Friday, November 19, 2010

Some Random Pics

17th November 2010
Was a public Holiday.
I went out with some friends and juniors for some random photoshoot. It was quite nice but wasn't that fun. In addition to my worry-ness of my test for the next day~


And yes, i'm a hand fetish~ XD I took a pic of my friend's long slender pretty hands~ ^o^"

And I saw kitties~! ^^ the black kitty is so cute and fearless. Even after I went so near to it~ XD

And when it's sleeping... So adorable~ ^^

 And this big kitty too~ It's so fearless... Tho I sense that it's actually very alert about it's surrounding.


Anyway, my friend decided to go to Bayan Lepas for sunset but then the other 2 juniors wanted to go home already. So, we had no choice but to drop them off and went to the mall a while.

I didn't expect them to go by 5pm actually. So I wasn't that satisfied about that day's shoot...


18th November 2010
18th May 2009 was the day when I first met all my college orientation week friends. 18th May 2010 was our 1st year anniversary. And now, 18th November 2010 marks our 18th month anniversary. ^^


Anyway, I had a test that day. Was very greatful to my classmate who last minute correct my mistakes in my test paper tho we don't usually talk to each other. ^^ Thanks!! =D


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