Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Dragon Year 2012

It's Chinese New Year again! It's the dragon year. Last year, the year 2011 pass really too fast. Maybe I was too busy last year.

Anyway, this CNY was a bit boring. Last CNY was a sad one. So, reunion dinner was okay... One thing I like about CNY was, my 3 fridges are full with food.
Steamboat as usual....
So, first day of CNY, we went to pray in the morning first as usual again.
Then we went back to my grandma's place and wait for my relatives to come. Too bad one of my relative couldn't come cause her mum passed away last year. Sad. Every year, they would come visit the earliest. This year, hey are not here, so we waited for like about 2 hours. My brother and I were eating some cookies and stuff and my brother drew some weird stuff~

Finally they came. My aunt and uncle finally praised me this year cause after like 10years or so, I wore a dress again for CNY.
With my pretty nails...

We talked and stuff. well, this year's ang pow increased too cause my god-uncle and eldest cousin is married.
 After a few hours, they all went home. I had some nap and went over to Eugene's house.

His mum wasn't at home. We played a bit of firecrackers and went over to new house, invited by Kar Ming. However, some brainless people's car parked behind my car. I honk til like my car's gonna burst and yet, he still didn't come out to move his car. So we decided to ride bike to Tesco for dinner. When we got back, that stupid car is still there. Eugene went over to a house which has the most people to tell them to move. The drive didn't even apologize and even did his face. What the fuck! At least the uncle whom we asked did apologized. But well, Eugene already scratched his new car so, it's okay.

So rushed to new house. They are about to go home when we reached. We gambled a bit before they go home. Kar Ming was complaining about them not cleaning up the house to me. After they went home, leaving Kar Ming and Eugene Khoo, I told Eugene to ask Eugene Khoo for guidance when coming to my house for CNY.

Eugene then suggest we go to mamak stall. So they went first, Kar Ming and I stayed over to clean up the house. Then we went over. I listen to Eugene Khoo. Suddenly, I felt like I found a great person!

He taught us lots of things like how to be a great person, what attitude should we behave, what kind of person there are in the world, how to treat different person and many many more. It's really awesome. I really respect this kind of people. He even played a game with Eugene, about life. It's really touching and sad. Eugene cried. I, just by listening, I almost cried. It's really amazing, how these few questions made people think really hard on a decision and made people realize what have they done all these years and how it made people cry cause of their mistakes. I didn't dare to play the game.

After almost 3hours of 'class', we went home. Eugene was still sad about the decision he made in the game. Eugene's decision was praised by Eugene Khoo. If it were to be me, I wouldn't make such decision. We discussed about it in the car when I drove him home. When I went home, I thought about it. It's really amazing, this person.

Some how I thought about people who gave me these kind of lessons before. Let's take for an example, a person who gave me these lessons the most for around a year plus, I need not mention who. The lessons he gave me compare to what Eugene Khoo gave me: His is like just one bit of useless words after trying to brainwashing me for almost a year and failed. While, Eugene Khoo's like a god. He just gave Eugene Phoon 2hours of talk while I'm just at the side listening and it totally made me realize lots of things in life.

Anyway, second day was boring. At night, I fetch my mum, brother and grandma to Sakea Sushi for dinner. It spent me a total of RM94.60! But we were happy.

Today, the third day of CNY, boring too. It's the day Eugene finally come. He was in the living room all the while. But never had a chance to talk to my mum. After hours of waiting, finally it came. He talked to my mum and my mum did nag a lot and I was upstairs looking down while texting Kar Ming about it. After an hour, he went home. I hope it works.

At night, was boring. Stayed at home and stuff.


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