Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Late Once Again

Yesterday was MATSUMOTO JUN's 28th birthday!

Wishing Jun-chan to have a great one this year again!
Hope you'll always be loved and also, hope you'll always be the Matsumoto J.!
Most importantly, wish you to be happy forever.
We love you!

From, ee ling <3

And today, is National Day. Not much stuff to say.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

SS501 - Becaue I'm Stupid

I got kinda addicted to this song from SS501 - Because I'm Stupid. Theme song from a Korean drama; Boys Over Flower.

The translation to English is really meaningful. Like it.

I’m really, very foolish
I know of no one other than you
you’re looking at someone else
yet you have no idea of my feelings like this
I won’t be in your days
I won’t be in the memories either, however
only you, I looked only at you
and the tears keep coming
As i watch you walking past, I’m still happy
even yet you still don’t know my heart
I should stop this and go
I really want to see the day
I’m withstanding the pain each day
“I love you” is playing on my lips
Alone once again, crying for you
alone once again, missing for you
Baby, I love you, I’m wiating for you
I won’t be in your days
I won’t be remembered either, however
only you, I looked only at you
I’m making memories alone
Loving you is like having a beautiful wound
I look at your pretty smile also
but I cannot laugh with you
I’m thinking about you so much everyday
my heart is hurting in all these sad days
‘I want to see you’ is playing on my lips
alone once again, crying for you
alone once again, missing for you
Baby, i’m waiting for you, I love you
bye bye, never say goodbye
even though I cannot hold you like this
I need you, I cannot say anything more, I want you
I keep on hoping too, I’ll keep hoping….
I really want to see the day
I’m withstanding the pain each day
“I love you” is playing on my lips
Alone once again, crying for you
I’m thinking about you so much everyday
my heart is hurting in all these sad days
‘I want to see you’ is playing on my lips
alone once again, crying for you
alone once again, missing for you
Baby, i’m waiting for you, I love you

credit to Genesis(at)bww2


Graduating Or Not

I finished my last paper last Wednesday. My last paper was the worst. For the very first time, I didn't know how to answer for over 50% of the paper. The. My theory was like, I've presenting them all my marks. I totally don't know how to do. The calculations, I got panicked a bit so I wasn't sure. I got so scared and I have a feeling I'll have to resit this paper. If I really fail, I wouldn't get to graduate already. Sad case.

Anyway, after the paper, my classmates and I went for a lunch gathering, for the first and the last time. It was fun actually. They are kinda friendly. Also, we celebrated KC and Teong Hooi's birthday together too. It was kinda fun actually.

After eating, they went back, leaving a few of us with class rep and Ki Xin and Fook with the 2 of them and kah yee. (Kah Yee was being friendly to me recently, feeling a bit weird and I hated how that girl acted so fake)

Anyway, we were talking and stuff about our future, TV dramas and lots more. It was fun. We talked til like 7pm before we went back.

At night, I went to Sin Yee's house. We talked and stuff. I was like blabbering everything which was kept to myself for these exam period to them, about my feelings, my hatred and many more. They were talking about theirs too. As usual, their youngest sister is annoying.

The next day, I was at home, bored to death. Ugh~ Hate it. Suddenly Xeng asked me to go McD gamble. or was it Louis? I forgot, anyway, i went to fetch Eugene after his work and then we went for dinner then we went to McD and gamble with them. Honestly, it was a bit boring. Then, later midnight, we went for supper. Abu didn't open so we went to Burma Road's coffee shop to eat. The funny thing was there's lots of pretty girls there and I was like teasing Eugene saying "Look! Pretty girls..." pointing at them and unexpectedly, Xeng turned behind to look immediately and his girlfriend was just beside him. Eugene and I saw him looking at the girls so we were like wanting to say it out but Xeng quickly wanted to signal us to stay silence and not to let his girlfriend know that he got panic and knocked his hand under the table hard. The 3 of us were like laughing non-stop! See! Guys are guys. Hahaha...

Friday was bored. I didn't do anything but to stay at home and watch some Korean drama. Ugh~ I got addicted to this 'Boys over flowers' korean drama. Damn.

Saturday night, I went to fetch Eugene and we went to dinner together. At night, we meet up with Xeng, Xiao Wu and their gang for Xiao Wu's farewell gathering. We went to Eugene's working place to have beer and stuff. Both of us were first there. Then they came. We talked and stuff. It was a bit bored. And It was even more bored when Eugene went to help his co-workers to keep and wash the glasses leaving me a lone there. I got kinda like uncomfortable being alone there. After that, we went to Coffee Island with Amanda and h Wei with Louis. We gamble there and eat a bit too. Then Eugene got tired, so we went home.

Sunday, I went out with Yvonne and KY for a movie at gurney. After having our lunch (talked and complaint damn a lot during lunch) when we were paying, I got a shocked of my life! I saw Eugene and his family out there! Damn! Anyway, then we went window shopping and stuff then we went for a movie; Spy Kids. It was funny but not much of action pack. I got too tired that I fell asleep during thee climax. *Sigh*
Well, there's this aroma-scope thingy, when the cinema shows the number, we scrub the number and smell it so it smells like what the movie people is smelling. Most of the smell smells like bubble gum and so the sweet smell is really strong. Well, there's mint smell and stinky smell when the baby pooped~
And Yvonne's spec broke.

Then we went for dinner and went home. the fun part about the whole day was talking and complaining to each other.

Today, Monday. I went to find Cheah with Alfred and we went to Gurney for Sushi King. Met Soo Khim, unfortunately. Didn't like how she seems to act like as if she knows everything and teasing as if I'm still single. She was like asking I'm there with who and I pointed Alfred and said with him and she was like trying to tease me saying whether it's my friend or boyfriend. *Puff~* What do you know?!
Then accompany Eugene during his break and went for a walk with them with Cheah's neighbor's daughter too.
By the way, likes Cheah's new phone cause it's purple.
After that, we went back to Cheah's house. I got a bit pissed off with Cheah's attitude as if she knows everything and as if I'm acting childish. But it's her attitude and I've known her for like years already so, get used to it.

At night, I went to fetch Eugene home and went to his house for my dinner, roti canai. His house has added another dogie, Sparkle! Actually it's his family's friend or relative (I don't know)'s dog. Just boarding for 3 days. Chloe seems to be jealous and sad cause her place was taken over by that dog. But that dog is cute and kinda nice.

I kinda pity Chloe anyway cause it seems like they love Romeo more than Chloe (well, partly cause Chloe is always being noisy) and now, adding another new dog. *Sigh* After eating, I went to play with Sparkle. He's so curious. Lolz...xD


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sleeps Needed

My second paper was account paper then continued by the most difficult subject, Principles of Auditing. Why of all subjects, Audit a day after account? I would prefer if account and audit switch places. Everyone in the accounting course was dying preparing for the paper.

Anyway, I studied a bit of audit after my law paper first and then proceed to account paper. The day of my account paper was okay. For the second time (i think) I actually balanced my account! O.O!!! The last time was I think when I was in year 1. The second ques was a bit difficult and the share topic was like damn, I don't know what was it talking about and yet, I wanted to answer it. No choice but to switch to the provision, contingent liabilities and contingent assets question which I planned to ignore it. At least I could get higher marks than the share question.
Anyway, I got home and slept a while cause I couldn't really sleep that night. I over slept. I was supposed to get up at 3pm to study but I ended up at 4pm. After studying a while, Sin Yee asked me to go McD with her to study. So I did. It has been a while since I last see her. We talked a bit here and there and studied. I studied till like 8.30pm  and went home for dinner and then went to Eugene's house to study. I didn't have much time left and yet, I haven't memorized the last 2 topics when it was like 11pm already. I got really tired when 2am came.

I really wanted to overnight at Eugene's house. I even cleaned my room a bit so when he come, it wouldn't look that messy (cause I planned to asked him to accompany me home to get all my stuff done and go back to his house to study) but seeing Eugene got so tired after working, I didn't want him to get even more tired accompanying me to study for my exam. So I said I would just go home and he would just continue to sleep. However, he refuses but I insisted tho I've promised. Further more, I didn't tell my mum I was going to stay at his house to study till the exam time come, I'll straight go to college. So, I better get home.

After I got home, I studied a bit and I got really tired. It was 5am already. Around 5.30am, I fell asleep and planned to wake up at 6.45am. Ended up, waking at 7am. But I really need some sleeps.
Got up, continue to study. I can't memorized the last 2 chapters. So ended up I gave up and focused on the front chapters tho the last 2 chapters are really important. Around 8am, I went to college. I was scared. I've never got so scared (with my heart pounding) for the first 2 papers.

Opened the question paper. First question: Define Internal Control. I was like 'What the hell?!' I don't even know how to answer such simple question! Cause I was expecting it to be very hard. However, the paper was difficult but some were easy. Too easy that I didn't really went to study and so, I don't know how to answer. And some, I wasn't certain that if the question wants this or that answer.

Anyway, I took like an hour to answer 2 questions. Time is really limited and I need to answer 4 questions. I finished everything within 2 and a half hour. Checking, 15minutes. Re-check 10minutes. Last 5minutes, check everything including spelling and adding a few words for one last time, pass up. Phew.... The nightmare is over. Well, maybe. Hopefully I don't fail the paper.

I did discuss with Soong Yi a bit of the questions and it seems like she didn't know more than me?! How come?! You are cleverer and more hardworking than me! O.O!!! But I wasn't certain about the answers too actually.

Got home, slept within even eating! My last meal was the day before at 8.30pm. Had nachos at 12am and didn't eat or drink anything except a mouth full of milk at 8.15am before going to the exam. I was dead hungry but sleep is more important. I slept like there's no tomorrow.
Slept till 4pm. Woke up and bath and everything, went to Eugene's place and continue sleeping a while. I was dead tired. 6.30pm, went for dinner with Mimi, tom yam mee. It was nice. We talked and stuff.

Xeng ended up didn't go McD with us, so I went bakc to Eugene's hosue to get ssome sleep again. When i was falling a sleep, suddenly, it rained heavily! I got up and went to move my car under the shelter cause my car's door got knocked the other day cause the water running into my car and wetting the cushion! Damn, it was really raining heavily! I was partly wet! Anyway, around 9pm, i went to sleep again till 12am, woke up and went to McD to study. Bought the Malay stall hotdog egg without vege.

Studied till like 4.30am, stop. Got home. Tired. Overall, I only slept 6hours for the day, separately. Am really tired. I hate exams. I wonder why would they have exams if it's torturing students. So what if you said, I should have prepare earlier to prevent from being tortured? I could still forget! I prepared earlier than most of my friends but I still have to be well prepared the day  before the exam.

Anyway, need to sleep now. It's 6.32am and the sky is getting brighter by than. Exams always changed my time of sleeping from night to morning. Ugh~ And during the semester break, i have to re-adjust my sleeping time and it was difficult.
Anyhow, good night and morning everyone.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

18th August 2011

Today is the first day of my final exam in the final semester in TARC.
Governance & Corporate Law paper. I studied for like 4 days. Finally the paper came to me. It was okay. Not to say it's easy but not to say it's difficult too. But I'm satisfy with my answers except for 2 things. I got the ultra vires sub-section wrongly and this is my most familiar topic. And secondly, I got the whole section wrong cause I got confused with giving loan to directors and compensation for directors. But the definitions are all right.

Other than that, it's those which I don't plan to study so automatically I don't know the answers at all. My minimum estimation is 75%.

Anyway, after the test, I went to my college's admin to get the whatever syllabus thingy Segi College asked for. Ugh... As expected, the staff there sucks. When I asked for it, she was like unwilling to get it for me and talk to me in the way as if I'm a troublesome. But I just smile at her and say thank you and sorry to make her feel guilty and well, she did at the end when I return the book, she smiled at me back.

Whatever, I'm gonna go rest a bit for the afternoon. I'm tired. I only had like 2 hours plus of sleeps and woke up at 6.30am (supposingly 6am). Actually my plan was to stay up at Eugene's house but then I finished early so I went home. Sorry, I made you disappointing...*pouts*
Maybe study a bit of Principles of Auditing evening and gonna go meet up with Zhi Khang for supper tonight.

Next paper is on Sunday. No matter how many times I've said it, I still wanna say it, I HATE STUDYING~!!!
However, ganbare ne~

P.S. It's exactly 2years and 3months I've know you guys since I entered college. And this may be the last semester we're meeting each other this often. But it's not like you guys care anyway. But anyhow, Happy Anniversary.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Johnny Kitagawa's Break- In

NTV's NEWS 24 just broadcasted the news that "This morning, Johnnys Jimusho's president Johnny Kitagawa experienced a break-in in his private home. The break-in occured in one room of his mansion and 110 (Police department) was alerted immediately. The male suspect has been caught."

Another source reports that around 9:40 am on the 17th, a male (52) broke in to Johnny Kitagawa's home located in Tokyo Shibuya-ku. The suspect tailed Mr. Kitagawa to his home and when Mr. Kitagawa took out his key to open the door, the suspect suddenly appeared from behind and grabbed the key and went inside locking the door. Mr. Kitagawa who was locked outside called the Police. After 20 minutes, the Shibuya metro police rushed in and arrested the suspect for residential break-in. The suspect is identified to be Unotoru from Tokyo Setagaya-ku, unknown occupation, and making nonsensical speech to the police after the arrest. Mr. Kitagawa was not injured by the event.



Friday, August 5, 2011


Just wanna post a summary of what I've wrote but ended up deleting cause it was too intense for my blog.

I'm now living in an environment that would destroy my personality. I gotta move out from here fast! I'm getting sick of this place!

Meeting these kind of people here is a total disaster for me. People who blames you for what he has done. People who are having childish acts. People who purposely makes people hates them and say my bads to others after I've done so much for them. People who dump me after having new friends but ended up blaming me that I was the one who dump him. People who takes advantages of me. etc.
Let me just take it as a lesson.

Just wanna comment a few words to them:
Just grow up kids! You're already 20!
Don't act as if you're an encyclopedia or google!
You asked what have I done for you? *Puff* Fetching you everywhere, helping in your assignment, accompanying you when you're alone is not enough? In reverse, ask yourself what have you done for me?!
Trying to tie me dead and follow whatever you do and like your favorites? I don't follow anyone unless they are great. Think twice before even to try to influence me cause you're not even close to good!
You, amateurs who thinks that best friends are people who likes what you like too? I'm not your best friend. Friends are people who will be there for you when you need them and supports you for whatever goods you do. Unlike you people!
Saying when I have friends I dump you but only stick around with you when I'm lonely? Think again, who's the one who dumped me and pushed me to the edge where I have to find strangers to hang around?
Saying I left you for no reason? Who kept on having a fake face and attitude in front of me? Full of lies.
Telling me to not act smart? You're the one who acts as if you know me very well! Remember, I am who I am and no one knows me better than myself!
Saying I'm the one who had changed? Who's the one who suddenly has this cold attitude towards me?!
You guys think voicing out is the best solution? I tell you, NEVER! You want prove? Of all the people who I've quarreled with, rise from voicing out from them! I always try to keep silence when I sensed troubles arising but you guys wants to voice it out. Ended up with arguments, always.

So, are you all satisfy? Yes, cause I'm leaving these hell people in this hell area.
Starting anew. I'm so damn glad that I'm finally free! Life is too short for these hells.
The good part in this hell area is, I met at least a few good people there.
