Saturday, September 3, 2011

Small Little Moments & Boredom

I'm really bored when I stay at home. Especially in the afternoon. So end up, I always spend my time outside at night after I can't take the boredom during the afternoon.

Anyway, Tuesday, I had a photoshoot of Sparkle! At first, I was planning to hang around at gurney but then, the traffic is too crazy. I took an hour to get to Gurney Drive! So I ended up at Eugene's house waiting for him to finish his work. So then, I had a photoshoot of Sparkle. He's so cute. He kept on biting my hand.

And Romeo got jealous and he wanted to come out. Lolz...

Then we went for dinner. We had pizza and it was nice, tho is was a bit expensive.
Then we went to Straits Quay as Xeng called us out cause they were too bored.  We went to eat Secret Recipe's cake. Nice! Well, I got pissed off with Louis cause I had a feeling he didn't really like to hang around with me and Eugene that night and his attitude gave me a feeling as if he's forcefully mixing and hanging around with us. So, I was like a bit forcefully talking to him until a time later, I got pissed off that I said I didn't wanna play poker anymore. I kept on telling Eugene I wanna go already and I knew he wanted too. Then we went walking around then I was like continuing to tease Xeng saying there are pretty girls and he kept on looking at them and unexpectedly Xiao Wu was looking too. Lolz... Guys are really guys.

Then we went back Eugene's home and watch TV. OMG! It's Chalk zone! My favorite cartoon! Hehe..

The next day, I was supposed to go over to Sin Yee's house but then Andy called me early in the morning saying about JJ and him wanna meet up and asked me to join, so I agreed. I brought Mimi along at Coffee Island.
Mimi was a bit bored with the camera topic they're talking. JJ was like persuading Mimi to buy his 400D. OMG! He's finally selling his 400D! Remembering last time, I used to always borrow his 400D before I bought mine. History...
JJ's gonna buy Nikon. Oh no, the dark side. He said cause there's no good model in Canon at the advance level camera so he decided to buy Nikon, 7000D. He was like there whining whether to buy 7000D or 7D. Lolz.... yet, he kept on saying the advantage of 7000D. Andy was like saying how he had decided already so why whine? Then we talked and stuff. It was fun with them. Then we dismissed at 5.30pm.
So, I went to Sing Yee's house since at 8pm, I'm gonna go to Eugene's house. Kah Yee was making sushi. The tamako maki was tasteless. She should put some salt and suger in the egg while frying them. It's funny how she made them and her mum was like teasing her that after I see how she made them, i wouldn't dare to eat. Lolz... but I still eat them.

Then we went to Prangin Mall and First Avenue. I was gonna buy a photo frame to frame up a pic for coming our half year anniversary. Sin Yee bought a dress for her birthday celebration and it was really pretty. I want one too. After walking a long distance and time, we finally went to Komtar and found one really cheap and suitable one. I bought it up.

After dropping them home, I went over to Eugene's house. While waiting for him, I brought out the photo frame and found the glass broken at the corner. Damn it. No wonder it's so cheap.

Eugene came. So we went up to his house and his family was there. Her sister and I was kinda playing with Sparkle cause it's his last day here. He kept on biting my hand until it hurts that I felt like he's gonna tear out my flash! (Now, I still bite and scratch marks on my right hand) then the owner came to take him away.

Then Eugene and I went to have our dinner and we bought fried chicken to his home to eat. We were talking and stuff til he fell asleep. I know he's tired working.

The next day, we went to Queensbay thinking to go skating but then too many people so we ended up hang around and went home, nap for a while and went to gurney for a movie. Before that, morning, we went to pasar, went to see Kar Ming and Sin Yee & Kah Yee. Kar Ming and I talked a lot. I was so glad I could finally meet Kar Ming again. Oh, and he bought me a nail polish! Hehe...

In Queensbay, we were window shopping around and had our lunch at chopper board. Don't really have the appetite to eat but the chocolate cake with ice cream was nice.
Dinner was western food. At gurney, we went walking around and I went showing him again the necklace I wanted. I showed him in Queensbay Mall already and he said he wanted to buy for me but RM21 for this kind of necklace is too expensive to me. So I refused. In Gurney, I kept on looking at it and I even found silver ones. I already saw it when I was hanging out with KY and Yvonne a few days ago but I didn't buy. Eugene said if I don't wanna buy then I shouldn't look. Until I said I'll look for one last time and I wouldn't look at it again. Then we left. Sad... It's like I have to choose between money and necklace. In the end, I chose money.

We went to watch final destination 5. And Look what he bought? A big size drink. Waste of money~ *Sighs~*
Unexpectedly, we met Yvonne and at the same time, Ah Wei and Amanda too! Yvonne was watching Canon.... Ah Wei and Amanda were watching the same movie as us in the same room. Lolz... We talked and stuff. They said they hated Ah Khang. Cause the day before, Ah Khang went to McD with them for poker and Eugene and I refuses to go cause it was too far and in addition, I was still a bit pissed off with Louis's attitude that day.
Anyway, this episode was better than the last. At least it seems more realistic compare to the last one. However, it's still scary. After the movie, Ah Wei, Amanda and I talked a while before going home.

At midnight, was chatting with Ah Khang throu facebook. It was fun tho. He's going HK. Souvenir please? Hehe...

Today, I was supposed to have a photoshoot with Andy and JJ but canceled due to too rush. Stay at home and watched Shin-chan the whole day. At night, I went grocery shopping alone to get my junk food. Cost me RM10.18. *Sighs*

Went to meet up with Eugene and had dinner. I bought him chocolate and...he surprised me with a: necklace. It was the one I wanted. I was so happy! Also, at the same time, I scolded him for wasting money. He said he couldn't stand not buying it for me cause I really like it especially when I said I'll look at it the last time and never look at it again. Aww.... so sweet... Love you so much!
We went to have Hokkien Mee and Ice Kacang. The ice kacang was so nice, especially the ice cream! Love the ice cream. I wonder if I could buy only the ice cream home.
Then we went home. Tho, it's only 1hour and a half hour with him but I'm happy enough.

JJ's gonna sell his camera and all his accessories and he's selling me his external flash for a very cheap price! Agreed immediately without thinking! Finally, I got my own flash! Thanks! I haven't told anyone about me buying this flash actually.


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