Saturday, July 23, 2011

All In One

I'm gonna start on last Saturday. I went to Bon Odori. Before that, we went to had our dinner, western food. The weather was good too. Then we started our journey to Bon Odori. We parked at my previous house there. *missing my old beloved house*. Then we walked there. Eugene said he wanted to pray for a while.
Then we went walking around Bon odori, every year the same. We met a few friends. We got bored so we decided to have some fruits at a coffee shop at the corner of Esplanet.
Then tauke and his friend came. Then we were supposed to go for a photoshoot the next day but the model got busy and stuff so canceled. Then we went back to the field for fireworks. Tauke was a bit disturbing, kept asking me to take a pic of him and the fireworks which was impossible. I got pissed off a bit so as Eugene.
Then we went back. On the way to Straits Quay's Starbucks, I met with a car accident. Damn! The motor was too fast when I was about to cross the road and he knocked the back of my car. It became my fault cause he was from the straight lane. Damn it!
I got really pissed off when the stupid idiot and brainless rela people came. I ended up pissing off cause I told them we could settle ourselves but they persuaded the boy who knocked me to go to the hospital for a report but I wanted to settle it underground with his uncle! They brought him to the hospital. For hell's sake, for what? He could still stand and walk and everything! And even if he needs to go to the hospital, it's under MY responsibility. You're just the third party so you CANNOT have the RIGHT if I say NO! They even dared to answered me sadistically saying they've got the license for being a rela. I was like "I don't care whether you have the license or not. I want his phone number now!" But they refuses to give me saying I don't have the right. Like hell you do!

So, I called my mum and we headed immediately to the general hospital. Eugene's friend came later but it was too late. I felt guilty for showing my pissed off face to them (and it's the first meeting). Sorry. Truthfully, I got pissed off with Eugene too cause he didn't really do anything when I told him to get the stupid rela people away. Afterall he's a guy and a guy should have the power more than a girl. Ended up, I was the one scolding the rela people uselessly.

We went to the hospital and settled everything underground.

Monday, I promised my classmate I would go to 8.30am account lecture class to accompany her. Ended up, I overslept. Sorry. So I went lunch with her. After classes, I went to meet up with Eugene. We had dinner at a food court and went to Tg. Pinang Tesco for a walk. We bought Chipsmore!
The next day, we went for dim sum breakfast. Then, Harry Potter. Weird, cause I just watched the first 2 parts and then I skipped to the last one. Lolz... But I still understand the story. Then I was supposed to get my car checked but the venue changed and I didn't know how to go. So we ended up at home. Dinner was at Sri. Ananda. Nice!

We went to Starbucks at Straits Quay. My aim was to take pics of the moon and look for jobs for Eugene. When we were about to go, Eugene's friend came. Such co-incidence. They ended up chatting. I was there listening. His friends are funny.
Then took a few moon pics before going home.

The next day, Eugene went for the interview. he said the chef asked him to cut 2 onions and he had a feeling he's not gonna get the job. Don't worry, you'll get the others. Afternoon, we went to check my car. Damn! The damage costs RM450! Then, we headed to Batu Lancang for Ais-Kacang. Nice!
Then we went home and brought his doggie, Chloe for a walk. It was fun and cute. Then help him find some job vacancies through the net.
Anyway, my ribbon business was okay. So I'm gonna continue.

Today, Saturday, we went to Segi College to ask for my further study. It seems promising. I guess this will be my future college.


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