Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New writter?

I kinda like her fanfics. they are all cute ^^

Title: What If?
Author: [info]nhbsakakude
Pairings: Juntoshi, Masatoshi, Ohmiya, Yama
Rating: PG
Length: Drabbles
Genre: Fluff
Warning: Mushy-ness~
Summary: How would Ohno’s everyday life looks like if he were to date each member?

The Perfectionist Juntoshi

“Leader! Your tie is crooked again!”

Ohno looked down and indeed it was crooked. He raised his hands to fix it but was slapped away by two impatient pale hands. Warily, he looked up to see Jun grumbling as he adjusted the older man’s tie. Jun spent few seconds tugging it and once he was satisfied, he let go and set to brush off any dust he sees on Ohno’s suit. Ohno fought the urge to roll his eyes. ‘Perfectionist.’

“Come on we’re gonna be late for the interview,” Jun reminded in a rush before turning around to leave the dressing room. However, he remembered something and turned back. Marching towards Ohno, he gave a peck on his lips and smile.

“Nearly forgotten about this,” the perfectionist murmured softly, a gentle smile on his face. With that, he turned towards the door leaving Ohno behind. Ohno smiled cheekily and set off to tug at his tie again.

The Gamer Ohmiya
Ohno looked up from the fish magazine he was reading to the man who was sitting on the floor cross-legged near the television. Nino was currently fully focused on playing his PS3 game, FF13 versus, holding the controller in a tight grip. Apparently he was having a hard time fighting the boss.

Trying not to make a sound, Ohno carefully stood up, the magazine still in his hands. Silently, he crept towards Nino and stood beside him. Without even taking his eyes off for a second, Nino raised both his arms. At the gesture, Ohno immediately moved forward and lay down, careful not to block the gamer’s vision. Resting his head on the latter’s lap, he flipped opened to the page he had stopped and resume reading.

Fifteen minutes later, there was a sharp intake of breath and Ohno looked up knowing Nino had won. Without missing a beat, the gamer grinned and swooped down to claim a victory kiss from the willing man on his lap.

The Newscaster Yama
Sho flipped the newspaper, his eyes skimming the article. This was already his third newspaper and judging from the pile of stacks laid down beside him, Ohno doubt he would end any earlier.

Ohno pursed his lips and dragged his chair nearer. The legs of the chair scrapped the floor loudly, yet Sho was undisturbed. Without lifting his eyes, he said. “Satoshi, you’re going to leave marks on the floor if you do that.”

The tone was monotonous and well delivered as though the sentence had been used countless of times. Ohno ignored his advice, merely staring at the man intensely. Finally after a few minutes, Sho sighed. Pausing his reading for a moment, he turned his head to the waiting man and gave him a brief kiss on the lips. Having done so, he returned back to his newspaper.

Ohno, who now had gotten what he wanted, turned back to the table and resume his doodling.

The Kind Idiot Masatoshi
“Hey leader you want some?” Aiba asked as he shoved a half-eaten hotdog in his face. Mildly disgusted at the sauce and mayonnaise oozing out between the bread, Ohno shook his head.

Aiba nodded a grin still etched on his face and proceed to finish the hotdog. Seeing how happy he was munching, it was safe to say he was totally unaffected by Ohno’s rejection to have a bite. Ohno decided to ask a question which has been bugging him ever since he knew Aiba.

“Hey Aiba-chan, is there anything you don’t share with anyone at all?”

Aiba said smiling widely and wrapped his arms around Ohno in a tight grip. Leaning forward he slapped a sloppy kiss on the shorter man’s left cheek which the latter couldn’t helped but winced at the slimy texture.

“Leader is the only thing I will NEVER share with anyone!!” 


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