Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Little Bit of Less Difficult

Days became harder to cross when I started work. So felt like ploping down and the next day wouldn't arrive. I'm just too tired to do anything after work. Well, at least now I'm getting used to it so it's not as difficult as it was.
Well, cause I was glad that people around me are supporting me a lot. <3

Just felt like writing something. Well, went for lot's of shopping lately, outings with friends too.

And hey you! Why is your blog so empty?! >o<


Monday, August 27, 2012

Sex & Friend

The other day, I went through Mr. Lonely's blog and I came across his topic related to a forum about those NC-17 stories of people.

Well, I find one story really nice and interesting. Written by FlyyGirl ♥ Brooke!. Well, I summarized a bit of it cause it was long for lazy readers but for me, it's an average one.:
"So when i was 11 yrs old in the 6th grade i met a boy named Josh. We became friends but not really close friends. He was a little player and all of the fast tail girls loved them some Josh. Over the next two years (7th grade and 8th grade 12 and 13 yrs old) we started becoming closer and closer to where we did NOTHING without each other and of course his girlfriends got jealous and this always caused problems in his little relationships. 6 Days of a week we'd be together. We'd hang out after school, at the mall, at the harbor, downtown or at one another's house. We were best friends. On weeknights when it was time to get off of the phone we'd both sneak on it anyways. We'd do NOTHING alone. If i was in the shower he's take his shower with me on the other end of the phone so we wouldn't miss each other during the process.

We'd talk on the phone until one of our phones went dead or until one of us fell asleep and even then we'd still be on the phone. At 8am (when my mom and dad left for work) I'd wake up and scream into the phone waking him up and telling him to come over my house. He'd get straight out of bed, grab his tooth brush and come to my house. (we lived 3 or 4 minutes apart) We'd both lay in my bed and go to sleep until about 12noon. Whoever woke up first, woke the other. We'd make breakfast and eat. Then we'd get on the computer, jump on the trampoline, play ps2, listen to music, watch t.v., or do whatever our young hearts told us was fun.

I always wanted to have sex with him but my friends always talked about their sexual experiences and how guys treated them so badly afterwards. But Josh was different...after all we were best friends. He told me that he was a jerk to girls after he got what he wanted from them but then again he wasn't emotionally attached to them like he was to me. He'd put me before his guy friends, sisters, some family members and all of his girlfriends.

This particular day was different though. We did our normal morning thing, when i woke up i saw that he had a hard on. He woke up and saw me looking. He was embarrassed but i was turned on. I laughed and he laughed. When i saw him laughing i just stopped and looked. As soon as he saw me looking i kissed him. He was surprised but we made out for about 10 minutes. I started reaching for his pajama pants and he grabbed my arm and asked me if i was sure i wanted to do this. Right then and there was when i knew that this was the guy i wanted to give my purity to. I said yes, jumped out of bed and ran into my sisters room to get some condoms. When i got back to my room we had sex. We tried different positions and for my first time i think i did good. I was totally comfortable being naked around him and doing what i did. When i wanted to do oral on him he wouldn't let me because he said that he only let the nasty girls who he lacked respect for do that and he felt that only someone whom he didn't care about should do that...but he did oral on until this day I don't understand that part. Well after giving me about 2 orgasms and me giving him about 3 orgasms, it was about 4:30. We let that much time fly past and my mom usually gets home around 4:30-5:00. So I jumped up and told him he had to go and to call me when he got in the house. Around 6 o'clock we got permission from parents and went outside. We sat on a elementary school playground listening to my iPod on the swings. We'd make out for about 5 minutes every hour. We mainly sat in silence listening to music and i enjoyed every minute of it until about 9 o'clock.

We continued doing the same every day thing and we had sex probably twice a week. I moved away into the city that August so we went to different high schools.

We are both 19 now and we still talk and are still close. We don't have sex anymore because i have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend but we both agreed that we'd always put each other before ANYONE."
I mean like this isn't about getting horny or being a pervert or whatever it is. It's just simply a beautiful friendship memories 2 best friends had.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Everything Lil Things Daily

Started working and life is so miserable during the working hours. It's like:


*Sigh~* Even one small audit report, I have to reprint and re-amend for like 8 times! WTF!! And the colleagues there, bullies me, as always. I mean not directly but they just like to perli me. Didn't like to work anyway. Once I've got my 240hours, I'm outta there!

Anyway, time has gotten lesser when I started working, I had to force myself to sleep early everyday. However, I can't do it cause I'm used to be a late night owl.
Well, the other day, was my boss's wife's birthday. My colleague and I bought a chocolate almond cake for her and we sang a song and ate together at the board's room. It was a bit awkward tho.

Then after work, we went to a Italian restaurant for dinner. The food was nice but really very expensive. The boss's daughter and son were there with us too. Well, the dinner went quite well tho. Not a very bad dinner as I thought it would be afterall.
 And well, look at the bill! A dinner for 8 person's price! But it's worth it.
Well, miserable work life is one thing, but I've really learnt quite a number of stuff and see things more widely.
Anyway, The other day, one of my colleague brought her bumble bee model from Japan.
 It's really a pretty model.
Last week, it's finally a weekend, I started my interest in drawing, I felt like myself again! It's so myself! My life is afterall all about ART!

The next day, I went to KY's house for a overnight. I went to fetch Yvonne at Gurney at 6pm. Saw pretty sunset while waiting for her.
We went to Raja Uda for dinner, Tom Yam Mee. Well, before that, Yvonne and I went to Prangin to shop for my heels for work! End up, I didn't buy them. But Yvonne bought a sweater and a singlet. Lolz...
 In Raja Uda, and guess what? I met Mimi and Jkeat!! OMG!! I was so happy! But once Mimi saw me, he strangle my neck and I was a bit shocked tho~ Everyone was looking. Lolz... We were talking and stuff. I was glad I met him.

Then we went to KY's house and watch a Japanese horror movie. It was boring.
 Before that, KY was finding the drawings I drew for her when we were in high school. It was so memorable. Lolz... I was criticizing that idiot Jia Jun! She's totally an idiot person!
 My initials 4 years ago~ XD

Anyway, the 3 of us slept together that night, for the first time. Lolz... Woke up and were wondering around at KY's house in the morning. Lolz... Cause we had to wait for Cindy til 2pm.
Then we went to Pizza Hut for lunch and it was totally a very hot day. We canceled our photography outings and went shopping instead. Lolz...
 Then we had dinner and went to straits quay.
Yvonne bought another dress while I bought some random stuff and a knitted outter singlet. Then we went home.

A few days later, I went to Sunshine with my mum and look I bought my favorite Mr. Potatos! XD
Oh! And Eugene bought me a double lollipop and sent it to me after his work midnight! <3
17th August 2012 was Eugene's off day. After my work, we went to night market. I bought quite a number of stuff, a sweater, a pair of earrings, a belt and food.
 Then we went for supper, fried oyester and some japanese bento.

 The next day's night, I went to Red Box with Ah Hui and Michelle. Before that, I went to Straits Quay just to pass a lil chocolate present for Eugene as a surprise but then I guess he was too busy so, I failed to pass them. *Sad*
Love my newly bought sweater! It looked like a blazzer but it's think and with a hood!
Anyway, red box was quite okay. Ah Hui didn't sing at all cause he said it will disgrace his family. Lolz...
We played Big bang's song just for Ah Fook cause he went to S'pore. Lolz... It's dedicated for Fook! XD


Friday, August 10, 2012

Fail Isn't In My Dictionary This Time, Again

My first final exam in SEGi, status: ALL PASS!

OMG!! I'm so happy. Well, a lil dissapointed cause it's like all only pass in a range of 50-60 marks.
I really wanna thank my God (it's guanyin ma) for helping me throughout the exam period when no one can help me. *Pray* ♥

However, I still pass! I've been really worried cause it's only Friday and I still haven't received any calls that tells me about my result if I fail. Michelle told me early in the morning that she failed her law. Unbelievable.

So, after work, I went to SEGi to check out my results. Well, on the way, I checked facebook through my phone and found out I passed all when Ah Hui Koko messaged me in my inbox. So I just went to double confirm. And yap, I pass! But can't believe my Law, 50%. It's like so low! Didn't really like my marks in SEGi. I mean I wasn't the type who has high expectations but it's just that my law papers in TARC was quite good and yet, here, in SEGi it's only 50! Ugh~ Defeated by this SEGi stupid law lecturer!
I mean like, Michelle told me lots of people fail. Ah Vian, Shan, Evelyn, Hoong Yi failed the Law paper! OMG!

However, [I'm not bad mouthing or gossiping or anything], I just knew that someone would fail their law paper. Especially when they don't pay attention in class, never studied law before and didn't really prepare for the law paper in detail before the exam.
Anyway, I'm just glad that I pass all. Ah Fook too passed all but his marks are almost the same as mine. And Ah Hui, I'm not sure what happened to him but it seems like there's some mistakes in his results and student ID thing.

Tomorrow, the weekend starts! Release from the tensioned office! Now I know the feeling of liking Friday nights! ♥
