Thursday, February 2, 2012

Play To The Last Bit

Thursday, I stayed at home the whole day. I was supposed to follow my mum and grandma to visit her friends but my brother didn't wanna go. So, I didn't wanna go neither. So, I ended up at home.

Friday, it's my god-mum's birthday. Dinner with her and my mum and my grandma and my god-mum's friend's daughter. Happy... We went to eat at Ayer Itam. Jam like hell.
At night, Ah Fook kept on asking me to go Kek Lok Si with them. First of all, jam like hell. Second, I didn't really wanna go with that stupid, brainless guy there. So, then Ah Fook asked me to go to Ah Wei's house to gamble. I didn't wanna go too. Same 2 reasons. Sorry Ah Fook, for lying to you.

So, Saturday, I went to BBQ at Ah Khang's house. Eugene and I went by Ferry once again. Yeay~ But he gt seasick a bit. Lolz... Then we waited for Ah Khang and went to his house.
 We played poker a bit before going to the snooker centre. That was what Eugene wanted to play since like forever.
I just sat there tho, cause I don't know how to play, but it seems hard but fun. Then we went to fetch Lilian before going to his house. we started setting up the grill. Surprisingly, I'm the only one doing it. with Ah Khang. At least Lilian helped a bit here and there. Eugene was just watching out.

Remembering I wacthed a drama, they say there are 3 types of woman in this world. You can see their true characteristics in a BBQ activity;
1. The cooks - Woman who set up the place and cook.
2. The waitress - Woman who only serves people.
3. The customer - Woman who only waits to be served and just eat.
By there, you know what kind of people they are already right?
Yea, I'm the cook. I set up the fire, I set up the grill, I cook. It's always like this in every BBQ party I go. Even if there are guys. Somehow, if it's other guys, I don't mind but when there is 'some' guy, I really hate it.

Anyway, there are lots of missing equipments, so Ah Khang and Lilian went to buy. So, we gambled a bit. When Ah Khnag arrived, only Eugene and I started setting up the fire and clean the place a bit before going into the kitchen to help Ah Khang. The ones who are doing the jobs are obviously not that happy. At least Ah Xeng did watch a bit here and there but the others are like sitting there. I don't mind Xeng's girlfriend cause afterall it's her first time here.
So, the BBQ started. We started cooking and stuff. It was fun! We cook and joke and stuff. Then we gambles after cooking. I was very tired already. I actually don't feel like gambling. Too tired. So, Eugene played most for me. We shared our loss and gain so we wouldn't loss many. Well, still, some brainless people there kept on saying nonsense which pisses some of us on the table. For further explanation, refer to my previous post.

Sunday,  I went out with Phaik Chin, since it's her last day in Penang before leaving to S'pore. Debra and Fayizah were there too. It was a bit boring tho.

Monday and Tuesday was Eugene's last 2 days before he start working again. So I accompanied him.

Yesterday, I went out with Hoay Hoay and Yin Yin. It was fun. We went to eat Sakae Sushi and watch a movie and walked around. Then we waited for Daniel to come before going for our dinner at 1st Avenue's Kenny Rogers. Service like shit ah! Hoay Hoay and I ended up didn't eat cause the waitress kept us waiting for 10minutes and asked us to wait for another 10minutes? what the hell! And the other customers who came late got theirs while we still don't. Even until Yin Yin and Daniel had finished their food. What the fuck! End up, Daniel complaint to the manager and the manager gave us 10% discount.

Then I went to my Pudding Meeting. After the meeting, Kar Ming talked to me about her talked to my mum. Well, everything she told me to do, I did but then it just doesn't work. So, I stopped. After she talked to me, Eugene Khoo talked to me. He taught me lots of things tho. I'll explain next time.

Then I went home.


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