Monday, March 12, 2012

Waiting For Days To Come

These few days were boring days. I'm like waiting for everyday to pass.

Anyway, Tuesday, 6th March, I started cleaning up my room like what the master adviced me the da before. I cleaned up my pc corner and 2 of my pc drawers. Clean and clear.

Well, I did nothing much besides cleaning actually. Anyway, midnight, Eugene fetched me to eat lor mee + hokkien mee. Satisfying.
Oh, and I got hot tempered while playing tetris cause of the lagging and stuff that I banged my keyboard and suddenly my screen went vertical.
Wednesday, finally, there's class. After class, we went to Gurney KOI Japanese Restaurant to eat lunch. There's discount for lunch.
Then, I went to Kar Ming house to fetch Ah Khang to go for sales but then he made me wait for more than an hour. I slept in my car while waiting for Kar Ming too. Then I went up and talked to her and stuff before Ah Khang came and said he's not going already. WTH. But I was a bit lazy too. Oh and her BB is so cute!
And she gave me a chocolate to eat too! Well, partly was because Ah Khang intruded her chocolates. Lolz... Then I watched a Taiwan drama with her and her sister before going home cause it was raining heavily.

At night, I went to pasar malam with Ah Hui, Ah Vian and Ah Shan. It was raining a bit when we reached. So, we went to the nearby coffee shop and ate there. Ah Hui played Ah Fook cause he didn't go and he used my phone to reply him in an angry mood as if I'm the one angry to scare Ah Fook. Lolz...
After eating and chatting, we went home. Well, I bought some supper for my dad.

The next day, after class, during break time, Ah Hui suggest we eat japanese-taiwanese food behind The One College. It was nice and they had okonomiyaki there! *Happy* The food was quite nice there but because of my mouth, I couldn't eat much. Sad.

Then we went back to class. We talked more than we were paying attention in class tho. I talked to James a lot. Oh and I finally got my cheque for loan! [It's not a empty cheque for anyone's information]

Then after class, Ah Vian, Ah Shan, Hoong Yi and I went to 1st Avenue cause I have to wait til 7pm before going to meet up with Eugene. We ended up at Kim Gary for dinner. Before that, Hoong Yi went to buy some novel and he really bought a book which I randomly picked cause I like the cover page. Lolz...
And I made Eugene worry cause there's no line there. Sorry~

Friday was bored., After class, I just went home. In addition of the stupid lecturer who pissed me off. Come on lah... If you already don't have the heart to teach, then don't expect us student to have the heart to listen to you already! Shut the fuck up!

Dinner, my mum suddenly made steamboat. Yeay! And I ate an ice-cream too.

Saturday was boring too. Well, suddenly, Hoong Yi asked me out for a movie at night. So, I agreed since I was growing mushroom in my room.

He helped me asked about my contact lens and he also went to buy some cloths for himself which cost RM100+. Lolz... Then we went for a dinner at food court before going for the movie.

After the movie, we went home. Boring again. I was thinking Eugene would bring me out for supper after his work. But I ended up falling asleep before his work even ended. Well, partly was also because I had a bad headache.


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