Friday, November 5, 2010

I Am Who I Am

I am who I am...

Don't try to change me...

I don't like to be forced. I like freedom.

With this, I would not force myself to do things I don't like.

I am who I am...


I don't know why but people kept telling me my attitude is wrong (as if they are right). They said my pride-y attitude is wrong. What's wrong with it?! What's wrong with having pride? I don't need to force myself in doing what I hate! It makes me sad and mad. So why should I make myself sad and mad? If I wanna quit, I quit. If I wanna continue, I continue. There's no reason towards it. It's my decision. If I'm unhappy doing it then i quit. If I'm satisfy, fine... I'll continue. What's wrong with that?! What is wrong with making myself happy?

They kept telling me to make decision. Whatever things need a decision either it's big or small. Why should I waste my time on doing small decision? It's useless! I should spend my time and energy on thinking on big decision for the long run like what am I supposed to study etc. I should make these kind of decision. Not decisions like buying this or that for dinner etc. Asking me to spend my precious time and brain on making small decisions? No way! And what's wrong with that?! It means I think big! I think in long run! What is wrong with thinking in the long run? I'm still not as worst as not making any decision whether it's big or small.

I'll do it if only I promised to or agreed on it. I won't do it if I don't. They say I'm wrong. What's wrong with it again? Tell me! If I've promised to do a thing for you but you don't accept it, I won't re-do it. So what's wrong with that? But they say if I've promised to do, I must to the best. But I did! It's you who don't accept it. It's not like you're giving me money to do it! It's as simple as that. I do what I've promised but it's your problem if you don't accept it. It's the same situation as giving a present to someone. You buy whatever you think it's best for that person but it's the person's decision to accept the gift or not. It doesn't means that you would buy again another present after that person doesn't accept your present right? So, don't say I don't do what I've promised. I've done it and fulfil the promise. It's just that you don't accept it. And if I don't agree or promise, don't force me to do it. If I keep silence it means I'm thinking and considering. It doesn't means I agree. Silence never means agree in MY dictionary!


I'm grown up enough to make my own decision: to stay happy or not, to make decision on certain matters and to agree and promise or not to agree or promise to do certain request.

It actually links. I make my decision to quit whatever matter or to agree to some request to make myself happy with pride than to suffer with sadness and anger everyday.


I am who I am. my everything...
I'll do my best for myself...



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