Sunday, January 30, 2011

Perfect Present

I was just reading a few fanfic when I read back this one. I just like the last part actually when Sho-chan's birthday starts ^^

Title: Perfect Present
Paring: Sakuraiba
Rating: pg-13 (implied situation)
Summary: Aiba was troubled about something so Nino proposed a plan… will it work?
Disclaimer: I will own them someday… just you wait and see… *evil laugh*
A/N: for Sho’s birthday
“We’re almost at the end of the month,” Jun said leading the other into their greenroom. The small room was equipped with a large rectangular table with chairs in the middle of it and a couch against the wall. “I still remember all that performances we did a month ago,” Jun continued as he took his usual place closest to the door and settled down with a content sigh. Everyone looked tired since they were just finished recording double episode of VS Arashi.

“Time sure is moving fast when we’re having fun,” Sho said. He sat across Jun, with Ohno beside him. Nino took his DS from his bag before making his way to the couch, lying on it.

“Kohaku was really fun. To think that the whole world was watching us really made me happy,” Aiba said as he took his place beside Jun. He smiled thankfully when Ohno handed him bottles of water from across the table and passed one to Nino behind him.

“Yeah. Despite those spoiled group of brats running around making jokes of everything, I think we did great,” Nino said without looking up from his DS.

“You’re one to talk, Ninomiya,” Jun said as he started packing things into his bag lazily ignoring Nino’s fierce eyes on him.

“I think last year was the busiest end of year for us,” Sho said thoughtfully. “We had performed at FNS, hosting Kohaku, and did live broadcast performance for Johnny’s Countdown. There were also minor shows that we had to do for New Year.”

“Don’t forget about Music Station Super Live,” Ohno continued. He turned to look at Aiba and smiled. “You’ve received a birthday cake right, Aiba-chan?”

“Yes!” Aiba exclaimed. “Thank you, guys. The cake was delicious.”

“Don’t thank us,” Nino looked up from his DS to Aiba before looking at Sho who was fixing his hair in front of a mirror. “The whole thing was his idea.”

“It was nothing, really,” Sho smiled upon realizing Aiba’s eyes on him from the mirror. “That what friends are for,” he continued.

“Just spare me from something like this,” Nino said before looking back down to his DS. “I don’t want to waste my precious time thinking of what to give you back for your birthday,” he continued without looking up.

Aiba looked attentively to Nino before turning back at Sho. Sho raised his eyebrows upon seeing Aiba eyeing him anxiously. “What is it?”

“I-,” Aiba

“I’ll be taking my leave now. Good work, everyone,” Jun said before disappearing behind the door.

“We’ll be going too,” Ohno said as he grabbed his and Nino’s things from the table before pulling Nino off the couch and dragged him to the door. “See you guys tomorrow.”

As soon as the two disappeared, Sho turned his focus on Aiba. “You were saying…?”

“No- Nothing important,” Aiba stuttered. “I better go too or I’ll be late for my drama.”

“Ok. See you tomorrow.”


“Morning,” Jun greeted the other four as soon as he entered the room. He frowned when no one show a sign to respond.

Ohno was occupying the couch with a lap full of Nino. His eyes were closed so Jun figured that their leader was probably sleeping, oblivious to the sound coming from Nino’s DS. And Jun knew Nino would never tear his eyes away from his DS when he started to be absorbed in it.

Jun watched as Sho busied himself with his laptop on the table. Jun also knew that Sho wouldn’t respond when he was too engrossed with his work. Judging by the speed of his fingers moving against the keyboard, Jun could guess that the deadline was that day. Everyone knew not to bother the man during that time of the day ever since they witnessed Aiba getting yelled for disturbing him.

But Aiba was another story. No matter how busy he was, he would still respond to his surrounding properly. But the Aiba he saw that day wasn’t the usual cheery guy who would always reply cheerfully to everything. He had his head on the table, looking at Sho who was obviously oblivious of him being watched.

Jun sighed as he made his way to Aiba, taking his place beside him and patted his shoulder gently. To his expectation, Aiba slightly flinched from the touch before straightened up.

“What are you thinking about?” Jun asked. “You can make a hole on the wall by staring like that.”

“I wasn’t staring,” Aiba denied and looked away, pouting.

“Ok, sorry. You weren’t staring,” Jun gave up. “So, what’s wrong?”

“I was-” Aiba was cut short when a staff suddenly appeared at the door to call them for recording. Jun turned his focus back to Aiba after that but the older man only smiled and said nothing. He wanted to ask him again but decided to ask later since the others had already made their way to the recording studio.

The recording went fine apart from a few mistakes done by Aiba. He appeared as his cheerful self but Jun can see that he was trying hard. Sho had disappeared as soon as they finished with the recording to go for his next work. Jun thought that the best time to confront Aiba was when when Nino and Ohno excused themselves for the day.

Aiba was sitting with his head on the table hiding it in his arms. Jun took his place across him and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Wanna tell me now, what’s bugging you?” Jun asked. “And don’t tell me it’s nothing coz you’ve practically doubled your idiocy at the recording today.”

Aiba looked up to Jun without lifting his head upon hearing the question. He was wearing a sad expression on his face and that made Jun remembered his pet dog back at home when he refused to let it out to play. “Sorry,” Aiba said quietly.

“Care to share what’s on your mind? I’ll see if I can help,” Jun said again. “Is it about Sho?” he asked and smirked when he saw Aiba lifted his head and looked at him, wide eyes.

“How’d you kn-,” Aiba tried to ask but stopped in the middle as he remembered Jun’s words that morning. He sighed before starting to tell Jun everything that had been bothering him.

“That’s it?” Jun asked frowning. “You’re troubled about what he’d done for you?”

“Not troubled, it’s more like- I don’t know what is it exactly,” Aiba pouted. “I just thought that he must be thinking that I’m ungrateful.”

“Aiba-chan, I don’t think you should be so work up over this,” Jun said softly. He knew from experience that whenever Aiba started to make a big deal out of anything, it won’t do him or their group any good.

“You don’t understand, Matsujun,” Aiba suddenly snapped. “It not just about that particular event but he’s been looking after me for the last 11 years. And yet I’ve done nothing to repay him.”

“Ok, sorry. Here’s my idea, if you really wanna show him… your gratitude… you could…” Jun stopped to think before continued with enthusiasm. “… buy him something he likes; something that he always wanted. Like jewelries or a designer clothes or something expensive.”

Aiba looked at Jun thoughtfully before sighing. “But I don’t have that much money,” he said weakly. “Besides, that would only work for you, Matsujun. I don’t think Sho-chan would like something like th-,” he stopped upon feeling something fell on top of his head. He rubbed that certain spot and looked up to see Jun’s fierce eyes on him. “It hurts.”

“Don’t ask me about anything anymore, idiot.”

“But you’re the one asking me to tell you,” Aiba whined while looking at Jun storming out of the room. “Why is he so mad?” he asked himself.


Ohno settled on the couch and closed his eyes. There was no one around when he arrived at the greenroom that morning. He wondered where Sho could’ve been when he was suppose to be the first to arrived everyday but decided not to mind much about it.

As he was about to set sail on his huge boat to the Dreamland, he heard a long sigh so close to his ear. He was sure that no one was inside when he entered the room. Was it a ghost? He hasn’t seen one since their early debut days. He sat up and tried to listen to the sound clearly. The sound was coming from behind the couch he was sitting.

Ohno was hesitating whether to run or just stay when he heard the sound again. This time it was somewhat familiar. He got on his knees and peek behind the couch to see a figure emitting a depressing aura leaning against the couch, hidden from the world. “Aiba-chan?” he called.

Aiba looked up and smiled sadly upon seeing Ohno’s face looking down to him. “Morning, Riida.”

“What’s wrong, Aiba-chan?” Ohno asked.

Aiba looked at the leader as the older man settled beside him. “Riida, I don’t know what to do,” he whined.

“About what?” Ohno asked. He wasn’t a leader for nothing despite what everybody thought about him. He had done a great job keeping the group all together for 11 years without has to even do anything. He listened as Aiba told him everything that was bothering him. “So you want to thank him?”

“Yeah, something like that,” Aiba nodded. “What can I do?”

“Hmm, to tell the truth, I don’t know either,” Ohno giggled.

“Sorry. I shouldn’t have trouble you with my problem.”

“It’s the least I can do as a leader,” Ohno said patting Aiba’s back.

“Thanks, Oh-chan” Aiba smiled. “But what would you do if you were me?”

“Well, if I were you, I’ll ask him to go fishing,” Ohno said with a content smile.

Aiba had opened his mouth to ask further when a voice startled them. “What are you two doing hiding there?” Sho asked.

“Aiba-chan was asking me how to-”

Aiba was fast cutting Ohno’s words. “No- nothing, we- we’re just playing hide and seek, right Riida?” Aiba chuckled nervously and sighed in relieved when Ohno nodded.

“Sounds like fun,” Sho said as he joined them behind the couch. “So, who’s the seeker?”


Nino yawned as he walked towards Arashi’s greenroom. Another day, another work, he sighed. He was tired from staying up all night playing games plus a text and call from someone (not that he responded to since he was too busy playing). He decided to come early to avoid being late for work. He could catch some sleep at their greenroom while waiting for others to come. He tried not to pass out before arriving at the room.

To his dismay a certain someone he wanted to avoid early in the morning was already in the room waiting for him. He tried to escape but the other was fast to grab him.

“What do you want?” Nino asked with annoyance. He let himself being drag by that being into the couch and settled on it. Aiba started talking as soon as their butts landed on the couch.

“… to do,” Aiba cried and clung onto Nino to add the effect. “Are you listening to me?”

“Yeah, I’m listening,” Nino said as he leaned against the couch, closing his eyes. “Though I don’t have to listen to you just to know what you wanted to talk about. You’ve sent me like a hundred texts already.”

“I know you didn’t read all of it,” Aiba reasoned. “Nino, open your eyes and look at me.”

“One was enough to figure out the rest,” Nino said without opening his eyes or moving. “It’s not like I know you just yesterday, Masaki.”

Aiba knew Nino was getting irritated since he had used Aiba’s given name. It was always ‘Aiba’, ‘Aiba-chan’, ‘Aiba-kun’ or even ‘Aibaka’ for Nino but never ‘Masaki’. When ‘Masaki’ came out of his mouth, it meant that he was getting annoyed. “Sorry,” he said quietly.

“whatever,” Nino suddenly felt guilty for treating Aiba that way. He knew that Aiba was a simple person and everything that he bothered to think about must have meant a lot to him. “I’ve got a prefect idea for you,” Nino said as he flashed Aiba his infamous mischievous smile. He signaled Aiba to lean forward before whispering something in his ear.

“A- Are you sure it’ll work?” Aiba asked nervously.

“Since when did my plan didn’t work?” Nino asked back. “Now get the hell away from me and wake me when it’s time for work.”


The bath was relaxing. He hung the towel around his waist and on his head and made his way to the living room. He smiled hearing repeated sounds coming from his handphone on the coffee table indicating he’d received yet another text messages. Another 10 minutes to his birthday and people had started wishing him.

He turned on the TV before going to the kitchen to fix himself something to drink. He was walking back to the living room when he heard his doorbell. He put the glass on the kitchen table and went to answer the door. The door opened to Aiba’s anxious face.

“Aiba-chan, what are you doing here?” Sho asked, surprise to see his band mate standing in front of his door at that hour. “Please, come in.”

“Hi, Sh- Sho-chan,” Aiba swallowed painfully. His eyes moved throughout Sho’s body unwillingly causing him to stutter. “I- I was- you. I mean, I was- I am- I’m-”

If wasn’t for Aiba’s flushed face, Sho wouldn’t notice that he was standing half naked at the doorway. “Sorry, I was just finished bathing,” he said, blushing. “Help yourself while I’ll go change.”

“Wa- wait,” Aiba grabbed Sho’s hand before the older man escaped to his room. “It’s already 12 midnight.”

“Ye-” Sho didn’t manage to finish his words when Aiba suddenly leaned forward for a kiss. The kiss lasted a few second but long enough for both of them to feel something inside.

“Wha- What was that for?” Sho asked as soon as he was out of the spell.

“Your… birthday present,” Aiba chuckled nervously. He looked down avoiding Sho’s gaze on him and slowly withdrew when Sho advanced to him.

“My birthday present?” Sho asked back. “What happen to things you can buy at a store and wrap nicely in a box?”
“I- I’m sorry, Sho-chan,” Aiba said as he fell backward onto the couch. He must have withdrawn too far inside the house into the living room. He looked up to Sho’s impassive eyes before looking back down. “I didn’t know what to give you. Every time I thought of something, either you already have it or you’re not interested,” Aiba said sadly.

Sho knelt in front of him making their face at the same level as each other. “Why do you want to give me something so badly?” Sho asked.

“Because, I didn’t want you to think that I’m an ungrateful child. You’ve always looked after me and I’ve done nothing for you.”

Sho touched Aiba’s chin gently and guided his face to look at him, bringing their lips inches closed. “So, you thought of giving me ‘this’ as a present?”

“Ye- yes.”

“I don’t take small give, Aiba.”

“I’m sorry, I-”

“Now I just have to take all of you.”

“I know. I’m really- what?” Aiba looked dumbfounded at Sho upon hearing his words. “what do you mean?”

“I will have all of you,” Sho said simply before tugging Aiba hand and pulled him up and towards the bedroom.

“Wa- Wait. It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” Aiba cried out and struggled to get out of Sho’s grip. The towel around Sho’s waist went loose revealing prove of his manhood causing Aiba to yelp.

Sho smirked upon seeing Aiba’s reaction. He took the chance to trap the younger against his bedroom door and held both his wrist on top of his head. “How is it supposed to be then?” he whispered into Aiba’s ear.

“You’re supposed to say ‘how silly of you Aiba-chan, I’m happy with anything you give me’,” Aiba said mimicking Sho’s manly voice, “… and then we’ll go out to celebrate together… or- or- or anything but this,” Aiba exclaimed.

“Well, I don’t feel like eating out,” Sho said and he nipped gently on Aiba’s ear causing the younger to shudder involuntarily. “I feel like eating you, tonight.” With last words being said, he opened the bedroom door and pushed Aiba inside.

“I don’t want this!” Aiba shouted as Sho kicked the door closed.


The next morning

“Morning, guys,” Sho entered the room with Aiba in hand and greeted the other three cheerfully. He led Aiba to the couch and sat him before placing their things on the table and

“You look happy, Sho-kun,” Ohno asked with a smile.

“Oh, something good happen to me last night,” Sho said winking at his new lover. Aiba looked down to hide his blushing face.

“Really? Care to share?” Jun said with a grin earning a smirk from Nino.

“Nah, I’m gonna keep this to myself,” Sho said as he took his place beside Aiba. He swung his hand around the younger’s shoulder and tightened his grip when Aiba tried to resist. A few minutes later Ohno and Jun left for their individual photo shoots.

“You’re awfully quiet today. Don’t tell me that my plan didn’t work,” Nino said looking at Aiba who was busy resisting Sho’s hand.

“Oh, that works just fine. Come to think again, I guess I owe you my gratitude.” I know you’re behind this all along, but I should thank you for that.

“Glad to know that. So should we fix our schedule together sometimes?” Nino replied. Now that we’re in favor of each other, I demand a dinner treat.


Aiba looked at both his band mates in confusion as if they were talking in codes. “What are you guys talking about?” Aiba asked.

“Nothing, honey,” Sho said as he leaned forward to kiss Aiba but the other was fast on avoiding him.

“Nino’s here,” Aiba whispered.

“Please, even a blind man could see you’re lovey dovey mood,” Nino snorted as he stood up and grabbed his things. “Just keep it to yourself okay guys.” He managed before disappearing behind the door.

Aiba blushed hard while Sho laughed out to Nino’s remark. “Now that we’re alone again-” Sho pushed Aiba to lie on the couch and straddled him before going all out attacking his lips.


Last night

“Are you ok?” Sho asked as he caressed Aiba’s cheek lovingly, wiping away his tears. “Sorry for being rough on you.”

“I’m fine,” Aiba said between his sobs. “I just need to get use of this.” Sho leaned back on to the pillow, letting Aiba to rest on his chest. They lied quietly in the dark listening to each other heartbeat.

“Sho-chan, why?” Aiba asked breaking the silence.

“Why?” Sho asked back.

“Why me?”

“Because I’ve found my prefect present,” Sho said. Aiba lifted his head to look at Sho to try to understand what the older was saying. “The perfect present just for me,” he continued as he claimed Aiba’s lips for the nth time that night.

“Happy birthday, Sho-chan,” Aiba said shyly, closing his eyes to feel the new sensation he discovered together with Sho.

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