Thursday, August 18, 2011

18th August 2011

Today is the first day of my final exam in the final semester in TARC.
Governance & Corporate Law paper. I studied for like 4 days. Finally the paper came to me. It was okay. Not to say it's easy but not to say it's difficult too. But I'm satisfy with my answers except for 2 things. I got the ultra vires sub-section wrongly and this is my most familiar topic. And secondly, I got the whole section wrong cause I got confused with giving loan to directors and compensation for directors. But the definitions are all right.

Other than that, it's those which I don't plan to study so automatically I don't know the answers at all. My minimum estimation is 75%.

Anyway, after the test, I went to my college's admin to get the whatever syllabus thingy Segi College asked for. Ugh... As expected, the staff there sucks. When I asked for it, she was like unwilling to get it for me and talk to me in the way as if I'm a troublesome. But I just smile at her and say thank you and sorry to make her feel guilty and well, she did at the end when I return the book, she smiled at me back.

Whatever, I'm gonna go rest a bit for the afternoon. I'm tired. I only had like 2 hours plus of sleeps and woke up at 6.30am (supposingly 6am). Actually my plan was to stay up at Eugene's house but then I finished early so I went home. Sorry, I made you disappointing...*pouts*
Maybe study a bit of Principles of Auditing evening and gonna go meet up with Zhi Khang for supper tonight.

Next paper is on Sunday. No matter how many times I've said it, I still wanna say it, I HATE STUDYING~!!!
However, ganbare ne~

P.S. It's exactly 2years and 3months I've know you guys since I entered college. And this may be the last semester we're meeting each other this often. But it's not like you guys care anyway. But anyhow, Happy Anniversary.


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