Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Day of 2010

Yes, it's the last day of the year 2010.

I wouldn't say I had a great year or the worst year cause at the begining of the year until mid year, I wa sso satisfied with my life. But towards the end, my life is so miserable.

So, if anyone wants to confess anything to me, confess now! By today! Cause tomorrow onwards, marks the year 2011 when I'm gonna start anew! XD

Oh yes! And I want to confess something to a certain person: STOP STALKING MY BLOG! LIKE HELL I'M GONNA WRITE ABOUT YOU GUYS!!! >.< I'm not gonna badmouth you guys neither am I gonna talk nice words about you guys. I'm done! >.<

Anyway, this year I...

I met quite a number of awesome people in LJ at the begining of the year! ^^ Especially Noeil-chan!

Then I made less wallies this year~ Gomene~ >.< Cause I've started my college year 2 so I'm quite busy...
And read quite a number of fanfics~ <333

Then I had a great birthday, all wishes from my LJ friends! ^^ Thanks youuuuu~ And my college friends too and some of my other friends ^^

I bought quite a number of Dramas DVDs too! Hehee... Like Kaibutsu-kun~ *o*
And i sold my Saigo no Yakusoku =)

And so far I've pass all my final exams this year but for the first time, I fail 2 subject for my mid term test >.<

I had an arguement with my groupmates...Just because of the assignments tho... But I gain closer friendship with Louis and Xeng too ^^ <333
From them, I learnt how to play poker ^^

And I moved to my new house... I still miss my old house tho T^T

And I met with a car accident this year too...>.<

Oh! And I bought a dress this year! ^^ (Very rare)

And I bought a camera dslr too ^^ My Canon 500D <333

And I learned a lot in photography through Wu Feng and my senior, Andy =)
Oh! And I became a model too... Just for fun tho~ XD
And i quit college's photography society in the same year too =(

I watch quite a number of movies compared to last year like TRON, Dispicable Me, Rapunzel,Predators, Kung Fu Kid and many many more~ ^^ (Tho I'm not really a cinema fan >o<)

My Christmas eve was great! I chat with Noeil-chan throu the phone ^^ And ate cake cause it's aiba-chan's birthday too! ^^ And I managed to make an Aiba-chan wallie post tho I was on wallie-making hiatus... Louis was the only person who gave me a christmas present. I LOVE IT! <333
And unbelievable, Louis celebrated Oh-chan's 30th Birthday with me! O.O!!!

Oh yes, most importantly, I opened this blog ^^

Hmm...this is what I did basically in the year 2010...*smiles*

My New Year Resolution, 2011 would be:
I'll try to pass all my final exams again next year! (And finals is near~ >.< Only 8 days left! ToT)

And I promise I'll try to make more wallies next year!!! <333 And reply all your comments! ^^

Oh! And to buy Freeter drama DVD~ XD I just love this drama <333

And to be happy and healthy as long as everyone is...=)

Hope everyone had a great year!!! XD
And will have a great year on 2011!!! ^O^


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