Sunday, November 7, 2010


Damn...I read another fanfic which made me cry again~ T^T
This fic was recommended by Anna-chan ^^

It wasn't so interesting at the very beginning until the middle part comes....
Written by bulkyass-san ...


Title: Goodnight
Pairing: Ohno/Nino
Rating: PG?
Word Count: 4,338
Disclaimer: How I wish I own them.
Summary: Ohno found Nino at his favorite park. He didn't know when it started being theirs when before, it was only his.
Author's Notes: AU. For [info]calerine <3
Author: bulkyass

The trees swayed to the wind, a sweet smell lingering in the air. Ohno breathed deeply, wanting to soothe his heart. He could smell the flowers nearby, he could feel the grass underneath his feet. He could almost taste the freedom in the air. These were the kind of days Ohno liked best, the kind where you could feel the beauty of the earth. In days like these, Ohno felt more than alive, and he could feel the love from every little thing. Love from the trees, the road, the air, even from the little butterflies flitting around.

Love from Nino.


“It hurt him, can’t you see?” A pair of eyes glared at him.

Ohno hadn’t meant to throw an apple and hit the dog, really, he hadn’t. He was just trying to see if he could throw his apple from his spot under his favorite tree in his favorite park to the little pond across. It was just bad timing that this man, who wouldn’t stop snarling at him, decided to play with his dog in the way of his apple, therefore resulting in a yelp and a bruise. On the apple, not the dog.

“I didn’t mean to,” Ohno said, hoping he look sincere enough. It was just an apple.

“I need to have him checked,” the man said, his pale face stubborn. “What if he got an injury from that? You don’t know how hard you threw that, what if he starts bleeding internally?”

Ohno bit his lip. Surely he couldn’t have thrown it that hard? “I’ll uh, if you want, we’ll get him to the vet. I’ll come with you.”

Pale Face raised his eyebrows. “Well, I wouldn’t want you to come with us, do I?” He patted his dog’s head. “What if you turn your story around while we’re at the vet? You could get me in trouble.”

“I won’t do that,” Ohno said feebly, patting his pocket to make sure he had his wallet.

“Tell you what,” Pale Face smirked. “You treat me to lunch and we’ll call it even. I’ll take him to the vet myself.” His eyes opened. “Oh but wait, if I don’t like the food, you’re taking Nana-chan to the vet.”

“What? You could easily say you hate the food,” Ohno said accusingly.

“Hey,” Pale Face pointed a finger at Ohno’s nose. “You hurt my dog. I get to say what I want to.” He tugged at his dog’s leash and began to walk.

Ohno picked up his bruised apple where it lay forgotten on the ground and followed.


“So, uh, are you going to tell me your name?” Ohno watched Pale Face pick at his fries.

Pale Face looked up. “Nino.”

Nino. “Hi, Nino.” Ohno tried to smile.

Nino looked at him with a blank look on his face and took a bite out of his hamburger. Beside him, sitting on the floor, Nana-chan panted.

“Hi, apple,” Nino snorted.

“N-no, my name’s not Apple,” Ohno started to say before realizing Nino was laughing at him.

“I know,” Nino smiled at him. “Thanks for the food, by the way, Apple.”

“It’s Ohno, not Apple,” Ohno pouted.

“Okay, Oh-chan, Apple it is,” Nino finished off his burger. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood up, tugging Nana-chan’s leash.

Ohno sat there stumped as Nino made his way out of the diner. When Nino reached the door, he turned around and flashed Ohno a smile.

“Thanks for the treat,” Nino said smugly.

As Nino exited, Ohno looked down at his fries and frowned. “I think I got tricked.”


Ohno put a piece of curry bread inside his mouth, chewed and savored the flavor he loved so much and then... choked.

“Acckkk!” Ohno thumped at his chest, trying to clear his airway. His mind spurred into overdrive, thinking of his own funeral and AIR, WHERE IS AIR, I NEED AIR---

A fist began to hack away at his back and a water bottle appeared in his line of vision. He grabbed at the bottle and chugged the contents, eyes swimming.

“What an old man you are,” a snide voice said next to his ear.

Ohno whipped his head around to see Nino, a smirk on his face. “What are you doing here?” Ohno gasped out, realizing Nino’s hand was on his shoulder.

“What, is this your park now?” Nino raised his eyebrows. “I was taking a walk and then I saw you, looking like you were about to gag your brains out.”

“That, uh, thanks,” Ohno said, straightening up. He took a good look at Nino, noting the other guy’s flaming cheeks. “You look healthy.”

Nino’s eyes flashed with something Ohno can’t understand. “What do you mean?” He said quietly.

“It’s just,” Ohno was startled. “You have some color on you now,” He tried to explain, as Nino’s eyes were narrowing. “You look kind of pale. The other day. Time. Uh.”

Ohno thought Nino was going to snap at him but then he suddenly smiled, a gentle one. “Ohno-san, you want to take a walk?”


“Grass and flowers and tress and everything are awesome, aren’t they?” Nino trailed his fingers lightly against some wild flowers that dotted the park.

“You don’t seem the type to like flowers,” Ohno observed.

Nino shrugged. “I really don’t, huh?”

Ohno watched Nino closely. Given that he didn’t know anything about the young man walking beside him, he can detect something akin to sadness. Or loneliness. Or something.

“So, uh, where do you live?” Ohno asked.

“Not far from here.”


They kept walking in silence, Ohno’s eyes sweeping towards Nino. Nino had a small but troubled smile on his face and for some reason, Ohno wanted it gone.

He reached up and touched a finger to Nino’s cheek. Nino started and turned his head.

Ohno shook his head.


For a whole month after the choking incident, Ohno saw Nino at the park everyday. They took walks and played with Nana-chan, sometimes until dark, sometimes only until Ohno had to go to help at the gallery. Nino still wouldn’t say what he did for a living, or if he had any job at all. Ohno didn’t even know if Nino was a student.

He was just there, everyday, waiting for Ohno. And everyday, he smiled more.

But then Ohno arrived at their usual meeting spot after a tough day at an art show and Nino was nowhere around. Instead, a tall man with blond hair was there, with Nana-chan in his lap.

Ohno approached the man slowly and Nana-chan barked when she saw him.

The blond guy smiled at him. “Hi!”

Blond Guy’s smile was as bright as the sunshine Nino comments on everyday and Ohno realized with a start that he missed Nino. Already.

“You must be Apple!” Blond Guy said, ruffling Nana-chan’s hair. “I’m Aiba, nice to meet you.”

“Uh, hi, Aiba.” Ohno squatted down and petter Nana-chan. “Where’s your Nino?” He asked the dog quietly.

“Her Nino can’t take her to walk today,” Aiba said, still smiling brightly. “So he asked me instead. Well, he also said to look out for you. He talks about you all the time, Apple!”

Ohno looked up, not bothering to correct Aiba. “He talks about me?”

“Of course!” Aiba nodded enthusiastically. “He said he had a new best friend he met at the park, and I admit I was jealous at first, but then he seemed really happy everytime he talked about you so I just let it go. So I’m really happy I finally got to meet you!”

They’re best friends, Ohno thought. “So you’re Nino’s friend. You work together?”

“Oh, no, we went to school together, ever since we were young,” Aiba’s smile turned wistful and Ohno was reminded of Nino’s smile that day. Lonely. “I work at the hospital lab. I’m a Medical Technician.”

“And Nino?” Ohno inquired.

“He’s around,” Aiba shrugged his shoulders again.

Ohno blinked and sat down, crossing his legs. He felt exhausted. He was really looking forward to spending his afternoon with Nino and maybe getting dinner. He never realized until now how much he was looking forward to those times.

“Hey Apple?” Aiba was looking at Ohno sadly. “Thank you.”

Ohno was confused. “For what?”

The lonely look on Aiba’s face increased. “For making Nino smile.”


When Ohno got to the park next day, Nino was there.

Nino smiled as Ohno lowered himself to sit down beside the younger man. “Sorry I wasn’t here yesterday.”

Ohno gave a smile, hoping Nino will understand it meant ‘Okay’. He inched closer and helped himself to one of Nino’s rice balls. His shoulder brushed against Nino’s and he was glad Nino didn’t pull away. If anything, it felt like Nino was snuggling it even more.

“I met Aiba yesterday,” Ohno chewed on his rice ball.

“So he said,” Nino brushed a grain of rice off Ohno’s lip.

Ohno halted.

Nino paused, eyes wide. “Sorry, it was just.. there.” He took his hand back and folded them in his lap.

Ohno noticed Nino was looking pale again. He had dark circles under his eyes and he looked extremely tired, lke he hadn’t slept for days and hadn’t seen sunlight. It was just yesterday he missed a walk, right?

“Where’d you go yesterday?”

Nino averted his eyes. “I had to do something. It’s not anything important.”

Ohno felt it. Nino was hiding something from him. Sure, they haven’t known each other for long years. He didn’t know anything about the guy apart from the things Nino told him, which was vague in all its entirety. But he felt like he had to be there for Nino and find out what it is he’s hiding. It was weird, the way he felt strongly for the thin man.

Ohno wondered what it was.

“Are you okay?” Out of all the things Ohno wanted to ask, it was that question that came out.

“Of course I am. Why would you ask that?” Nino’s tone changed.

“You look, I don’t know—“

“Tired? Sickly?” Nino said with a bite. “I get told that a lot.”

Ohno bit his tongue. Beside him, Nino was breathing deeply, like he was trying to stay calm.

“Nino,” he said, reaching out a hand. “Tell me.”

Nino closed his eyes and breathed deeply once more before looking into Ohno’s eyes. “Not now.” He touched Ohno’s hand gently and Ohno couldn’t resist closing his hand over it, squeezing hard. It was cold.

“Ow,” Nino chuckled.

Ohno didn’t let go and grabbed Nino’s other hand, squeezing it too.

Nino was looking at him with wonder in his eyes. “What about our walk?” A breeze blew and Nino shivered.

Ohno took off his jacket, thankful that he decided to wear it. It was a bit chilly when he left this morning. He draped it over Nino’s shoulders. “We’ll walk some other time. You should lie down.”

“I’m not sick, I’m fine,” Nino retorted, shrugging off the jacket.


Nino stared at Ohno hard, and Ohno held the gaze just as strongly. “You should lie down, please.” Ohno said quietly.

It felt like years before Nino lowered his eyes and wrapped the jacket tightly around him. “S’cold.”

“I know,” Ohno put his arm around Nino’s shoulders and pulled him close. He rubbed at Nino’s arms, trying to provide more heat. The sun was still out, but the air was cold. Nino shivered more as he rested his head on Ohno’s shoulder.

Ohno could see Nino’s eyelashes flutter when he blinked. He could smell Nino’s hair, fresh and soft. He could feel Nino’s thin frame underneath his clothes.

He could feel.

“Why are you being like this?” Nino murmured, snuggling into Ohno.

“So you could trust me enough to tell me,” Ohno answered.

Nino snorted. “You’re pushy.”

Ohno paused. “Yeah, I guess I am!”

Nino laughed. He tilted his head up to look at Ohno. “Thank you.”

Ohno felt something warm spread through his chest. “Anything for a friend.”

“...A friend.”

Ohno blinked. Nino’s lonely smile was back again.


It was dark.

Ohno looked out the window of the ramen shop and looked up at the sky. Stars were starting to come out. Beside him, Sho was sweating profusely as he slurped his extra hot and spicy ramen, a punishment for losing a dare.

“You can do it, Sho,” Ohno turned his head to find Jun smirking at Sho as he struggled to finish the bowl. He had promised to hang out with his two friends as he’d kind of neglected them, hanging out with Nino all the time. So there he was, watching Sho fail while thinking of Nino.

He didn’t know Nino’s number. Nino didn’t know his. What if Nino had come to the park and waited, and Ohno wasn’t there? What if he went home and decided he wouldn’t come back to the park anymore?

“For fuck’s sake, Jun, hand me that water will you?” Sho gritted out, hissing through his teeth. It must have been really spicy.

Jun chortled. “No.”

Ohno caught sight of a kid across the street who was playing with his dog. He was reminded of Nino and Nana-chan, running around in the park like they do almost everyday. The last three times they’d hung out, Nana-chan hadn’t been there. Nino had said she was too tiring to bring these days.

As Ohno thought of Nino’s smile, while listening to Jun and Sho’s combined cursing, a slow realization came over him.

He’s falling. In love. With Nino.

Ohno jumped up from his seat and grabbed his jacket and wallet. Jun and Sho stopped talking, looking up at him. Sho was still hissing.

“I have to go, I’m really sorry,” Ohno smiled apologetically.

“It’s Nino?” Jun said knowingly.

Ohno nodded. “I don’t know if he’s waiting for me, but I have to go.”

“Go ahead.” Jun smiled widely. Sho nodded, wiping his brow.

“I’ll see you,” Ohno went out to the street and started running.


The park was deserted. Ohno didn’t know what came over him to think that Nino would still be there. It’s not like Nino’s the type to wait for someone so long, Ohno thought as he rounded the seesaws and headed to their tree.

It was lost on him how it turned from his tree to theirs.

Ohno stopped, breath hitching.

Nino was there. Sitting with his back against their tree, arms around himself. Ohno’s feet moved, rushing to get to Nino as quickly as possible.

“Nino! Nino?” Ohno dropped to his knees in front of the thin man and notice immediately that Nino was shivering madly. He took off his jacket and hurriedly wrapped it around Nino’s shoulders. “Nino, I’m here.”

Nino mumbled something.

“What?” Ohno tried to look at Nino’s eyes.

“You fucking made me wait!” Nino snapped his head up and glared at Ohno. “Where the hell have you been?”

Ohno swallowed. Nino was still shivering, he had to do something about that. “I was out with a couple of friends, I’m sorry.”

“At least I sent Aiba over when I couldn’t make it here!” Nino continued, voice rising. “I didn’t make you wait, you didn’t worry about whether or not I’m coming, I didn’t make you wait.

“Look, Nino, I’m sorry okay!” Ohno felt as if Nino was accusing him of something and he couldn’t resist retaliating. “You’re cold, we have to get you home.”

“Oh, now you worry, huh?” Nino raised his eyebrows and tried to stand up. “I’ve been out here for hours, I’m fine.” He said, even though Ohno could see he had trouble keeping his voice steady and keeping his teeth from chattering.

“No, you are not okay!” Ohno yanked on Nino’s arm. Nino tumbled back down on the damp grass, glaring at Ohno fiercely. “Stop trying to be stubborn and let me get you home.”

“I can go home just fine!” Nino yelled. He pulled his arm free.

“You’re acting like this is an obligation that I have to do!” Ohno snapped, anger welling up inside him. “I never said I’ll be here everyday, and I never told you to wait for me!”

Nino’s eyes grew wide. Ohno realized what he had just said and immediately wanted to take it back. “Nino, shit, I’m sorry,” he tried to reach out to Nino’s arms.

Nino moved away from Ohno and got to his feet, stumbling a little. “No, it’s okay. You’re right. I didn’t know that was how you felt.”

“Nino, don’t,” Ohno said, running his hand through his hair.

“No, I’m sorry,” Nino said in a flat tone and picked up his bag, letting Ohno’s jacket fall into a heap on the ground. “I’m going home.”

Ohno cursed and got up, pulling at Nino’s shoulder, turning the young man to face him. He stopped when he saw tears gathering on Nino’s eyes. His lips were pale, really pale.

No. He fucked up.

“I waited because,” Nino started, biting his lip. He wrapped his arms around himself again. “Because I wanted to see you, everyday. I thought of going home but then..” Nino blinked and a tear fell. “I really felt that you would show up, so I waited. I waited, Oh-chan. I wanted to see you.” Nino looked at Ohno fully. “I wanted to see you.”

Ohno hesitated for a second, before grabbing Nino into a forceful hug, mumbling apologies into Nino’s hair.


“Are you sure you want to come inside?” Nino asked him irritably.

Ohno had insisted on taking Nino home, even though the latter kept on refusing. Ohno had won when Nino started sniffling and shaking worse. Nino had muttered threats under his breath until Ohno grabbed his hand.

He didn’t let go.

They were standing at the Ninomiya Family’s front door and Nino was trying to get Ohno to go home.

“Yes. I’m coming inside,” Ohno answered, a grin on his face.

“Alright, alright,” Nino groaned and opened the door. “Tadaima!”

“Kazu? Is that you?” A voice was heard and seconds later, the owner of said voice rushed out from what Ohno supposed, was the kitchen. “Where have you been? Do you know what time—are you cold? You’re shivering!”

“Mom, stop, I’m fine,” Nino pulled Ohno forward. “This is Satoshi.”

“Satoshi,” Mrs. Ninomiya repeated, a fond smile appearing on her face. “We’ve heard so much about you.”

“Ah, thank you,” Ohno bowed his head. Nino rolled his eyes.

“Mom, please,” Nino tugged at his Mom’s hand. “I’m cold, can I have some tea?”

Nino’s mom fussed over him, rubbing his arms for heat. “Sure thing, I’ll bring them up to your room.”

Nino gestured for Ohno to follow him and Ohno obliged. They descended the stairs and Ohno found himself in Nino’s room, which is surprisingly tidy.

“You don’t look like a clean freak, “ Ohno noted.


Ohno turned his head and frowned. Nino was already under his covers and shaking. He hurried to Nino’s side. “Are you okay?”

“C-cold,” Nino said through gritted teeth.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Ohno asked, tucking Nino’s covers around his shaking frame tightly.

“D-duh,” was Nino’s reply.

Ohno was about to call for Nino’s mother when he caught Nino’s smile. He let out a breath. “You’re fine,” he said, smoothing away Nino’s hair from his forehead. “You’ll be fine.”


“Thank you, Satoshi, really,” Nino’s mom bowed repeatedly.

“It’s okay,” Ohno said kindly.

Nino was already sleeping upstairs. Ohno had figured it was his time to leave.

“Please take care of my son,” Nino’s mom said gently. “He looks so happy everytime he comes home after hanging out with you.”

Ohno felt a little embarassed. “I will,” he tried to assure the woman.

Nino’s mom touched Ohno’s arm. “I’m sorry, too.”

“Eh? For what?” Ohno said, confused.

Nino’s mom had tears on her eyes as she said, “For not taking care of him better.”


Nino was sick. Ohno had figured out that much. But he still wanted to hear it from Nino, he wanted it to come from Nino’s mouth, Nino’s voice.

“Cancer, final stages.” Nino’s mom had said last night and Ohno’s world spun. “His doctor said he had at least three months left. He stopped coming to treatments,” her eyes filled with tears. “It’s nearly been three months since he stopped.”

Ohno thought about how Nino had been pale when they first met. Three months ago. Almost. Had time really flown that fast? Or is it only ever fast when you don’t want it to be? Ohno flopped down on his bed and sighed. Nino.

No. He can’t lose Nino.


“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Ohno said as soon as Nino’s front door opened.

Nino had a guarded look on his face. He knew, then. “I figured it wasn’t any of your business. I wouldn’t want a new friend to pity me.”

Ohno lunged and took grabbed Nino’s arms hard. “Don’t say that. Not now.”

Nino trembled but he held Ohno’s gaze. “And now what? You’re going to tiptoe around me now, being all careful? I don’t want that, Oh-chan.”


“No, you stop!” Nino breathed out, a defeated look on his face. “I’m dying, alright? There, I said it, I’m dying. I can’t make my life turn back to when I was healthy.”

Ohno swallowed, gripping Nino’s arms harder.

“I was ready for it.” Nino said forcefully, tears welling up. “I was. I did everything that was needed for me to go away peacefully. But then you came.”

Ohno’s breath hitched at his throat.

“And you fucking ruined it all, being all nice and—“ Nino let out a little sob. “I didn’t want this, I never wanted this to happen.”

Ohno didn’t know when he started crying himself. He wanted to hear it from Nino, but it hurt. It was real. Nino’s dying. And Ohno can’t do anything about it.

Nino was crying openly by then, trying to pull his arms free. Ohno felt that if he let go, he’ll never see Nino again. Ever.

He pulled at Nino and kissed him.

Nino kissed him back.


Nino flicked a piece of grass at Ohno’s face and chuckled when Ohno stuck out his tongue at him. Ohno loved it whenever Nino laughed. It sounded so full of life, a huge contrast from the way Nino looked. If Ohno was to wish for something, it would have to be that he could be able to hear Nino’s laugh forever.


“Hold on,” Nino breathed heavily.

“Are you tired?” Ohno put a hand around Nino’s waist and guided him to a bench.

“A little,” Nino smiled faintly. Ohno planted a kiss on his nose.


Ohno chewed on his omelet with a smile. He grabbed a ketchup bottle and wrote Love you on Nino’s.

Nino smiled widely and wrote back on Ohno’s omelet, covering his writing with his hand.



Nino moaned.

“Does it hurt?” Ohno mumbled into Nino’s neck.

Nino shook his head, arching up at Ohno. He whispered something.

“Hmm?” Ohno moved faster.

“I love you,” Nino said, the words ringing clearly inside Ohno’s head.

“I love you, Oh-chan.”


Ohno’s footsteps sounded loud against the tiled floor of the hospital. People scurried out of his way. It’s hard to breathe.

He had to get there. Nino was waiting for him, Nino needed him. Ohno avoided a nurse who was writing something in a clipboard, yelling his apology over his shoulder. It can’t be, it can’t be. Ohno blinked furiously, refusing to cry. No. It can’t be.

He skidded to a stop outside Nino’s door. It was open, he could hear voices inside. He tried to steady his breath and pull himself together. This was Nino, it wasn’t anyone else. He could do this.


Ohno started. Nino’s mom came into view, her face streaked with tears but with a smile on her face. “Come inside.” She held out her hand.

He stepped inside, keeping his head bowed. Nino’s mom gave him a tight hug. “I’ll leave you two alone. Be brave.” She whispered in his ear before letting him go.

When the door clicked shut, Ohno raised his head.

This wasn’t Nino. This wasn’t the man he loved. Ohno walked nearer the bed and trailed his finger down Nino’s arm.

Nino’s eyes fluttered and opened. He smiled, the very ghost of a smile Ohno loved. “Hi,” Nino whispered, his voice muffled by the oxygen mask.

Ohno swallowed, trying to get his throat to wokr properly. “Hi.”

“Come here,” Nino raised his hand a little.

Ohno hesitated.

“It’s me,” Nino raised his eyebrows, a sad smirk taking the place of his gentle smile.

“I know,” Ohno said, his voice coming out strained. He sat on the chair next to Nino’s bed and raised Nino’s hand to his lips.

“I love you,” Nino whispered. Ohno noticed painfully that Nino was trying to hold back his tears.

“You know I love you too, right?” Ohno said with a smile, hoping to make things light.

Nino smiled knowingly, tears running down the side of his head. “Oh-chan.”

Ohno sniffed. “Yeah?”

“Goodnight,” Nino said, crying quietly.

Ohno closed his eyes and laid his forehead on Nino’s, sobbing gently.

“Goodnight,” Ohno whispered, kissing Nino’s cheek, one last time.


Ohno stared up at the blue sky, letting the sounds of the park relax him. There was a dog nearby. Kids near the pond were laughing. The sounds of the trees. The smell of the flowers, the grass.

Ohno felt loved.


”Promise me you won’t cry?”

“What if I want to?”

“Then cry now. I don’t want to get all sappy when the time comes.”

“Nino. Don’t joke about this.”

“I’m serious. Cry now. That way it won’t be as hard.”

Ohno gave Nino a long stare.

“Always, right?” Nino mumbled, holding Ohno’s head with both hands. His tears flowed down.

“We don’t say goodbye,” Ohno gritted out.

Nino smiled.

“We don’t.”


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