Monday, April 4, 2011


Finally, I read a nice fanfic! I'm not sure why is it called Sunset but it's still a cute, fluff and romantic fanfic.

Title: Sunset
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Fluff.
Disclaimer: I own the story, yes. Not Arashi.
Summary: Nino's innermost feeling.
Beta-ed by the lovely potatoos  ♥♥♥
A/N: This is for jamiestewart88 ♥♥ because today is her birthday ♥♥. Happy birthday dear!!! Hope you have a great new age with all your wishes coming true ♥ Thank you so much for always reading my fics, leaving lovely comments, waiting patiently for my seriously belated reply, and for everything ♥


Were you ever aware of my feelings?

When your eyes met mine, my heart stopped because you made me embarrassed; I could feel all my blood rushing to my cheeks and I was so worried that you could see it. My face burned under your gaze. You never said anything though, but would simply smile at me and turn away, unaware of the trace of happiness you had just left in my soul. And looking into your eyes, I could live one more day in peace; I could use the strength that you gave me to continue to try.

When you smiled at me, it was as if the whole world had faded, and all that remained was you, sparkling with your brightness and blinding my eyes. I felt my heart dance inside my chest, against my ribcage and I was worried you could hear it. You would know that I was not so confident and calm in front of you as I’ve always acted.

And then you would turn away again and smile at other people, not just me, but maybe you wouldn’t mind if I thought you had intended to smile only at me. With your smile, my world was brighter so I could see myself clearer, with a stupid grin on my face I got through my boring days without complain, because you were there for me.

When you talked to me, it was like all the other sounds had disappeared. What was echoing in my mind was your warm voice, and I listened to your words whole-heartedly, attentively, unable to focus on anything else. I messed up when we were practicing; I slipped and nearly fell if you were not there to catch my arm, holding me back. You laughed and told me to be careful, and then you turned away because your manager had called for you to finish your work. I stood up with a big smile, my arm tingling from where you had held me before. You were so gentle, and I couldn’t help but think you did that only for me. I couldn’t help but hope that you cared about me enough to catch me whenever I fall, because I felt so secure in your arms. I just wished the moment could last a little longer.

When you sang a love song – the one written specially for you, I felt my heart tightened. Not in a bad way, because your voice was so warm and breathtaking. You made my brain go crazy and my mind dizzy when I saw you shining on stage, and I couldn’t help but think your words were meant for me. I couldn’t get rid of the thought that you sang it while thinking about me, and I was so happy to see your eyes flicking through the crowd to search for mine. When our eyes met, I nearly stopped breathing when I saw you smile at me. You gave that smile only to me – and I knew I meant something more to you.

Or was it something that I had hoped for?

One day you told me that you loved someone. My heart raced in my chest that I spilled my coffee, black liquid all over your clothes, and I was so nervous that I kept mumbling sorry to you while trying to wipe it away, my mind was waiting for your words. I felt you looking at me, your hand gripping my shoulder gently as you told me ‘that’s okay, don’t worry’. I stopped when you pulled me closer, and before I was aware of what was going on, I felt your embrace. Your arms threw over my shoulder as you hugged me tightly from behind, and your face rested on my neck. I could feel your breath near my ear, and I melted into your arms. I felt protected and couldn’t help but think that the one you loved might be me, and of course I would never be happier if I was right. Or I was hoping in desperation that I was right, because the feeling of you hugging me was so great, so priceless that I wanted you to never let go.

One day we were standing on stage together with the rest, and we were holding hands tightly, bowing deeply to the audiences. I could hear the sound of cheers, of encouragement, of love the fans gave us, and I felt deeply thankful. I could feel your hand squeeze mine tighter, as if we were sharing the same thought, and I squeezed back, feeling the happiness all over my body. I could see the light around us, as we were singing the last song, and then you came to my side, your eyes looking at me with such a gentle smile that I nearly forgot my part. You came closer to me, your hand touching my shoulder and you leaned into me, our heads were so near that I could hear only your voice, not from the stereo system but from you, as if you were singing for me. I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment, when I felt your hand came to mine and we entwined our fingers. The fans screamed around us when our hands were shown on the big screen but I really didn’t care. I wasn’t doing a fan service – I was following my heart and it told me to not let your hand go. We stepped to the middle of the stage when the song was ending, and you turned to me, your eyes looking deep into mine and I saw your lips moving slightly, as if you were going to say something. But the lights died out and we were enveloped by the darkness and the scream of the excited fans around, so I couldn’t see nor hear anything you were going to tell me. But I felt you lifting my hand up gently and kissed my knuckles, and my heart went crazy with excitement. When we went down the stage to prepare for the next encore, you were already gone to change your clothes, and I didn’t have a chance to ask. And I didn’t clearly know what I should ask too, because I wasn’t sure if you had really intended to tell me something.

One another day we went out, just the five of us, and we were so happy with the success of our new albums, we drank. You were drinking so much I saw your face brightened with happiness and of course, pride. You told me that the best thing you had ever done in your life was to become a part of Arashi, and I honestly agreed because now I was able to sit here and look at you in your drunken state, with your arms around my waist. You had wrapped your arms around me when you drank the second glass of beer, and since then you had never let me go. Not that I minded, because I was enjoying our contact so much. I didn’t want to drink because I knew you and those idiots would need someone to take all of you back home. And more than that, I want to keep myself sober to observe you, because more than anything else in this world, I loved you when you were mumbling and smiling and singing, and burying your face to my shoulder when you were drunk. I loved the way you turned to me and sang ‘Nino-chan, suki da yo’; I loved the way you insisted to hold me tight, the way you never let go of my arm when you had caught me, the way you never let me sit anywhere else but beside you. Even when I didn’t, you’d definitely change seats when you were drunk enough – it was cute of you. When you were drunk, you did things you would never do when you were not. And somehow, it meant more to me than you thought. Or I assumed that you thought so, because you never told me what you really thought about me, even though I wanted to know so, so much.

One day I went to your house. I didn’t go there regularly, for I knew your mom wouldn’t be happy with fans around your house, and me going there only made it worse. But today, I went to your house. It had been more than a week since I last met you, because our schedule didn’t match. We all had separate activities and sometimes we couldn’t meet the others. I was fine with those three, but with you, I couldn’t stand not being able to see you any longer. You might think I was stupid, but your absence made me worried, that I couldn’t see your face and couldn’t make sure that you were alright.

But I was just giving excuses, wasn’t I?

Because I wanted to meet you, that was all. And with you all over my mind I couldn’t focus on my work, it was harder when I couldn’t meet you. So now I was standing here, right in front of your house and knocked hesitantly on the front door, praying that you would be the one answering. A minute and then it opened; it was really you. You were wearing your usual t-shirt that I had once told you to change, your hair was messy and you still had a sleepy look on your face. But your eyes lit up when you saw me. Or did I just imagine it? Were you really happy to see me here? You smiled at me with the warmest smile I had ever seen and with that all my anxious were gone. You opened the door to let me in, and I was more than happy to step into your house, feeling relieved that you didn’t ask me what I came for, because I didn’t know how to answer either. Was it okay to say that I wanted so badly to meet you? You let me into your room – I had never been there before, and I was surprised by its simple decoration. Your room had nothing more than bare essentials, but it fitted you perfectly. You stayed awkwardly at the doorway, and when I turned around to look at you, you just smiled and stepped inside, closing the door behind you slightly. I was a little surprised to see the embarrassment on your face as you stretched out your finger to point at random items in your room and told me what they were. I was half-focusing on your words, because I was busy eyeing you secretly, I thought I saw that faint blush on your face, or it was because the room was dim? I wasn’t sure, but all of sudden you stopped talking and silence fell between us. You scratched your hair, then covered your mouth, then removed your hand to behind your neck, and with a shy smile you stole a look at me. I suddenly felt nervous, the way you looked at me made my heart flutter, and my body was demanding me to hug you. I didn’t, and all I did was to stare at you, to wait for something to happen. You felt it though, because you took a step closer to me, your arms hung awkwardly by your side, as if you didn’t know what to do with them. I saw you standing beside me, and I turned over. Something was telling me that you were going to say something – do something, which might be what both of us had been waiting for such a long time.

And you raised your head to look at me with your sparkling eyes, your mouth opened to say, but it seemed like you didn’t know what to say so you stretched out your hands and cupped my cheeks with your palms. I melted into the warmth of your hands that I closed my eyes slightly, my head titled as I snuggled closer to the skin contact of us, feeling happiness rushed into my soul. I felt you leaned over and rest your forehead to mine, and your mumble of ‘could I?’ proved that you were so nervous by our sudden development. I wanted to tell you that this was the only thing I wanted right now, the only thing I had been waiting for too long until now, since the day I realized how much you meant to me. But I felt a lump in my throat and couldn’t speak, so I just nodded. And I felt your lips on mine, warm and hesitant at first, but then you pulled me closer as we tightened our embrace, kissing gently. You might have wanted this to happen too, the way you kissed me was desperate, as if you were scared that I would leave if you loosened your hold. I kissed you back, softly, and my hand rubbed your back as a reassurance that I wouldn’t go anywhere, I was here for you and I was really happy. I had wanted this to happen, but I didn’t know how to make it happen, and I was so grateful that you took the first step. All I needed to do was following you obediently; let our lips meet again and again until my brain screamed for air. You pulled back first, breathing heavily, and I could feel your breath near my face. You opened your eyes and looked at me, at that moment I thought I had never seen any prettier eyes than yours. You were conveying many, many feelings to me that I was enveloped in your love and your warmth and I smiled at you. We didn’t say anything but we understood everything we wanted to say – we never needed words to express our love. You hugged me again, and I could hear your heart beating in your chest, and I was sure you felt mine too. Our hearts were beating with the same rhythm and we immerse ourselves into our new found happiness, until the last rim of sunlight left the room and we were covered in darkness, but inside, our hearts were still shining brightly.


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