Saturday, July 30, 2011


Sunday, I went to register my degree at Segi College. It was a bit troublesome, especially when this time, I'm gonna go for PTPTN loan. Then, unexpectedly, they said they have got some special offer, taking a pic of me in the graduation cloths and frame it up for me. It was so embarrassing. My face and hair is like a mess. *hides*
Evening, I went to the beach with Ai Yin. It has been a while since I was busy with college. We talked a lot and stuff. Then, we went to her house to see her puppies. Unfortunately, my 'bear bear' is gone. Leaving 2 white ones...
I started my revision on Corporate Law. Starting early is a good thing.  I revised till like 4am.

Monday, I went to college to do some procedures for Segi College thing. I kinda hate TARC college's admin staff a lot. I mean, as a college staff, you should be speaking English or Malay only. I went in there and started speaking English asking about the transcript. Two person came and answered me in mandarin. I was like thinking 'what the hell?' I didn't care but to answer them back in English. I admit that my mandarin is bad but this is another thing. This isn't a college where we had to study Chinese. So, ENGLISH please! What the hell is wrong with today's world?! Chinese everywhere. Forever, I would still think that English is still the most important international language.

Anyway, on the way back, I found out something interesting. An upside down sign board.
hen, we
Then we went home and had lunch and watch some TV and stuff. Tom and Jerry! he episodes shown were all history! OMG!
These are the episodes which I watched when I was a small lil kid! 10years ago? Lolz...

Evening, we went for dinner at some food court and went to my college for the Odyssey night. We went in without ticket. Somehow, the person let us in but we only could stand behind and watch. Each year worsen. *Sigh*
We watched half way and went to Tg. Pinang Tesco to meet up with Tauke them for Sakea Sushi but we didn't eat. After the meet up, we went to Tesco for a walk.
Oh! And I got my nails paint. Pretty?
And I revised a bit of law again til 4am. My supper was Fried maggi mee with fried egg. My dad's was even better! Half dried hokkien maggi mee with sausages, an egg and some vege!

Tuesday, I brought Eugene for his job interview in Stairts Quay. I know finding a job is difficult but, GAMBATTE!
Then we went to Gurney. Had McD lunch. It has been a while since I last had McD with him.
Then, we went to Queensbay for his job interview again. It was long. I waited (while walking around the mall alone) for like an hour until my legs are dying. He finally got his job but he need to go down KL for 2 weeks training. But his parents didn't allow tho. I think it's a good opportunity cause he will be the opening team in Penang (tho I was a bit worried if he goes) and the terms and conditions are quite good actually.

Then we went home and bought pisang goreng and cempedak and stuff home with soya bean. Delicious!
Dinner was at his house. We bought fried chicken home for dinner when we were at Queensbay. Ate with his dad in his kitchen. It was a bit awkward tho. Lolz...

His dad's Doraemon is so cute! It has that vibrator thingy inside. (Please think straight) Eugene took the Doraemon into his room for me while I was playing his phone's game so I could hug it. Suddenly, his dad texted him from the living room saying: My doraemon *smiley face* Lolz...
Eugene sent me a pic of Chloe when she was lil! So cute!
Went home and studied a bit of law. Slept at 5am including surfing the net and stuff and having my first yakisoba with sausage! <3

Wednesday, evening, I went to Red Box with Hoay Hoay and Yin Yin! It really has been a while, half the year? since I last see them. It was fun! We were busy eating more than singing actually. It was fun too!
I sang a few Arashi songs too!
And this pic was so funny... What I've done on the floor... Lolz...xD Hoay Hoay was like saying "I mopped the floor..."
Thursday, finally, my Saturday - Wednesday free from college days ended. College days again *sighs* College was boring as usual.

Evening, I went to eugene's house. He promised me fried rice for dinner! I helped him cooked a bit here and there. Then we ate. Nice but spicy (for me). *Happy* <3
Today, college was boring again. Very few people went for account tutorial. Less than 10? Anyway, evening, I went to Eugene's place again cause I promised to bring him to starbucks. Traffic jam like hell! In the end, ended up talking a walk with Chloe and Romeo with his sister. Fun! ^^ Chloe is so cute but she turns away whenever I tried to take a pic of her.
Then we went for western food dinner and Secret Recipe in Starits Quay. No starbucks~ Oops...
Went home after that. Finish up my Corprate Law notes, blog, Arashi and going supper now (at 4.20am). Yakisoba again? Hehee...
Oh! And the othner day., my dad bought me a Ribbena in strawberry flavour! <3

And my ribbons business was going quite well. I finally got my cost back. In the end, I only earned RM20. But it's still money right? ^^


Saturday, July 23, 2011

All In One

I'm gonna start on last Saturday. I went to Bon Odori. Before that, we went to had our dinner, western food. The weather was good too. Then we started our journey to Bon Odori. We parked at my previous house there. *missing my old beloved house*. Then we walked there. Eugene said he wanted to pray for a while.
Then we went walking around Bon odori, every year the same. We met a few friends. We got bored so we decided to have some fruits at a coffee shop at the corner of Esplanet.
Then tauke and his friend came. Then we were supposed to go for a photoshoot the next day but the model got busy and stuff so canceled. Then we went back to the field for fireworks. Tauke was a bit disturbing, kept asking me to take a pic of him and the fireworks which was impossible. I got pissed off a bit so as Eugene.
Then we went back. On the way to Straits Quay's Starbucks, I met with a car accident. Damn! The motor was too fast when I was about to cross the road and he knocked the back of my car. It became my fault cause he was from the straight lane. Damn it!
I got really pissed off when the stupid idiot and brainless rela people came. I ended up pissing off cause I told them we could settle ourselves but they persuaded the boy who knocked me to go to the hospital for a report but I wanted to settle it underground with his uncle! They brought him to the hospital. For hell's sake, for what? He could still stand and walk and everything! And even if he needs to go to the hospital, it's under MY responsibility. You're just the third party so you CANNOT have the RIGHT if I say NO! They even dared to answered me sadistically saying they've got the license for being a rela. I was like "I don't care whether you have the license or not. I want his phone number now!" But they refuses to give me saying I don't have the right. Like hell you do!

So, I called my mum and we headed immediately to the general hospital. Eugene's friend came later but it was too late. I felt guilty for showing my pissed off face to them (and it's the first meeting). Sorry. Truthfully, I got pissed off with Eugene too cause he didn't really do anything when I told him to get the stupid rela people away. Afterall he's a guy and a guy should have the power more than a girl. Ended up, I was the one scolding the rela people uselessly.

We went to the hospital and settled everything underground.

Monday, I promised my classmate I would go to 8.30am account lecture class to accompany her. Ended up, I overslept. Sorry. So I went lunch with her. After classes, I went to meet up with Eugene. We had dinner at a food court and went to Tg. Pinang Tesco for a walk. We bought Chipsmore!
The next day, we went for dim sum breakfast. Then, Harry Potter. Weird, cause I just watched the first 2 parts and then I skipped to the last one. Lolz... But I still understand the story. Then I was supposed to get my car checked but the venue changed and I didn't know how to go. So we ended up at home. Dinner was at Sri. Ananda. Nice!

We went to Starbucks at Straits Quay. My aim was to take pics of the moon and look for jobs for Eugene. When we were about to go, Eugene's friend came. Such co-incidence. They ended up chatting. I was there listening. His friends are funny.
Then took a few moon pics before going home.

The next day, Eugene went for the interview. he said the chef asked him to cut 2 onions and he had a feeling he's not gonna get the job. Don't worry, you'll get the others. Afternoon, we went to check my car. Damn! The damage costs RM450! Then, we headed to Batu Lancang for Ais-Kacang. Nice!
Then we went home and brought his doggie, Chloe for a walk. It was fun and cute. Then help him find some job vacancies through the net.
Anyway, my ribbon business was okay. So I'm gonna continue.

Today, Saturday, we went to Segi College to ask for my further study. It seems promising. I guess this will be my future college.


Friday, July 22, 2011

A Day When My Alarm Clock Can't Even Wake Me Up

Today, my class started at 8.30am. I had to wake up at 7.30am. I was so tired. Audit tutorial class was as usual then continue by Decision Making lecture class. I'm really very sleepy.
Well, my classmate, Ah Fook did talked to me about further studies for degree in other colleges with Ting Hooi too. They were telling me about Segi College. I've never considered this college before. He said the fees is much more cheaper and we get to be exempted for 5 ACCA papers next time. At first, my first choice was Disted College but then Fook said the standard is much lower for us TARC students and the exemptions are the worst, only 1 paper. Segi College sounds promising. I think I'll go ask for details this coming Saturday.

It seems like only 3 of us, (me, Fook and Ting Hooi) are not continuing TAR. A very wise choice. About like 23 out of 28 students from my class are gonna continue TAR. Excluding those who will not and cannot graduate this semester, only 2 guys and 1 girl (me) are gonna go other colleges.

Then after class, I went back home to have my lunch and nap. My class starts at 2.30pm. So I planned to wake up at 1.45pm. Unexpectedly, I woke up at 2.50pm! My alarm clock couldn't even wake me up at all! I started to panicked a bit and then I texted my friend telling her I overslept and was about to go. But then I recalculate; by the time I get to college, it's already 3.25pm. My class ends at 4pm. Not going. I'm having a really bad headache anyway.

After I got back home from buying some stuff a while. I went to have a nap again cause my headache is killing me. I woke up at 8.05pm! I started to panic again cause I'm supposed to meet Ah Fook at McD for a group study tonight at 8pm! I rushed down and had my dinner fast and rushed there. I'm late.
I started to complete all my notes first (copying from my classmate's book). Damn! It took me like 2 hours just to complete all the notes! For the first time in my college or I can say, education life, I copied for like 2 hours!!! Damn! From like 8.40pm to 11.35pm! Then I can't start revising other subjects already. By that time, we already decided to go home.

Anyway, I didn't go home. I went to a mamak stall with Eugene for supper. He was hungry so I agreed to go eat with him then. I ordered roti bom sausage. It has been a while since I last ate this. My favourite.

Then we went over to Segi College to have a quick look. It seems promising. Then I went home.

**To be continue...**

Monday, July 18, 2011

Peaceful Fanfic

I find this ordinary but really peaceful...

Title: All my love for you
Author: nathy_chan
Paring: Ohmiya
Genre: romance, fluff
Rating: PG

Warning: Ohnos POV, non-beta, Mpreg, English is NOT my first language!

I slowly woke up, when the sun was shining inside the room and blending my eyes. A yawn escaped my mouth and I stretched myself slowly. When I found you next to me, sleeping happily, I run my fingers through your hair and I smiled lovingly. I saw your little smile on your lips and my heart was beating faster. My look went down and I was grinning while I slowly put my hand carefully on your belly. “I will protect you. You and your Mommy.” I whispered into the silent room.

The sun slowly shines in on this room
While I watch your sleeping face, I make a vow in my heart
And that is to protect you

I clearly remember the first day we met. It was love at first sight with both of us. I saw it in your eyes and your smile. Your eyes were bright and your smile so lovingly. My heart was beating so fast when we were talking and we got to know each other better. We even shared the night together. I was so happy when you didn’t left in the morning. You were still here, next to me, just like now. I clearly remember the days when you were not right beside. I missed you so much. Every time we can’t see each other, every minute your not here. I’m missing you. Even when we are fighting over small things or big things, when we are going our own ways after the fight. I’m missing you.

From the first kiss we exchanged, my heart was throbbing that day
It echoes even now… Miss you

Now, after all those years, after all those fighting and making up. We finally managed to get married. We didn’t even listen to the others, we just did it. My parents liked you and I know that your mother liked me, too. So nothing was there in our way. We even moved together, living in a big house, just the two of us, and Taka, our dog you just bought and brought him home. I love Taka, but I love you even more. We still are fighting, but who is not? We still love each other and we are missing each other to much, to not live with the other anymore. I’m always here, for you and I will always stay with you, protecting you. Please, believe me. I love you.

Laughing even more together with you And playing together to forget the time
Right now, your smile shines brighter than anyone's in the world
No matter what kind of violent rain, I'll become your umbrella
Believe me… All my love for you

And now you just told me, you’re pregnant. I couldn’t believe it, it was a miracle and I nearly cried when I saw the sonogram. You are making me to the happiest man in the world. Now we’re a family and I feel complete. I will even protect you more now. You and our child.

I smiled softly at you, when your eyes opened slowly. “Good morning.” I whispered into your ear and kissed your temple. “Good morning.” you whispered back and giggled softly. I looked directly into your eyes, breaking the gap between us and kissed you softly. I saw you closed your eyes and I did it too, enjoying the kiss even more. When he broke the kiss I looked into your eyes, caressing your cheek slowly. “I love you.” I smiled happily and my heart was beating faster when I saw that smile on your lips. That smile what I loved so much. “I love you, too.” I grinned happily and kissed you again, sealing our words with it.

Feeling even more together with you Believing together, even on the sad days
Let's hold on tight to this one-of-a-kind love
Our hearts touch each other And I want to gaze directly at you
I love you… All my love for you



I find this story really nice from a TV drama. Just wanna share.

Kaji Toshi: How is it between you and her?
Fujikawa Kazuo: Neh~ She still mourned for her dead boyfriend and I can't do anything about it. *Looks at the girl he loves sadly*

Kaji Toshi: Ya know, a friend of mine once fell for his close friend's girlfriend.
Fujikawa Kazuo: What? No, it's not that....

Kaji Toshi: It's okay, just listen. That friend was gentle and strong. There was no match to him, no matter what he did. He blessed their marriage... That man, died. Suddenly, one day, in an accident. What do you think my friend did?
Fujikawa Kazuo: .....

Kaji Toshi: He phoned that girl everyday. 365 days a year. Everyday.  Telling her,"Today, I went there, and bought that..." Calling her for absolute nothings, not missing a single day.
Fujikawa Kazuo: Cause he loved her. That's all.

Kaji Toshi: No. There was his repentance as well. On their wedding, he did bless them, but half of it was envy. No, probably more than half. But for honor, he didn't show it on his face. He thought his friend might have died because of that.
Fujikawa Kazuo: And then?

Kaji Toshi: 2years, 7months and 23days later, he got married to that girl... She's my wife
Fujikawa Kazuo: *Smiles...*

Isn't it beautiful. Teaches us some lessons.
Adopted: Code Blue, Season 2


Friday, July 15, 2011

Final Memories

Everything has gone better lately. Except for one small matter which certain people assumes it's a big one. Who cares about it anyway. They made it up anyway. As long as I think I'm right, nothing is gonna bother me.

Anyway, I finished my mid term tests on Monday. Phew~ Wednesday, I started my account assignment. Damn! I started from 12am to 4am and you know what I wrote?: Definition of Provision. Which can be found from the book. Damn it! I've like totally no idea how to do and what to write?! For the whole of my college assignment life, this is the first time ever I sat in front of my pc searching for information and asking people how to do and ended up wrote nothing except the definition! I finally gave up. No one's gonna help me anyway even tho I asked. Even if they did, they are like of no use. So I ended up went to ask the lecturer the next day and after she explained for like 10mins, I totally understands and finish type of FRS 138 in like an hour time! (But I only have to pass up 1)
This is how my room looked like always when I was doing my assignments.

Thursday I skipped my morning Audit tutorial class cause I had a bad headache when I woke up at 8am cause I only slept for 3 hours (cause of the stupid account assignment). I was already late. I rushed to the bath room and get ready myself in like 8minutes and grabbed my keys and was about to run downstairs to my car when I suddenly thought; It's only audit tutorial class. I'm tired anyway. mid terms are over and even if I get to college in this tired and sleepy mode, I wouldn't be able to pay attention. So just stay at home and sleep for a little while. So I just went back to sleep. 2 hours later, I woke up and went to college.

Well, something happened among my groupmates when I was absent for class that morning. They had an argument. One of them (who is closer to me) told me. I kinda got a bit pissed off when she told me that one of them scolded her that why didn't she scolded me and Ah Wei for not doing and finishing the assignment. And they even said something about Ah Wei and me not doing extra job. Hello! Can you fucking investigate a fact before you say anything to shoot a person?! Don't made up a story! Ah Wei and I were also doing her question for her! We went over to McD that very night to finish it. And, why didn't she scolded me and Ah Wei? Cause we volunteered to do one sub question for her. Logically, who would scold a person who volunteer to do a job for her?! And I'm the one who does the final checking and printing so it doesn't affect you at all even if I finished it last minute!

Whatever, anyway, the day before, I finally get to eat KFC breakfast! I was so happy. ♥ We went over to Island Plaza's KFC at 10am but it wasn't even opened yet! So we decided to go for Dim Sum opposite KDU but we did cross a KFC building so we went there at the end. It was nice! Yeay~! We drank coffee and were playing around with my camera while pouring the coffee mate into the coffee. The we took a few pics and stuff.
 And lookie... I said I wanted cup cause it's cute. So, I was planning to wash it a bit and bring it home for deco. And unexpectedly, Eugene went to get one empty cup for me! ♥
Anyway, then we took a few pics... And I like my pics too. ^^ ♥
♥ And I freaking love these pics of him! ♥
Then we went for a movie, Mr. Popper's Penguins. OMG! The penguins are so damn cute! Then supposedly, we're going to see sunset but the sky is too greyish and no sun appeared so we went home and went to pasar malam at night and went to get the buy  free 1 double cheese burger. ♥
Oh and I totally love my fashion style that day. I wore a bright yellow shirt with a black sleeveless cardigan, a white shorts, with a white sling bag and a pair of white high heels. ♥ I shall wear it often.

The next day, Thursday, at night, I brought Eugene to some massage place to get his waist massages cause he's got backache. It's so funny when the man bent his body backwards to loosen his bones. Lolz...xD How he reacted and stuff. Then we went to McD to do my assignment but Ah Wei wasn't there still. So I waited for her. There's no internet connection in McD so we ended up in Wei's house with Amanda and Eugene.

Both of us were doing Ching Ching's question. Starting from scratch. We divided he points and then combines. Amanda were left alone so as Eugene. Eugene fell asleep cause he's tired and bored. Sorry...

At 12.11am, we finally finished everything. OMG! I was so happy! ♥ It's the first time I actually go to Wei's house and do assignment together with her. I mean liek seriously, in the whole of my college life, I completed an assignment with a friend in a friend's house. Usually, I don't do them even if we gathered cause they are not much of a help and I can't concentrate and in addition of it's not my laptop I'm using so I'm not used to it. But this time it's different. Cause it's Ah Wei and we're in a rush. I kinda like it actually.

Then I went relax at Sg. Pinang a while before going home. Damn, my printer got stuck! Can't print at all! My printer really need to go to the hospital for a moment. Even the colors are imbalance.

Anyway, I made a keychain for my mum since she annoyed me in the evening when I was about to go out. Ugh~ And she refuses to go out. The wire is really hard to shape it cause it's too hard.

Oh! And I finally cut my hair. Eugene got a bit sad. Really, my hair is too long. Difficult to manage...

Anyway, finally when I'm free, suddenly the stupid account tutor is pissing me off. She said we need to prepare a presentation. What the hell?! And I thought I'm completely free!

Anyway, I'm gonna enjoy my weekend first. Bon Odori, I'm COMING~!!! And outings with Yin Yin and Hoay Hoay... KY and Yvonne... Yeay~!!! ♥
