Monday, January 24, 2011

The Promise

And I find this fanfic very cute too! A 6 years old Oh-chan with a 16 years old Nino! XD

Tittle: The Promise
Author: tea_party_rabu-san
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Boys aren't mine. Neither is this fic... kinda. I got the idea from another fic and re-wrote it Ohmiya style~
Summary: When little Oh-chan makes a certain promise to his babysitter. Complete Fluff.

Golden sunlight streamed through the window in a soft, morning glow, warming Ohno's legs as they swung back and forth beneath the kitchen table. He watched curiously as Nino pinched the bridge of his nose and grumbled into his cell phone.

"I already told you I can't Aiba, I'm watching Ohno right now."

A strand of hair fell over Ohno's eye as he shoved a glob of cereal into his mouth. He pushed it back and pulled his spoon out, chewing slowly as he continued to watch his babysitter.

"Well for one thing, his parents pay me truckloads. And he's a shitton cuter than you, that helps."

Shitton.  Ohno wondered what it meant. Nino was always using words he didn't understand. One time, his father had yelled at him after he said the word "bitchin", something Nino had told him meant "totally, TOTALLY awesome."

Nino grinned suddenly. "You bet."

Ohno's gaze narrowed, his pink mouth twisting into a tiny pout. He didn't like it when Nino was with him but spent his time paying attention to other people. Especially people on the phone that Ohno didn't know. Especially people who made him smile like that.

"Later." Nino snapped his phone shut and pulled out a chair at the table, plopping himself down next to Ohno. He crossed his arms over the table, tilting his head when he saw Ohno's small pout. "What's wrong?"

Ohno bit his lip and tapped his spoon against the bowl. He looked up, dark eyes wide and large over his pudgy, pink cheeks. "Who was on the phone?"

"Huh?" Nino glanced at his phone that he'd set on the table when he sat down, then back at Ohno. "Just now? That was Aiba."

"Aiba," Ohno murmured. His gaze drew away from Nino, sliding over the table, the floor, his hand curled on his lap in a tiny fist. "Is he little too?"

"What?" Nino chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "No, Aiba's a big kid, like me."

"Oh...."  Ohno swallowed, banging the heel of his foot against his chair leg. "But do you watch other kids too?" He finally looked back up, looking Nino straight in the eye. "Do you have kids at your house?"

Nino's brow slowly arched up. "Umm... no?" He smiled slightly. What's with the questions?  His smiled quickly faded as he saw Ohno's eyes once again roll away from his, the corners of his lips pulling into a frown. "Hey, hey," he grabbed Ohno's hand off his lap, bringing it up and holding it within the warm curl of his fingers over the table. "What's the matter?"

Ohno dropped his spoon, and it clattered beside the bowl as he wiped at the corners of his eyes. "I mean, is there a mommy? And you?"

Nino's brows furrowed in a worried wrinkle. It took him a moment to understand what Ohno was asking him but when he did, he couldn't help but laugh. "Oh! You mean am I married! No way!" He squeezed Ohno's hand, so small and smooth and soft within his own. "No kids, no wife, Oh-chan, I promise. You're only six, what are you doing asking me stuff like that?"

Ohno made a quiet, surprised sound when Nino's free hand came up and ruffled the back of his hair. "Sides, you know you're the only kid for me."

His eyes flicked back to Nino. "How come?"

Nino chuckled and leaned close to him. "Cause you're too cute for your own good," he whispered.

Ohno felt his face get hot as Nino's breath ghosted over his ear, his little heart pattering frantically in his chest. "No Nino! He pressed. "How come you don't have a wife?"

"Oh." Nino sat back a little. "Well, people usually don't get married at sixteen, Oh-chan." He glanced off to his side, mumbling. "Plus I don't really have much luck with girls anyways, they all seem the same."

Ohno blinked up at him, a beat or two passing by before he tugged his hand out of Nino's grasp, only to place it right back on top of the other boy's. "It's okay," Ohno assured. "I'll marry you."

Nino startled slightly, acutely aware of Ohno's small fingers splayed over the back of his larger hand. The flutter of Ohno's pulse beating quick but soft against his skin.

Ohno picked his spoon back up with his other hand, watching as he scooped up another mouthful of cereal, drops of milk raining down as he did so. "But you have to wait, because I gotta grow up first," he stated.

He shoved the spoon in his mouth, and Nino just started at him before a large smile bloomed across his face. "Right," he murmured.

*     *     *     *


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