Saturday, February 18, 2012

Life With Different Group of People

This post is mostly about me nd a different group of people which just entered my life: SEGi college classmates.

On the 3rd February 2012. I went out with Vivian, Michelle and Hoong Yi to Balik Pulau to have tomyam seafood. Well, Vivian and I waited for Hoong Yi for like 2 hours but it's okay cause his grandad just passed away.

Anyway, it was fun with them tho Michelle was quite steam cause she was really drunk the night before. We ate and talk and joked. Then we went to Starbucks at Queensbay. We were a bit bored there so I called Ah Fook to come along.
Then we went to mamak stall to have supper and talked before going home.

The next day, I went to Gurney Plaza with Soong Yi. We went to Chopper Board for lunch and went for a movie, Chronicle. It was a lame movie tho.
It was really fun going out with her after such a long time since I last met her. We still talk a lot tho. And we still talk a lot of our problems to each other and stuff. The sad thing is, she told me she stopped her piano. Sad case.

4th February 2012, I went to find Eugene in the morning before he goes to work. It has been a while since I last fetch him to work.
Evening, I went over to KY's house for an overnight with Yvonne too. We went to Prangin Mall for a walk and window shopping and also dinner. Our BBQ was ruined by me cause I over slept and we were too hungry~ Anyway, we went trying some cloths in Brands Outlet and bought each a t-shirt cause Yvonne saw her ginger-bread man t-shirt. So, KY and I just decided to buy. XD We were almost all in pink! XD

We went back to her house. Online a bit and downloaded a horror movie. While waiting, we played poker cards and gambled a bit. Then they taught me how to play mahjong. Finally, KY is willing to teach me! Lolz...XD KY even opened a small bottle of red wine. We shared and drank. It was nice!
Then we watched the movie; 'Wishing Stairs', a Korean horror movie. It was scary. We were hiding our face behind our hands and pillows. Lolz...

Then we went to sleep. I couldn't really sleep well but by the time I really woke up, it was already 12pm+. I slept with Yvonne again in a bed of course. We woke up and bath and got ready before going out. We wore our new bought t-shirts!
We went to fetch Cindy before going to Prangin Mall again and had McD for lunch. Then we went to fetch Yvonne's sister and left Yvonne's car for her before going to Paragon Coffee Bean. We talked, took pics and gambled there. It was fun tho.

Then we went to Gurney. I forgot what we had for dinner before going home.
The next day, we went to Yvonne's grandma's house for steamboat! It was chap goh meh afterall, we played poker a bit before Yvonne's sister fetched us to Straits Quay. KY got lost somewhere so she didn't go in the end. Cause it was Thaipusam on that day, so the traffic was bad. But I taught Yvonne's sister to go shortcuts so we got there fast, avoiding the traffic.

So it's me, Yvonne, Miko and Yvonne's sister. We went to Library for a drink and played poker. Yvonne was a bit drunk. I started to be drunk when we walked to Yvonne's sister's car. Somehow, I started talking non-sense. I'm conscious but still I talk nonsense.
Luckily, Eugene finished worked already by then (12.30am). So I asked Yvonne's sister to drop me at his house. I rest a while before asking him to drop me home. I was still a bit drunk tho.

The following day, I stayed at home the whole day. I started Avatar; The last airbender, the episodes. I just got addicted.
Wednesday, my college started. Boring. Anyway, it was stupid of me, to leave my keys locked in my car. Ugh~ I didn't realized it until they said to go Harvest InCafe to have lunch together, when I realized, my keys are not with me. So, Vivian aka Ah Vian fetched me there. I asked Eugene to go too so he could fetch me home to get the spare keys.
We ate and went back. Eugene and I went to my house to get the keys and we went over to his house.  He ate the butter cookies I gave to his family during chinese new year.
 Then we had dinner at Queensbay Mall's Sakea Sushi before going to my pudding meeting.
The pudding meeting was bad cause our sales dropped tremendously. Sadly. Eugene Khoo scolded aloud. It was scary tho. Somehow, the atmosphere was really tensed.

Oh, and I did my nails nicely! =D

The next day, after college, we all went to Gurney Plaza's Chopper Board for lunch. Was a bit bored tho. But I saw this heart shape sesame seed on the rice. It was cute!
When I was about to go home, my car couldn't start. Shit! I guess my battery died again. Luckily, I had some knowledge about cars, so I tried to recharge the battery and it worked! I went home and fetch my mum to the mechanic to repair my car. Ended up, the battery died, So I need to change the battery.
After repairing, I went over to Sin Yee's house cause she asked me to help her fix her new laptop's line. So I went. Couldn't help much tho. So, after her dinner, we went to Strawberry forever cause her sister need internet to complete her assignment. So we ate there and talked and stuff.
10th February 2012, after college, I went to Gurney Plaza with Sherine, Hui Kian and Ai Yin. We had McD for lunch. We talked a lot there. We recalled back our high school teachers, how stupid the teachers are, how we reacted and stuff. It was funny and exciting. We talked about our recent life and types of people we met and lots more! It was really full of humor and fun! Then we went for a movie: Man on a ledge. It was damn nice!
It was the first time I went for a movie with them. It's their first time too! It was really a happy day!

Friday night, my god-mum gave me my new baby hazel. I was steaming cause I just woke up. She explained to me about the functions a bit before telling me this is an advance birthday present for me. I was so happy. Shocked too. I didn't expect my phone to reach so early. I didn't have the preparation for a new baby to come.

The next day, KY, Cindy and I went to first Avenue for a t-shirt painting activity. It was free. But KY was too late, so we went for the next session. I was really satisfy with mine. There are a few good ones too.
Then Cindy went to work, so I fetched KY to gurney and we were supposed to choose our valentine present for our partners but we ended up looking at our own stuff and talked about our own stuff. Then we went for dinner at Ice Ice Baby. We talked about our high school stuff again.

Unconsciously, we chatted for like more than 2 hours just about our high school memories. Recalling back the teachers, where they are seated, how are their attitude and how we 'ponteng' classes and lots of stuff!

Sunday, evening, i went over to Kar Ming's house to teach her sister math. It was fun as I talked and joked with Kar Ming and her sister was talking more than doing her homework so it took her 5hours to finish 40 short questions. Lolz... her sister was quite friendly too. After teaching her, it was 12am already. So I went to Chulia Street to get my dinner, burger egg and hotdog egg. Nice!

The next day, after college, A few of my classmates and I went to Raja Uda to have tomyam mee. Before that, Ah Fook and Ah Hui came to my house and placed their transport at my house and I drove them to college. When I was in class, I sat with Ah Hui Koko (More to I insisted a bit), Ah Fook and James sat behind us. We were talking a lot and joking here and there., I was happy and it was fun to the extend where we even talked dirty stuff a bit here and there. Well, James was surprised a bit to how steady and opened I was since afterall I'm a girl. But they treated me as brother, I don't mind tho. Honestly, I could be so happy when Kar Hou doesn't join in with us. But it also has been such a long time I actually sat and talked with those guys cause I haven't been with them since Kar Hou sat my place and I was forced to sit other place.

Oh, and I realized, Ah Fook, Ah Hui Koko and I wore grey shirts! Then when I went in class, Michelle and Hoong Yi were wearing grey too! Ah Hui Koko and mine was the most similar cause of our strips! Ah Fook told Ah Hui to wear his shirt oppositely. Lolz...
After class, we started going. Ah Vian, Ah Shan and Hoong Yi sat in Ah Vian's car while Ah Fook, Ah Hui and Michelle sat my car. We went to Pacific first. I bought myself a leg bracelet. Well, I was happy talking and joking with them in my car. I kept on telling Ah Hui Koko to buy me valentine present. Lolz...
Then we went to Jusco, I was trying on the nail polish from one shop to another, they said I was nuts. It's free testing them anyway. Lolz...
Anyway, the sunset was pretty too.
Then we went to The tomyam mee place to eat. It was nice! We talked and stuff. It was really fun. Somehow, I had a feeling where it's like when i was young, I saw a group of youngsters having their meals with their friends, talking and stuff which seems so relaxing and fun.
Then we went back Penang except Ah Vian. We then decided to go Tong Pak Fu. We were joking around also tho. Ah Hui Koko was annoying to go home cause he needs to wake up early but we didn't allow him. Hahaha... We're mean~ We joked and stuff and it was really happy.
12am, we went home, I fetch Michelle home before we got kinda lost. Lolz... Luckily we got into the right track. It was Valentine's day already. Well, Ah Hui Koko purposely sent each of us: Happy Tuesday. Lolz...

14th February 2012 - Valentine's Day. A year ago, it was the day, Eugene and I officially went out for a dinner alone together.

Anyway, early in the morning, I woke up and drove to Gurney Plaza to buy tarts for him. I decorated a bit before waiting for him to come.
He came and we went to Prangin Mall to J.L. Gourmet for lunch. Then we walked around a bit and bought my new baby's cover.
 Then we went home cause my Valentine present was in his house. It was his handmade box with wraped up ferrero roche. I was shocked on his hand work!
 We then went to Ingolf for our dinner. It was satisfying eating 6 sausages! Never in my life being so satisfied eating sausages!
Then we went to Overtime cause Ah Hui Koko asked me to go tho. Poh Chiang, Cheng Qing, James and I and Eugene played poker while Ah Vian, Ah Shan and Ah Hui were talking. James was drunk. tho. Ah Vian was feeling sick too. It was a bit boring but at least I did socialize. Then we went home. It was a short day but it was fun and happy.

The next day, class was bored. I got up late so I was lazy to drive to college. To be precise, I was lazy to find places to park. Especially free car park space. So I asked my mum to fetch me there.

We ended our class early, so I walked back to CLS to look for my mum. On the way, I saw this nice , lovely and cute view.
I took pics of it and it's pretty. That night I had pudding meeting. It was a very short meeting cause most members couldn't make it. But it was a long one with Kar Ming alone figuring out about a new system that will hit the sales department members to be more active. Ugh, it was difficult but I was glad that I finally could figure out what I had in mind all this while.

The next day was boring, but at night, Ah Hui Koko, Ah Fook, Xeng and I went to McD to study. Ah Hui Koko didn't really study tho but he really bought me a valentine present! I was shocked and so happy! We talked a lot of nonsense but it was fun! I missed those times when we were so crazy talking nonsense and funny stuff.
It was then until someone came, Louis. I just retreated. Hatred came slowly but I tried to control. I will further elaborate in my next post. We played poker and stuff before I actually let Ah Hui Koko home. I didn't want him to go home tho. Lolz...

Today, in college, was quite a happy-go-lucky one. Ah Hui Koko distributed his Valentine present to Ah Vian, Michelle and Ah Shan too. They opened it and gave to everyone. Afternoon, I went to Prangin with Eugene to get Cindy's birthday present.
At night, Hoong Yi agreed to accompany me and he called Michelle over too. I was glad he  was willing to hear me out and advice me. He ensures me that my thing was right. I actually confessed what I had in mind all these while, all the emotions, the questions, the thinking and many more. We went to Mt. Erskin for dinner before going to Coffee Island. We played poker the while night while listening to bands and songs. We also talked a bit here and there about my problem so as his. Michelle too.

We went home by 12.30am.


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