Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Things Always Comes With A bad One

As I said before,  good things always comes with bad ones. I always believe in this theory but this time, I was too careless.

15th September 2011, was the day I got my last TARC diploma final exam result. The day before, I didn't really sleep well. I chat with Tauke and Mimi a bit and look back my previous posts in facebook. I slept quite late. I woke up at 11.20am. I thought of sleeping back but then it was my result day. So I woke up and went to check. I waited til 11.45am for my result to come out cause the website was lagging. I was so nervous that i was about to die. A lot of people had the same feeling cause they were all waiting for the result too.Finally, my result.
Very satisfying. I was so damn happy. Afternoon, I went washing my car. Finally, I decided to wash it. It was really a hot weather. And I took off my 'P' sticker too.

Evening, I went to Gama with Eugene to buy Kar Ming's Birthday present. Bought chocolates and a Pen carved her name. We also bought a few stuff like sweets and chocolates. Then we went to have his dinner and went to Prangin Mall for a Movie, Johnny English Reborn. It was funny. Before the movie, we went to have a cake to celebrate my good result and for Arashi's 12th Birthday.
After the movie, we decided to get some dessert but the place we wanted to go is closed. So we went to Mr. Pot. I ordered Maggi Noodles with Peach Tea Juice. Both were very nice.

The next day, we went to Kar Ming's 21st Birthday Party at OXO. It was fun. The food was quite nice. We drank and talk and took photos. And she got a really cute camera. I took a photo with that camera.

17th September 2011, I stayed at home. At night, I went out with Eugene to Tesco to buy the stuff I needed for next day's hiking and picnic. We bought quite a lot. Then we decided to get his dinner in Swensen and I felt like eating dessert. He treated me Rocky Choco.... (I forgot the name) It was damn nice! I was so happy eating it! <3

18th September 2011 I woke up early. Well, not as early as KY. Lolz... we got ready and went hiking at Pantai Keracut (Me, KY, Yvonne and Cindy). I was a bit sleepy but also excited cause it's the first time I hike to Pantai Keracut. We went buying hot cup for breakfast. Then we started hiking at 9am.
For like only 10minutes, I got tired already. Ugh.... I so felt like resting. It was really tired but fun with them. We talked and joke and after one and a half hour, we finally reach. We were so excited when we finally reach. KY and I were sweating a lot! But it was fun.
When we got to the beach, we went near the sea at the shore and started playing in the water and our pants got wet. Then we sat at the beach and started eating our junk food, play with sand, talk and enjoy there. KY and I were laying on the sand.
Then around 1pm, we went back by boat and it was about to rain already. It was also exciting on the boat. It felt like roller coaster or something like that. Halfway, it started raining heavily. It was really cold, felt like ice hitting our skin. Still, it was fun. By the time we got into the car, we were all completely wet. If we've known we would be so wet in the end, we would have play in the sea.
Then we went home. I got some rest before going to get my flash, bought from JJ. Before that, I brought Eugene to Prangin Mall for dinner and for his hair cut. His hair was damn short! XD
Then after getting my flash (I was always so glad and happy to see him), we went to Batu Feringghi pasar malam cause he wanted to buy decorative lights to decorate his room. End up, he didn't find any pretty ones while I found one pretty handbag. I felt like buying it.
Then it started raining so we went home. Went to his house, chat with his dad just a lil bit and ate some snack before going home.

Monday was boring. I stayed at home the whole day after going to college. College was boring neither. The lecturer taught us wrong thing. It was different from what we learned in TARC.

Oh, and this day was the day Eugene finally, got to go into the kitchen for work. Evening, I went to clear up all my TARC books. One whole box.

Today, we went to class and sat there waiting for one hour and finally, class cancel. So, Ah Fook, me and Ah Hui decided to go watch 'Nasi Lemak 2.0' in Prangin Mall. We had breakfast together and went to watch. It was a funny movie. After watching we went home.
On the way home, fromm Siam Road going into the small lane to my home's road, damn, a stupid bike knock onto the back of my car's light! I called my uncle there cause I couldn't reach my mum. Once that stupid Indian guy's dad came, he started to argue and wanted me to pay him. My uncle argue back that it's his fau;t cause my car in alrady 100% in the small lane already! But he insist that I didn't put signal. I did from far cause I saw lots of motor coming so I quickly put on signal to the right and all the other motor saw and move to the left and when I turn, his bike wasn't even in my sight. Means he was driving fast and he didn't see my signal. Wasn't my fault at all. And he wasn't even hurt and his bike wasn't even spoil at all. End up, report.
Report the whole day, waste my time to sleep. then I brought my car to fix the light and check a bit here and there and my car seems to have quite a few problems.

So, I was careless in dealing with my life balance. I didn't see this accident (bad things) coming. I was too indulge in fun and excitement these days. The thing I wasn't satisfy was it was his fault and he wouldn't and don't have to pay me. Damn it. So, I have to waste money for things I'm not in fault.

Good things always comes with bad ones.



  1. wah.. so good result.. tomorrow you will see mine fail class student.. =(

  2. I didn't expect to get such result...I was expecting to fail my last 2 subjects but then they say cause it's our last sem so they pull the grades down...

    Good Luck!!! Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do fine. ^^
