Sunday, December 4, 2011

Loads Overtook Me

Yea, lately I've been really busy. Loads of works including college works overtook me and my time. Tiring...

Well, November 2nd was my brother's 19th Birthday. His friends came to celebrate his birthday surprise for him. After he came back from a movie, he was surprised with a bunch of friends in his room. Lolz.... Anyway, I gave him money as his birthday present cause I didn't know what to buy for him.

That very day, Eugene came to help clean my room for me cause my eldest cousin's unwanted bed is gonna come into my room. Which means, I'll have a Queen size bed! Yeay... But I've got a presentation the next day so I can't clean. Hence, I called Eugene to come help me clean. Yeay.... <333

The next day I went to college early with Ah Fook and Hui them to rehears our presentation. it wasn't that good yet but we'll try our best.
The presentation was a bit disaster for me cause I tend to look at my notes although I can memorize them well when I have the notes in my hand. But luckily, Ah Fook was good so he pulled up our marks. I was bad cause the lecturer said I was too soft but maybe cause I'm the only girl so I'm a bit softer compare to the guys. But comparing to the girls, I'm pretty sure I'm loud enough cause in my diploma years, I was always the loudest. I never had problem with being soft. So it surprised me a bit when the lecturer said I'm soft.
I was so glad the presentation pressure was over. *Phew~*

The next day was our convo briefing. I went and finally saw Ching Ching. Long time no see. I was so happy. the briefing was boring but very useful tho. After the briefing, I went to find Eugene and had lunch together with him. Then I went to college. After college, my family and I went to a photo studio for a family photo. It was really a memorable thing to do tho.
Then we had dinner together.

Well, after all, it's 4th November 2011, our 8th month anniversary. So I went dinner with him. He ate only, cause I've already taken my dinner. And surprisingly, he present me a big box of present for my graduation! I was surprised. It was heavy by the way.
After dinner, we went tesco a while for a walk. After we went home, I went to Cheah's place to borrow black shoes. I was happy when she told me she bought me a bouquet of flowers for my convo.

Then I got home and open my present from my boy. There are so many of them in the big box. I couldn't guess what are they cause they are quite heavy  tho. But then I was so touched when I realize those are all art supplies! Those are all expensive supplies! Tears flows down non-stop. Why waste so much for me. Even some things he present, I don't even know how to use. However, I'm still very happy. I cried most reading the card.

I got so tired that I fell asleep after that. Then, I woke up early in the morning. Thinking about all the great presents I received from my boy, uncontrollably, tears stream down again. I called him then asking him why waste so much money but he can't hear properly cause I was mumbling.

Anyway, 5th November 2011  is my convocation. I'm proud of myself. I got to TAR College late morning and stayed with Ching Ching until the convocation starts. And I received the bouquet of flowers from Cheah from Alfred and also, Alfred bought another too! I'm so surprised! =D I was so happy. We took pics and stuff. THen we had to line up to go into the CA. While lining up, you know, that 'mother fucker bitch' was acting nice guy, telling me about the correct way to wear my hat. Ugh~ Like hell I care.

Got into the hall, it was bored. I was a bit nervous when I got up stage to get my scroll and turn and smile and get down stage. Lolz... My struggle for 2years and 4months end on a stage less than 10seconds with an empty scroll.
After the ceremony, we got out and started to take pics. It wasn't as fun as I thought cause everyone has got everyone's friends and family around. Luckily I called Hoay Hoay and Yin Yin and also Eugene. We took pics and talk before we decided to go Straits Quay to have their teatime and my lunch time.
Then we went Straits Quay. Ate and talked and stuff before we decided to have a walk and went home.
Eugene and I went to gurney for a walk cause I wanted to get the 'RAY' magazine this November issue cause there's Sho on cover! <3
My graduation presents <3

The next day, Sunday, I went to find Eugene. Then I went to get my piano grade 8 cert from my piano teacher. It has been a while since I last went into her house. This might be the last time tho. Then I went to TAR College to get my convo pics.
Then we went to Teaco to get my RAY magazine and had lunch there.

Then I went home cause he had got to go to work.

Monday, evening, I went to Red Box with Hoay Hoay, Yin Yin and Daniel. For the first time, I hang out with Daniel after knowing him since we were young. we sang a lot. Then Jo Yen was supposed to come but once again, she PPK us again. Ugh~ Like what Daniel and I bet, she would PPK us.

We ate a lot too. Daniel ate like only 1/4 of my portion. Yin Yin and I ate the most. Oh, it was Hoay Hoay's birthday too!
We sang for like nearly 5 hours before Hoay Hoay and Daniel went home first, leaving Yin Yin and me. We both sang like mad or rather shouted like mad, jumping on the sofa singing and took lots of crazy photos~ Lolz.... We went home when it was near to 12am.

I fetch Yin Yin home and told her about the graduation present I received from Eugene. She understood. about my feelings. After all, we've known each other for so long and we never had a single argument before up till now.

Tuesday, class again. Sore throat a bit. After morning class, my classmates and I went to Prangin Mall, McD for lunch.
We went by girls and guys, so 2 cars. While on the way back to college, we girls were talking about boys and their ex and experiences and stuff. Till, we went to class, Lee Shan, Evelyn and me were still talking about it. Well, thinking about her relationship problem, mine is so much better cause we did talked about the so-called 'terms and conditions' and we try to understand each other too and be patience too (tho it's mostly him, not me~ >.<).

Thursday was nothing much cause I worked full day as a cashier, sorting the money. *Bored~* They gave me sweets to eat too tho.
And well, what do you, it was more than a week since I went to work. Everyone was saying it has been a while since they last see me. And I finally got my first salary in cheque.

Friday, class was boring as well. Ah Fook was telling Ah Hui to play this 'crazy taxi' game. Lolz....
Then we all went for lunch and Kelly and I were having too much time before our date and work. So they decided to go Haagen Dazz. I didn't eat tho. It was too expensive. We took photos and stuff.
Then I went to work, so as Ah Fook. And what do you know, more than half of the employees and employers went for a company trip. How nice to see the office so empty and the person who was supposed to give me work was on leave. So I became the cashier again.

Saturday, i went out with Eugene. I dressed kinda casually-cute I would say. Gotta praise myself for the nice match~
 Like these pics of myself~
But well, we went breakfast and on the way home, a car knocked my back. Eugene said that guy is an illegal loaner. Anyway, things were settled quick cause it was just a small matter. Then we went to his house before going to 1st Avenue for a movie. For the first time, we bought 1st Avenue's popcorn!
'The Adventure of TinTin' was nice. I laughed at  the part which wasn't supposed to. Cause TinTin reminds me of Ah Fook cause they have the same hairstyle. Lolz....

Sunday was bored as I was doing my assignment the whole day.

Monday was Noeil-chan's birthday~ Happy Birthday...

Tuesday was bored as well. AT night, I went to look for some cloths for my relative's wedding with my mum. Didn't fins any suitable. And sadly, I broke my mug which Soong Yi gave me for my birthday.

Wednesday after class, Vivian and I went for shopping. It wasn't as bad as I thought cause I did managed it well too cause I did talk and stuff so as Vivian. I find her quite a nice person too. Anyway, she managed to buy a pair of heels and 2 shirts for her boyfriend and brother and I bought nothing. We got to pasar malam but it was raining so we ate a bit and went to a coffee shop. We talked and stuff before going home.

Thursday, was nothing much tho. I finally finish my task for Eugene's birthday present, first page~ i still have a long way to go~

Anyway, his sister got her UPSR result, 4A's and 1B. B for science. Just like me~ I went to their house and she adn her dad was clearing up the form 1 books used by Eugene last time. Lolz... Later at night, Eugene and I went to eat. We did argue a bit but I forgot what was that. Then we went to night market. We bought hair clips for her sister as a congratulation gift for her UPSR. In the end, I took 2 of them~ xD
Friday, I had work. I finally did something different, posting letters. So I had to put the letters in the envolope and record and stuff.
I went to class later on and didn't pat much attention. At night, I went to 1st Avenue with my mum to buy a wedding event dress. I finally found one but there isn't my size. So I planned to get it on Saturday.


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