Monday, October 10, 2011


First of all, I'll continue with Friday's day.

Friday, afternoon, I went to SEGi College to settle my fees and loan with Fook and Ah Hui. After that, we went for bowling. I didn't really wanna go at first cause I've never played bowling before but Fook asked me to. So I agreed. But then when i get to college only I realize Ah Hui and Ah Fook is bringing their friend along who are guys and I'm the only girl? Damn, I'll get embarrassed if I can't play well so I refuses but Ah Fook kept persuading me to go and so I agreed.
So, there are 4 guys and me, alone a girl, again. We played but Ah Fook's friend didn't. My first match was fine. But second was worst. Especially the last 5 rounds, I got zero! Damn, I couldn't get the technique anymore. Sad. Ah Hui's friend was cool! He got strike 3 times continuously! Well, my best shot was in the first match the last round, I got all except for 1 pin and the second try, I got that one pin! So I've got bonus! But then I ruin the bonus. Sad. Well, mt first ever match for bowling was 51points. Not bad for a first timer huh~ xD

It was fun tho. I didn't know bowling is such a fun game and it's rather cheap! No wonder Ah Fook kept on going for bowling. Lolz... But the ball is really heavy~ >.<
Then we ate there. We talked and stuff but their friends were quiet. After eating, we went home. Before that, Ah Hui and his friend and I walked around a bit to watch the scenery. Then only we went home.

Saturday was bored. So after I woke up a while, I just decided to continue my assignment from yesterday night. And finally I finish. For the first time I'm doing my assignment using a laptop and my computer (2 PCs). So I had my lunch late. Well, nothing much at home.

Today was nothing much as well. Except at 3pm, I went over to Coffee Island and be a teacher. I'm preparing my cousin, Vern and her boyfriend's account for their resit paper. Well, it's kinda easy for me but I kinda forgot lots of them. Then, I studied a bit of my taxation.
After teaching and stuff, we talked a bit here and there. It was fun tho. So, I'm now waiting for Eugene to finish his work and have supper together! Cause my dinner was only instant noodles. My mum and grandma went to mainland for my uncle's open house. So, no dinner.

Well, as for today's title, flashback. I was just arranging my files in my pc until I found a link to my friend's blog. He was once close to me until for some reason, I lost communication with this close friend. Sad story right?
Anyway, I just saw this one post there, related to me. It's his belated birthday present (chocolate) I gave him this year on Valentine's Day. He was teasing me that I was giving him valentine chocolates. Lolz...

At times, I felt like I've wasted my time in TAR College with these unreasonable, irrational, childish people around me. I was like thinking, 'What was I doing in this whole of 2years and 4months? Was that just a dream?' Cause whenever I thought I found the right friend, they do things which pisses me off. Sometimes I do wonder, was it my fault or theirs. I do stand in their side to think but at times, I do feel that it's my mistake. However, at times I didn't even do anything but they started the fight themselves and said it's my fault too. What the fuck! I was silence all the time and yet, I'm at wrong too.
But when I saw this post of my friend back, I was shock that I was even in one of his posts. I realized, it's not that bad afterall. At least I made good friends. These friends, tho I've got some arguments with them before but later on, they don't mind anymore and so we became friends again. (Unlike some 'small gas' people.)

Anyway, I realize I do change a lot and learn a lot from there. Most importantly, I've learnt how realistic people is in the real world.


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