Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sleeping Fanfics

I always like fanfics about how one person looks at the other sleeps and they would write details about how that person would looked at the sleeping ones lovingly.

Title: [One Shot] Sleep
Author: tezuka_r
Pairing: Aimiya
Rating: PG 13
Word count: 612
 Aiba is asleep and Nino watches for a while.  Very short one-shot.

Notes:  Being able to post this so soon is a bonus! I wanted to write this for a few days now, but couldn’t get it to work. And since I’m going on a break soon, I thought I might try one last time… and here it is! It’s short though, but well, there’s nothing much to write? :P
See you next week!
Disclaimer:  This is just fiction!! None of the things written below happened. 


Nino’s eyes left the script that he was reading to glance at the older male sleeping soundly on his lap.  A small smile lifted the corner of his lips, and he allowed his gaze to remain on his friend’s face as his eyes slowly traced those features that he was already so familiar with.

Aiba’s face had changed a lot since the first time they met; yet, there was still so much that remained the same.  It sounded contradictory, Nino admitted, but that was how he felt every time he studied the other idol in the way that he was doing now.  The taller male certainly looked manlier than he did over ten years ago, but glimpses of that childlike face that Nino knew so well could still be seen from certain angles.  And there was also Aiba’s ever bright and cheerful smile.  That probably made some things appear more constant than what time actually did to all of their appearances.  Wrinkles, freckles and even frown lines were no match for a sunny smile that radiated from the depths of an ever enthusiastic and positive heart.

Nino could not resist moving his hand and running the tip of his finger softly across his friend’s cheeks at that thought.  Aiba wrinkled his nose and tried to turn to his side at the disturbance, but his fringe fell over his face at that action and he wrinkled his nose again, this time more impatiently.  Nino stifled a small laugh at that sight.  He gently swept the offending strands of hair aside and then, he ran his hand lovingly through the other male’s slightly greasy hair.  The action, however, roused Aiba from his sleep.

“Mmm…?”  The tallest Arashi member looked confused for a moment.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up,” the actor apologized, but the grin on his face did not fade.  Aiba always looked kind of adorable when he just woke up, and Nino could not help but run his fingers through his friend’s hair again at that thought.

The bleary eyed Aiba did not bother sitting up and simply tilted his head to see what Nino was doing.  “You are still reading?  How long did I sleep?”

“Not that long,” the actor replied.  “Go to bed early if you are tired.  You don’t have to wait for me.  Filming was tough today, wasn’t it?”

“I don’t want to sleep alone,” Aiba made a face and Nino grinned again. 

“You sound like a big baby,” teased the younger idol.

“I like this better than going to sleep alone,” Aiba insisted.  Then, he shifted his body to make himself comfortable on Nino’s lap again before closing his eyes.  “I have to *yawn* stick to you whenever possible.”

Those words surprised the actor a little. “Why?”

“Because we are not spending enough *yawn* time together.”

“But you don’t sound very interested in spending time with me,” the shorter male teased again and earned himself a sleepy pout.

“You know that’s *yawn* not what I mean…”

“OK, I know.  Go to sleep.  You are tired already and not making much sense,” Nino patted his friend comfortingly on the arm, but Aiba really didn’t need much coaxing to fall asleep.

“Who said… not… mmmph…” Aiba grunted contentedly before long and Nino grinned in amusement how the older male was already beginning to snore lightly.

“Sweet dreams, Masaki,” the shorter idol whispered with a smile.  He gazed at his friend for a while longer, and then, he turned his attention back to his script.  He wouldn’t be able to go to sleep so soon, but having Aiba curled up beside him like this made up for everything.


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