Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chinen and Ohno

I find this fanfic really cute! Decided to post it here ^^ It's about Chinen and Ohno ^o^

Title: Whenever Chinen wanted to talk to Ohno… 
Author: [info]nhbsakakude
Pairings: OT5, one-sided ChinenxOhno
Rating: PG
Length: Oneshot
Genre: Crackfic, Humor
Warning: Meany Arashi! XD
Summary: Chinen always finds it hard to talk to Ohno without feeling safe.

1st attempt

Nino narrowed his eyes as he observed the couple who were chatting happily, lost in their own world. A vein popped out when he saw the slightly taller and way younger man reached towards Ohno and caressed his arm. ‘He’s practically feeling him up!’ Nino thought, snarling quietly to himself.

He continued watching them, ignoring the weird looks the staffs and other random people were giving him. How could they not stare when Nino was practically plastering himself to the wall with a manic look in his eyes as he stared at Ohno and their junior. He strained his ears to hear what they were talking about.

Chinen smiled at his idol, the man whom he admired since he was a boy. The man who was the only reason he came into this industry. Although Ohno was already in his early thirties, he still looks as though he’s in his twenties.

“Maybe next time, Chinen-chan?” came the reply. Just hearing that soft, gentle voice made his heart fluttered. Beaming so as not to show his disappointment to his already guilt-ridden senior, Chinen nodded. Ohno gave him an unsure smile and looked at his watch.

“Okay, I have to go now,” he murmured to himself before looking up at Chinen.

Raising a hand to ruffle the man’s head, he gave him a gentle smile. After doing so, he turned around and walked towards his dressing room. Chinen stood still along the hallway with his starry eyes. Raising his hand to touch his hair, he could have sworn he could still feel the warmth of Ohno’s hand. Giggling giddily to himself, he spun around to walk in the opposite direction.

However, he stopped abruptly when a body blocked his path. Chinen glanced up and looked straight into his not-very-happy senior. A senior who he deemed a suitable rival for Ohno’s affection. Stifling back a sigh, he gave the man a stiff nod. Nino raised an eyebrow at the insincere gesture.

“Is that how you treat your senior?” Nino asked sweetly, a threat in his tone.
Meekly, Chinen shook his head. Both of them stood in the middle of the hallway, staring at each other. Not once did Chinen break off the stare because that would mean he had lost in the unsaid match. But his concentration was cut off when a familiar voice called out to them.

“Nino? What are you doing over there? We have to go to the studio now.”

Nino looked over at him and smirked. Chinen frowned. That devilish smirk always means his senior was thinking of something sneaky.

“Oh! Gotta go kiddo. Someone’s calling me,” Nino drawled.

Without giving him much of a glance, Nino waved at him and walked to Ohno, like a feline towards its prey. Slinging an arm over Ohno, Nino turned back to give his junior a stuck-up smile before placing a hand on Ohno’s butt.

Chinen’s mouth dropped open when he saw the man literally gave his idol a butt squeeze. Nino laughed aloud as he walked away, his hand still on his leader’s firm butt, pulling the man along with him. Chinen was left alone, spluttering his disbelief.

2nd attempt
The second time Chinen went to talk to Ohno, he had made sure that Nino wasn’t around, which was very hard since the man was practically glued to Ohno’s hip. However when he saw Nino left the studio alone, he quickly took his chance and approached the older man.

What he wasn’t prepared was Jun standing next to Ohno. Now he could handle Nino but he know for sure he wouldn’t be able to handle Jun. Nino may be a suitable rival but Jun’s a formidable one. Jun may not be as malicious in his words as Nino but he was way more protective of his leader than anyone else. Chinen could not help but be very afraid of the rumored sadistic man.

He’d rather face Nino who was more talkative compared to Jun who only kept quiet. With one glare in his direction, he could easily turn to ashes. Needless to say, none of the Johnny juniors dares to piss Jun off. But it’s been a week since he talked to Ohno and there’s only so much he could hold back. The desire to hear his idol’s melodic voice won over and he slowly approached the talking couple.

It was Jun who noticed his arrival first. With an eyebrow raised, he stared at Chinen. Ohno who noticed the distracted man turned his head around. A smile broke out on his face and he gestured at Chinen to come closer.

“Chinen-chan! What are you doing here?” Ohno asked once the younger man came nearer. Hearing how happy Ohno was to see him, the Hey! Say! Jump member felt that he had made the right choice to come after all. But his happiness was short-lived when he saw Jun crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head to one side.

‘OMG! He’s doing the I’m-getting–impatient-over-here-so-you-have-10-seconds-to-explain-yourself pose!!!’ Chinen thought to himself, totally freaking out. Fiddling his fingers nervously, he looked up straight to Ohno’s face, trying his very best not to look at Jun.

“Ah uh… I just want to see you…” he asked in a rush. At his reply, Jun narrowed his eyes and Chinen could have sworn the temperature dropped a few degrees lower.

“I thought the Hey! Say! Jump is recording their new promotional video at this moment?” Jun asked stoically. Chinen immediately jumped at his question, almost sweating profusely.

“Y, Yes!”
“Then what are you doing here?”
“We, We, We are having a break now.”
“Shouldn’t you be practicing during your break instead of wandering around?”

With that Chinen spun around and dashed towards the exit. He knew when he was being dismissed and it would be stupid of him to linger around any longer. Half-way his escape from the devil, he could hear Ohno whining to Jun about how not everyone is a perfectionist like him.

3rd attempt
Now having learnt his lesson, this time, Chinen made sure to avoid Nino AND Jun. The best opportunity for him to talk to the fishing-obsessed man is when he’s on his way to the gents. He might look like a stalker but if that’s what it takes to talk to Ohno then so be it. He would rather be called a stalker than face Nino’s bitchyness or Jun’s wrath.

He perked up when he saw Ohno emerging from his dressing room and walking towards the direction of the gents. He gave himself a minute or two before pursuing the oblivious man. When he entered, Ohno was already washing his hands. Feigning surprise, Chinen gasped, drawing Ohno’s attention to him.

“Surprise to see you here!”

Ohno chuckled and nodded his head. Flicking his hands off, he reached out for the toilet paper. While wiping his hands, he took a glance at his junior and sweat dropped. Chinen was practically drooling at him.


The said boy snapped out of his reverie and took a step forward. Grinning widely, which Ohno found to be really unnerving, Chinen gestured for him to come nearer. “Ohno-kun, I have something to tell you.”

Ohno might be slow but his keen senses told him to stay far, far away. Trying to act normal, he pretended to look for a bin to throw the toilet paper away. Suddenly there was a sound of hurried footsteps and the door flung opened. Aiba’s head poked in.

“Leader? Hey hey Chinen-chan! I’m surprise to see you here!” Aiba said happily after noticing the other man. However, to Chinen’s ears, it felt as though the animal-lover was mocking him. Chinen merely nodded at him dazedly. Aiba looked away from him to Ohno and grinned. “The rest of us are waiting for you. Hurry up!”

Ohno stared at Aiba, confused. The recording was over and everyone should have left by now so why were they waiting for him? Seeing his hesitation, Aiba wiggled his eyebrows and grinned wider. Knowing he had no choice, Ohno walked forward but not before giving Chinen’s a pat on his head. The latter could only nod with wide eyes as he watched them walked away. Before the door closed he could hear Aiba talking to his leader feverishly.

“Leader! What did I tell you about the hungry wolf?”
“Aiba-chan, there’s no hungry wolf in the toilet.”
“Not literally! Just take it as Chinen is the hungry wolf and you are the helpless lamb!”
“...I’m not a lamb….”

And that was all Chinen heard before the door went shut with a resounding click. Chinen huffed and folded his arms over his chest. ‘I am NOT a wolf.’

4th attempt
The next time when Chinen finally get to talk to Ohno, there was no Nino, Jun or Aiba around. The desperate boy couldn’t keep his excitement. It had been almost two weeks since his encounter with Aiba in the gents. Even though Aiba was thought to be an idiot, he still couldn’t let his guard down. The man could just easily take Ohno away like he did previously though he should be thankful Aiba was not the ‘attacking’ kind, unlike Nino and Jun.

Chinen released a huge relief sigh when he saw Ohno came out of the building alone. Taking a deep breath, he quickly approached the man, who had his cap on covering most of his face. Before the older man could board the van that was waiting for him, Chinen intercepted him.


Ohno looked back when he heard his name being called. Tilting his head he looked at the approaching boy. “Chinen-chan! What are you doing here?”

Looking down at his watch, Chinen realized that it was already 11 pm. Since his work had ended at 8 pm, it means he had been waiting for 3 hours for Ohno to show up. Shrugging, he chuckled and lied.

“I just ended my work too.”
“How come your manager didn’t send you home?”
“Oh… I told him to wait for him at the car park because I wanted to ask you something…”
“Ask me?”

The boy merely nodded. Shuffling his feet nervously, he looked up at Ohno hopefully. “Ohno-kun, do you want to meet up after your work tomorrow?”

“Sorry kiddo, he’s busy tomorrow.”

It took Chinen a lot of will power not to tug at his hair in frustration. He cannot believe how in the world the Arashi members knew he was talking to their leader. Gritting his teeth, he turned around to look at Sho who was standing behind him, a bag slung over his strong, sloping shoulder.

Even though Sho wasn’t as scary as Jun in appearance, his temper was to be feared too. He could still remember the rumors of his bad-temperedness. Sho may look decent and trustworthy but Chinen bet he’s way more devious than Nino and way more fearful than Jun. Chinen gulped at the smile Sho was giving him.

“Sho-kun you’re still here?” he asked warily. His senior chuckled and nodded.

“Of course I am. I’m taking the same van as Satoshi,” Sho replied carelessly before striding past Chinen. He gave Ohno, who was silent the whole time, a push signaling him to enter the van. Ohno smiled apologetically at Chinen and raised his hand to wave at the latter

“Sorry Chinen-chan, like he said, I’m busy tomorrow. Maybe next time?” he said gently before disappearing into the vehicle. Sho took a step forward before tilting his head at Chinen.

“I don’t know if you haven’t notice but our leader’s taken,” Sho replied with a wink and board the van. Poking out his head at the window, Sho grinned and waved. “Be careful on your home, Chinen-san!”

All Chinen could do was stomped his feet in frustration as he watched the van which his idol was in, slowly disappeared from view.


In the van…

“You guys are being too mean to him,” Ohno pointed out few minutes after their departure from the building. Sho looked up from his laptop and shrugged.

“You should tell him to stop stalking you,” he replied eyeing the man seriously.

“I will... When he’s older,” Ohno assured him and crossed his hands behind his head as he leaned back and closes his eyes. The reason he was hanging around Chinen was because he wanted to tease his overreacting members. They were the ones who started telling him to be cautious of Chinen. Holding back his smile, he added. “Seriously, you guys should cut him some slack.”

“Satoshi, he’s twenty years old which means he is no longer a boy!” Sho said in exasperation, straightening up at Ohno’s lack of concern. He bristled when Ohno let out a snort of laughter at his exclamation.

“One day he might just rape you and when he does, don’t come crying to us!”
“He wouldn’t do that…..would he?”

Now Ohno was really worried about being alone with Chinen. 


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