Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Cried Out Loud

It has been a very long while since I last cried out this hard. Years, maybe?

I just cried. Just cried like a baby. Non-stop crying. I tried to stop but tears just burst out continuously. The felling of being hurt, the feeling of sadness, the feeling of dissapointment, the feeling of pressure, the feeling of stress, the feeling that was hidden in me all these while, the feeling of depressed, the feeling of not be able to convey anything to anyone, the feeling of hardness, the feeling of putting a smile outside while you're sad inside and all the silent cry I had.
All burst out to a loud cry.

It hurts when you're crying so hard, someone shot you to stop crying and keep quiet. I was just releasing whatever feelings I was compressing in my heart all these years and cried it out for only an hour. Is it wrong? Even when I cried alone in my room, I had to cry silently not letting anyone know while compressing the feeling of sadness in me, slowly drifting myself to sleep and hid the sadness to myself.

However, I just felt so much better after crying so hard for so long. Tears rolling down again and again. As if everything in me had just flown out.


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