Friday, August 16, 2013

Hate and Love

Recently, many hates and loves came in my live.

Before I enter into this topic, I would like to annouce, I lost my precious thing in my life. The first gift my boy gave to me, my beloved keychain. I don't understand how it was lost but I'm just very sad about it.

So, this topic, hate and love.

As I've mentioned, I'm now a junior auditor. Started learning about auditing is not as easy as everyone thought it would be. Especially when you're still a junior. When you assist the seniors, it may be easy, but when you start to handle file at the beginner level, it would be a bit difficult.

So, what I hate about this job is that I started to really study about accounts, tax and audits and stuff. I'm trying to understand all the concepts more than I used to just memorize without understanding. So, it's a bit tough for me.
But what I love about this job is the people around me. Although I'm still not close to them, but I know they still treat me well. As I'm the only girl there, today, my manager said something which made my day.
"We only have ONE girl here left. Please do TAKE GOOD CARE of her."
This job doesn't really give me the feel like I hate to go to work every morning. Although I still hate to go to work but once I enter the office, I still feel comfortable there.

Another thing is my boy. I hate him for not having a clear direction on his job and life. He has it but he wasn't 100% confirm. I hate it when he tries to do something out of his basic stable income.
But what I still love about him is that he still treats me like a princess.

So, the next thing is my life. Now that I've 99% changed my lifestyle, what I hate is that I don't get enough sleeps everyday. I'm just so tired. But what I love about it is that when Saturdays comes, I would be really enjoying my this off day to the fullest till I drop! Meeting up with friends and stuff, makes me really happy.

There are still a few things which I hate and love at the same time for now. But, it's nothing main.


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