls were a bit excited to take photos. I wanna take cause it's our first outing together.
Then we went back to college to play poker cause we had lots of time. We were actually very tired already. Then English class was a bit tiring. The lecturer was talking to us about our group presentation. Damn it. Some people's characteristic came out unconsciously already which pisses me off a bit.

After class, went home tiredly. Continued the handwork thingy.

Thursday worked in the morning. It was boring, filing the whole day. I dismissed early and went to find Eugene. I wasn't feeling well cause I was too hungry in the morning. I went to his house and he cooked spaghetti carbonara for me! Well, for his family too. But he put in too much cheese but it's still nice.
Evening, we went to Gurney for dinner at Chopper Board. He ordered some dessert related to gula melaka and sago. It tasted nice tho.
Then we went for a movie, The Cat. It was nice. After the movie, we went home.

The ext day, Friday, my class canceled, so I worked full day. It was boring. Like I said in the previous post, I work too fast that they didn't have anymore jobs for me to do.
Breaktime was bring as well. I went to the arcade to play games tho. It wasn't that fun playing alone but what to do? I was bored.

After work, I went home. The next day, off day.

I was planning to finish up my assignments and coursework but Eugene called and said he got a day off, MC. Asked me to go over to meet him. After I finish my excel assignment, around 3pm, I went to find him.
I played with Romeo a while but then he got emo and went to a corner under a tea table and lay over there silently. Lolz....
Then we watched cartoon and stuff. Then I asked him to get me something from the kitchen. Suddenly he yelled. I was shocked. He said he saw a snake on his cupboard which was very near him. So I followed him to his kitchen and with a bamboo stick on his hand. Suddenly, the snake was near the stove windows but it couldn't get out cause the windows were closed. It was green and quite long.
Then it went to a corner in the small pails and filter. Eugene opened all the windows and tried to lift all the pails up but it wouldn't come out. Until one of the pails he lifted up, the snake jump half of his body out from the pail. I got a shocked and shouted and ran outside! Eugene shouted too but he didn't ran as far as me. Lolz... Then the snake was gone. I guess it went outside the window already.

That scares me. Anyway, later in the evening, we went for dinner and then went to Straits Quay Paparich to meet my cousin to teach her accounts.
After teaching, we chatted a bit and stuff. After she went home, Eugene and I had supper there before going home.

Sunday was boring as well. I stayed at home the whole day actually. But got a surprised early in the morning. Ai Y in came with a surprise visit! I was still in my bed sleeping with my pajamas! Damn! Embarrassed. She said she was on her way home from her church, so she just decided to visit me a while and met my mum when she reach so my mum led her into my very, very messy room. Ugh~ Anyway, we went down to the living room and talked and watched tv and stuff. Around 2pm, she went home.
Monday, I had to register my PTPTN loan in college. So, we skipped class. Well, Ah Hui, Ah Fook and me skipped more cause both of us were waiting for Ah Fook. Then we went back to class for lesson and a short test. The test was only 2marks but Ah Fook and I wrote a lot. the other question was 3 marks only and I didn't know how to answer so I only answered very few words. The lecturer was like whining saying we wrote too much.
After class, I went to work. As usual, filing again. Boring. after class, I went home for dinner and went to New World Park, Old Town with Ah Hui and Ah Fook with another classmate for our English presentation discussion. It was raining and Ah Fook was riding his bike so he was late. Ah Hui reached first but the other classmate called him to go back to Pulau Tikus (near Ah Hui's house which was near gurney) to fetch him again. I didn't like this kind of people. Just because he rides bike, doesn't mean he can ask people with car to fetch him in the rain especially when that person already reach the venue. Can't you just wear a raincoat?!
Anyway, after Ah Fook came, Ah Hui went to fetch him. So, Ah Fook and I waited for them and we chatted a lot. After they came we discussed. That guy, I don't know what the hell was he doing. We found lots and lots of information while he, he wrote his info like only half of the page and it was useless! He insisted his stupid point which was useless also! We found info for everyone like benefits, ways, intro, conclusions and stuff but he only went finding his own thing, which was only the way and he wrote it himself and he insist the one and only way which is watching a tv show 'just for llaugh' which was not even related at all to the topic and there were like hundreds of points for ways but he only wrote watching comedy. What the hell! He didn't even put any effort! And he wasn't even paying attention when we were discussion or rather he didn't even join in while we were discussing! Pisses me a lot! And yet, he expect us to give him what he want!

This kind of people, if he drags down our marks, I would definitely blame him like hell! And yes, I'm already complaining like hell here! Like we were thinking of a post, so Ah Hui and I are phycologist and physiologist and him, we were planning like a doctor or professor but he insisted director. What the hell a director got to do with the studies of laughter? The worst part was he insisted a director of a business company?! What the hell!?

Anyway, after the discussion was over, we played poker a bit. Ah Fook taught us how to play poker, a new one. It seems fun but I didn't really get it fully yet tho. After laying one round, we finally went home.


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