Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Official First Kiss

Such a sweet fanfic I just read...

TITLE: The Official First Kiss
AUTHOR: tsunderellasays
PAIRING: Sakurai ShoxMatsumoto Jun
WORD COUNT: 804 words
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Arashi, unfortunately. They do own my soul, though.
NOTE: This fic was inspired by this Tumblr post and the AnS episode from said post. I do believe that Sho was jealous in this episode. XD

When the shoot for Arashi no Shukudai-kun was over, they proceeded to their dressing room. Aiba, Nino and Ohno had quickly packed their bags and left early because Ogura-san had decided to treat them for drinks in a nearby izakaya. Sho and Jun had politely declined, because Sho had News ZERO work, while Jun had a photo shoot.

Sho watched as Jun packed his belongings. That weird feeling in his stomach wouldn’t go away, and it was bothering him to no end. He debated on whether he should talk to Jun about it… or maybe not, especially since Jun was the reason of this weird feeling.

“I was twelve.”

Sho snapped out of his thoughts. He turned to Jun; his belongings were packed, but he didn’t look like he was about to leave just yet.

“Eh?” Sho asked, seeking for clarification.

“I was twelve when I had my first kiss,” Jun explained.

“Oh…” Sho said, that weird feeling in his stomach started to bubble up. “So why didn’t you say that during the taping?”

Jun shrugged. “I thought it wasn’t an official first kiss.”

Sho raised an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.

“Aren’t kisses supposed to be shared by people who really like each other?” Jun said.

“Yeah…” Sho replied. He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to follow Jun’s trail of thought. Although, he saw a slight ray of hope…

“I didn’t like her,” Jun admitted. “We were just acquaintances, and she kissed me by surprise one day.”

The weird feeling started to lessen. “So, you never had an official first kiss?” Sho concluded.

Jun shook his head. “Never.”

Sho didn’t know what came over him when he took a huge step forward and grabbed Jun’s hands. Surprisingly, the younger man didn’t protest; he just stood there, frozen in place.

“Would…” Sho stammered. “Would you like to have your official first kiss?”

He looked up into Jun’s eyes, which were wide and questioning. He gulped, the weird feeling in his stomach being replaced by fear… that maybe that was one stupid move…

But then a small smile and a tinge of pink colored Jun’s cheeks. “Yeah… I’d like that.”

Sho smiled, the knots in his stomach suddenly gone, and now he was floating. He tilted his head up, and Jun’s face was suddenly too close…

Then, there was a loud bang and sounds of people swearing.

Sho and Jun jumped away from each other and turned their gazes to the door Aiba and Ohno were lying down on the floor, while Nino was leaning on the doorway, a hand covering his face.

“What in the name of—“ Jun exclaimed.

“And this is why I don’t lean too close to the door when I’m listening in on people,” Nino said.

“You were listening in on us?!” Sho exclaimed, even if the answer was right in front of him.

Nino gave his signature smirk and nod. “Yeah, sure, I do it all the time, Sho-chan,” he drawled.

“What I meant to say is—why are the three of you listening in?!”

“Well,” Nino said, helping Ohno up (Aiba had held out his hand as a call to help him get up, but Nino ignored him), “Leader here wants to make sure his plan worked.”

“What plan?” Jun asked in confusion.

Ohno sniffed. “You know… getting you two together.”

“What?” Jun and Sho said at the same time.

“Leader thought that asking Jun-chan about his first kiss will make Sho-chan jealous!” Aiba piped up, getting up by himself.

“Well, it worked,” Sho muttered.

“You were jealous?” Jun asked, surprised.

Sho gave Jun an embarrassed smile. “Wasn’t it obvious?” he said. “I wasn’t joining in on the conversation.”

Aiba giggled. “Now that it worked, I guess we can catch up with Ogura-san in the izakaya, right, guys?”

Nino shrugged, an arm already around Ohno’s waist. “Yeah. He’s paying, anyway.”

“Bye, guys!” came Ohno’s accomplished and cheerful voice before the door closed.

A minute after the three left, Sho turned to face Jun, all embarrassed and awkward. “So…”

Jun was scratching the back of his head uncomfortably. “We are together… right?” he asked.

Sho smiled. “Yeah, I guess,” he said. He took both of Jun’s hands, the latter reciprocating the touch with a gentle squeeze.

Jun smiled back. “Cool. So… should we finish what we were supposed to start?”

“I’d like that,” Sho said. He leaned forward to press his lips against Jun’s.

The kiss was short, yet sweet. Jun’s lips were chapped, and they tasted of that coffee candy that he had a couple of minutes ago. He felt giddy, happy and left wanting more.

But they pulled away because of a giggling fit from both of them. They decided to call it a day, and they left the studio, hand in hand.


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