Thursday, February 10, 2011


I find this fanfic calming~ ^^ Enjoy~ XD

Title: Platonic
Author: [info]charcoaldonkey 
Pairing: OhnoxNino
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Word Count: 486

Hello~ So amidst my desperate struggle to get inspired for the 256723 different fic ideas i have, i somehow ended up writing this,
I'm not 100% sure why i wrote it but ah well, it was interesting to write a different take of the whole Ohmiya sk situation xD I was going to build off of it but i'm way~ too lazy and occupied with school work so here's a ficlet for you~ :3
And hopefully lots of comments will inspire me to write one of the many half-started fics i have lined up? ^.^
Read on~



“What do you feel… when we kiss?”

“You mean like on stage?”


“I… don’t know.” Ohno spoke slowly and shifted next to him in the dark, Nino’s heart beat a little harder in his chest as he imagined what Ohno’s face must look like, his forehead pulled together and lips pouting the way they always did when he was thinking. He smiled slightly. “It was all an act then, never really serious, you know…?”

“Mm…” Nino sighed and they fell into a thoughtful silence, both listening to the other’s soft breathing. “Should we try…” He trailed off and felt his cheeks burn red at the suggestion.

“Yeah,” Ohno said after a pause, sounding embarrassed himself. “Okay…” There was a long moment of silence where neither man moved, waiting awkwardly for the other’s initiative. As if planned they both erupted into hushed giggles, Ohno’s hand tightening in Nino’s as they slowly regained their breath. “Well… here goes,” Slowly Ohno moved closer and Nino’s quiet laughter cut off in nervous anticipation. Long fingers brushed the hair from his face and warm breath hit his cheek, sending his heart pounding frantically against his ribs.

It was almost anticlimactic when their lips finally met, Ohno’s fingers still lingering at the edge of his jaw. It wasn’t anything Nino hadn’t experienced before; kissing Ohno was almost like a bad habit he’d developed over their years of friendship, but certainly now there was a difference seeing as they were alone without a sea of cameras pointed at them. Nino breathed in slowly through his nose, letting Ohno’s smell –somewhere between home-baked bread and pine trees- fill his senses. The fact that their lips were touching felt odd, almost as if without the uncomfortable stares of others on them it had no purpose anymore.

Ohno pulled away and laid his head back on the pillow in silence, his hand resting comfortably against Nino’s neck. “…Anything?”

“No… not for me.” Nino said softly, hardly trying to disguise the disappointment in his voice. “And you?”

“Nothing…” Ohno breathed the word and Nino winced at how heartbroken it sounded. “I wish I was…” He said earnestly, trailing off and Nino was silent. “I wish that could have meant everything to me.”

Nino nodded, reaching up to put his hand over Ohno’s. “If I’m not gay, why do I like you so much?” He sighed, leaning their foreheads together the way they used to when they were kids. “Why does being just friends feel like not enough?”

Ohno was shaking his head and their fingers tangled together in the dark, a silent comfort to an invisible wound. “I don’t know.”

The words rang in the dark around them, almost echoing in Nino’s ears as fatigue blurred around the edges of his vision. Neither felt the need to break the silence, and over time they fell asleep, their fingers still twined together under the cool bed sheets.


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