Thursday, February 3, 2011


My all time favourite fanfic writter is back from hiatus! Yeay~!!! And she wrote a Nino Baby oneshot series yesterday! And today, she wrote another alphabet challege oneshot series!

I really like this one. It really reached to my heart~ <333 She's always writing good fanfics!

Title: [C]hocolate Ice Cream
Series: Alphabets Challenge
Author: [info]chocoxchips
Pairing: Sakumiya
Note: The letters were inspired by another fanfic.
[Alphabets Challenge Masterpost]

“Hey! Stop that!”
Eight years old Sho ran towards the group of boys in front of him, voice loud and angry, “I’m telling the teacher!”
The group of boys immediately ran away when the word teacher reached their ears, leaving their bully victim all alone in the sand.
“Are you okay?” Sho helped the boy up as he patted all the sand off him. “You’re safe now.”
Those reassuring words didn’t really work though, seeing as the injured boy was still crying.
“Don’t cry! The mean bullies are gone now!” Sho panicked when the boy wouldn’t stop crying. He didn’t know what to do at all, and the crying boy was getting louder.
“I know!” Sho suddenly thought of something. He ran off after telling the crying boy to wait for him, and returned within a few minutes.
Panting as he supported his half bent body with one arm, Sho held onto an ice cream cone with his free hand. He smiled despite of desperately catching his breath, and handed the chocolate flavoured ice cream cone to the crying boy.
Sho watched as the boy in front of him slowly stopped crying, and reached for the ice cream cone in his hand. The boy took a small bite of the chocolate ice cream, and a grin slowly stretched across his lips.
Seeing the smile on the boy’s face, Sho felt butterflies in his stomach. He felt proud because he managed to scare the bullies away, relieved because the boy stopped crying, and happy because the boy was smiling because of him.
While the boy was still eating his ice cream, Sho took his hands and walked towards the bench nearby.
“My name is Sakurai Sho, but you can call me Sho.”
The boy looked up from his ice cream, reached out his hand and smiled with the chocolate ice cream moustache he had, “I’m Nino! Ninomiya Kazunari.”
“Let’s write letters to each other.” Nino suggested as he licked the chocolate flavoured ice cream in his hand. “To each other ten years in the future.”
“Huh?” Sho looked at his boyfriend, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
“It’ll be our high school memory!” Nino smiled as he shoved a piece of paper in Sho’s hands. “Plus, you’re graduation this year anyways. You can look back ten years from now and reminisce about how we were in high school!”
As they wrote the letters, Sho tried to take a peek at what Nino was writing, but got smacked in the head everytime for trying.
When they folded and inserted the letters in separate envelopes, Nino took a messy bite out of his chocolate ice cream, and sealed his letter to future Sho with a chocolate kiss stained.
Chuckling as Nino offered him his ice cream, Sho did the same and left a messy kiss stained on his letter to future Nino as well.
When Sho was done putting both their letters in a metal box, Nino playfully pulled him into a kiss just as he took the box away. Leaving no time for Sho to react, Nino ran off as he shouted:
“Come on! Let’s bury these under the tree where you confessed to me.”
“Is there anything else you want?” Jun asked as he handed Nino his bag of luggage, eyes full of concern.
Clutching onto his luggage, Nino looked at his surroundings. The person he decided to give up was nowhere to be seen. Although he should know that he wouldn’t be there, he was still disappointed.
Just then, the music of an ice cream truck resounded in the air.
His throat tightened as tears swelled up around his eyes. With a sob choking out, Nino whimpered out, “Jun… I want to eat chocolate flavoured ice cream one last time…”
Sho frantically opened every drawer and cupboard doors in his apartment, desperately trying to find a trace of Nino.
When he finally gave up, he realized that Nino had left without leaving any traces or hints of coming back. He was gone… just like that.
The guitar he used to play for him had disappeared, along with the video games they used to play. The clothes Sho thought Nino looked cute in were gone too. The only thing left of Nino, was the photo beside the tv.
Holding onto the photo, Sho tried calling Nino but failed for the millionth time. With his heart pounding fast out of fear, he dialled a second set of number.
“Where’s Nino!?” Sho shouted the moment Jun picked up.
“……….” After a pause, Jun let out a sigh and said. “Aren’t you a little too late? He’s been gone for a week now. Where were you for the past week!?”
“I…” It was true, he hadn’t been home for the past ten days.
It started out with something small, but it escalated into a fight. He walked out the apartment, not wanting to face Nino at all. He loves him, but the thought of him having to bow down and apologize irritated him. He knew Nino had called him a few times after the fight, but he didn’t want to pick up.
At the end, he turned off his phone and decided to live in a hotel.
If Nino’s boss didn’t call him saying he hadn’t been at work for the past week, Sho wouldn’t have realized. The fear of losing Nino wouldn’t have sparked, and he would have never realized.
“Nino decided already.” Jun’s voice came up to interrupt his train of thoughts. “Rather than watching everything fade away, he chose to leave when he still has something to hold onto.”
“Please… I just want to talk to him-”
“Save it.” Jun sounded angry and determined. “If you really care, you would have noticed Nino was gone earlier, not a week after.”
It’s been three years, and Sho haven’t seen Nino once.
He tried looking for him, tried coming up with excuses to why Nino left, tried lying to himself. He tried everything he could think of, but nothing worked.
He was still alone, still regretting what he had done.
No matter how hard Sho tried, his connections with Nino were slowly fading away.
When Nino left, he left with the three things he deemed most important in his life: Games, money and guitar. The only important thing Nino left behind, was him.
The only thing left for Sho to depend on, was the promise he and Nino made when they were teenagers. The promise to go back to their high school and open the letters they wrote for each other ten years ago.
Dusting the dirt away, Sho opened the metal box he dug out.
He was surprised to find only one letter in the metal box. That only means one thing.
Nino cheated.
He opened the letter before the promised ten years, and left without seeing him. Sho had been guarding this place since 6:00am, not wanting to miss the chance of seeing Nino.
Was Nino that afraid of seeing him?
With shaky hands, he opened the letter.
Dear the 28 years old Sho kun~
I wonder, do you still remember this letter? This is the seventeen years old Ninomiya Kazunari!
I wonder how you look right now, probably very handsome with a lot of girls admiring you. But one thing’s for sure, your shoulders would still slope!
You were always smart and hardworking, so I’m guessing you have a very high salary right now. You also live in a nice apartment, drive a Mercedes or something!
I wonder if you’re married or not. If you are, your wife is probably very beautiful and your children would be like mini Sho kuns jumping around. I just hope they didn’t inherit your sloppy shoulders.
It’s been ten years by the time you read this letter. Do you still remember me?
Are we still in love?
Like I said, it would have been ten years already. A lot can happen in this time period.
If we’re still in love, you’d probably make fun of me for this letter.
But if you don’t remember me, the purpose of this letter is to remind you about what we had. I selfishly want to you remember, because I’d hate it if you were to forget all our memories.
You can’t forget how we met. You can’t forget about the chocolate flavoured ice cream. You can’t forget how you confessed to me. You can’t forget about our first kiss. You can’t forget about the pranks we used to pull on Masaki. You can’t forget about the first night we had together.
Those are our memories, Sho kun. They’re our precious memories that we’ve created since we were eight.
You can’t forget them. I won’t let you.
No matter what we are right now, may it be lovers, friends or even strangers, I want you to remember about us.
I want you to remember that we were in love.

Sho reread the letter a few times, only realizing he was crying when his tears had smudged Nino’s writings. He carefully put the letter back in the envelope, and stared at the chocolate kiss seal that Nino had placed ten years ago.
He used to question why Nino was so obsessed with chocolate flavoured ice cream, even when they had turned into adults. Right now, he just wanted to share an ice cream cone with Nino like they used to do.
Dear Nino chan~
Hello future Nino, this is Sakurai Sho from ten years ago!
You suggested writing letters to each other and open them ten years in the future, but I don’t really know what to write.
If this is ten years in the future, than you should be 27 already! Wow, I still can’t imagine ourselves that old yet! I wonder what we’ll be doing at that age.
My guess is that you’ll probably be a musician, baseball player or game designer! Or better yet, you can be my personal housewife! (I know you’ll smack my head for this, but that’s for me to worry about in ten years~)
I wonder if you’ll still be as skinny as you are right now. I sure hope not! You’re too skinny, its kind of unhealthy. For your face… I think you’ll still look around the same. You have a baby face that will probably never age.
A lot of things can change in ten years, but I hope they change for the better. 27 years old Nino, are you happy with what you are right now? But the one thing I’m sure will never change, is us.
I don’t know why you wanted me to write this letter, but I’ll make you a ten years promise. I promise you that by the time we read these letters, we’ll still be in love.
No matter how far in the future, I promise you we’ll still be together. We’ll always eat chocolate flavoured ice cream as we hold hands. We’ll always be together. We’ll always be in love with each other.
So that’s why, we should celebrate my genius prediction of us by eating chocolate flavoured ice cream! And afterwards, we can write another letter to ourselves in the future again.
The next letter we write can be to ourselves ten, twenty or even fifty years in the future! I’ll still write the same thing, because I’m sure.
I’m sure we’ll always be together.
Sakurai Sho.

Clutching onto the letter Sho wrote to him, Nino covered his mouth as he slumped to the ground. Tears raced down his cheeks as his hands trembled.
Nino was in a far distance behind Sho, but he wanted to reach out his hand and touch the man he had been avoiding for three years. But he couldn’t move. His body seemed to be frozen, preventing him from getting himself hurt all over again.
Suddenly, the music of an ice cream truck rippled across the area. The nostalgic sound pulled two crying men out of their misery for one second, and caught their attention.
When Sho turned around to look at the source of the sound, he found something more precious than chocolate flavoured ice cream.
He found the very person that made chocolate flavoured ice cream precious.


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