Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It Has Been A While

Yap. It has been a while now since I went out for a random photoshoot with my friends ^^ I was so happy.

12th November 2010


The thing here is...you see all the pics with the 'weeds' and a hand holding it? It isn't as easy to take a photo like that as I thought. It's all about angle... The main point here for me when I tried to take these pictures were:
1. The hand must not look fat!
2. The background must be the sky!
3. The weeds and the hand must look natural!

The thing is we're taking this pic from below which will make the hand look fat! >.< And if I'm the one holding the weeds with my left hand and taking the pic with my right hand, my hand will definately look fat and I'll lost angle! So I has my friend to hold it. But the thing is, your friend wouldn't know what angle you're trying to take. So you have to direct them which is kinda hard for me...

However, it came out quite well after lots of trails...>.<

And the pic above, I tried using my new Close Up +4 filter! ^^ [Ah! So as the first pic]
It wasn't as good as I thought cause it's too blur if I put full f1.8~ @.@
But it's still good if I'm taking pics at home on my stuff~ XD

 Photo taken by: Kyle KY           Edited by: Me, Ee Ling

Also, my friends and I did a few portrait shoots among ourselves~ XD I'm quite amused by the result taken by my friend!!! *O*
Especially the first 2 pics! I taught her a bit on the angle like how she should position me in the pic and result is the best! *O*
Never have I seen a pic of me nicely taken by other photographers without me looking puffy on my cheeks! ^O^
[The first sentence which came out when i first saw my pics taken by my friend was "Damn you, KY!!! I love you so much for these!!!" XD]


I realized something when I became the so-called model that day. I do think that it's best for the model to know the photographer very well so they would be comfortable while the photoshoot is on. And most importantly, the model must enjoy him/herself!!!

Like me, I've been a temporary model [not that I volunteer myself! >.<] for like a few times, but this was the best experience I had and also the best pictures taken <333
Why? Cause I know the photographer very well =)
In addition of I, myself is a photographer, so I would know which angle is the best for myself =3
And also, the smile on a model's face. Whether it's fake or natural. If the model him/herself enjoys the photoshoot, it's obviously their smile will be the best! [Yea, I was laughing a lot that day compare to the previous ones, I wasn't even enjoying so how should I smile]
As for the posing, the model him/herself should know very well. As a photographer, i do think that it's not necessary for them to know how to pose and teach the models. It's the model's job to do their homework and pose for the photographers cause only the models know which angle taken suits them the best and which posing suits them the best. The photographer's job is to direct a bit if the posing isn't that suitable.

Anyway, I really learn a lot through the other day's random photoshoot :D


Oh yea...one thing I wanna say tho I know it's not something which is necessary:
I fail my mid term business economics test~ T^T
For the 4th time in my life (while I'm still studying) I fail a test and for the first time in my college life I fail my test! >.<
And yet, for this subject, i study like hell!!! >.< Damn it~


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