Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year Resolution (2012)

It has been a while since I last been here. I have been busy and lots of stuff came up lately.

Anyway, my post for today is about my new year resolution. Since it's 30th December 2011 already, and 31st December 2011 I won't be home, so I'll post it first.

This year, 2011, my new year resolution was:
1. Save more money
2. Buy Freeter Ie Wo Kau
3. ........

So, I didn't really fulfil it.Saving more money, I did but I spent it after saving a lot at once. I bought Freeter. And the third one, I still can't think of any.

Now, I'm gonna reflect what I did in 2011.
1. I'm proud that I graduated from my Diploma in Business Studies (Accounting) from TARC.
2. I started my degree in SEGi college and met new friends.
3. I found a guy.
4. I made friend with Zhi Khang.
5. I started working in a office for the first time.
6. I joined a pudding business team.
7. My Kar Ming gave me an Arashi DVD from her Taiwan trip! My first Arashi single!
8. I adopted kittens for 1-2 weeks and raised them during that period.
9. I got really high marks (I think second or third highest in class) for my English test which was my first test in SEGi college.
10. After 20uears of searching and seeking, I finally saw 5meteors~!!!

Okay, now the bad stuff.
1. I met with 2 accidents this year.
2. I dump most of my TARC friends cause I can't stand their extremely bad attitude.
3. I neglected Arashi a lot this year cause I became really busy.
4. The saddest thing that happened was when I gave my kittens to people cause my parents wouldn't allow them to stay. But I should be happy tat someone wants them.

Yea, that was basically what happened this year. It wasn't that good actually, compare to last year, 2010.

So, my 2012 resolution would be:
1. Still, save more money.
2. Going to a trip.
3. Go more crazy about Arashi!

Anyway, this is the first time I'm celebrating New Year Eve with a bunch of friends and I'm quite excited about it!
Anyhow, I wish everyone a very Happy New Year~!!! Let the past go and welcome the future. Hoping my 2012 would be good as I'm 21 already.


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