Saturday, January 12, 2019

New Year Resolution 2019


A late New Year Resolution post again this year.

Recapping last year's resolution:
1. Save more money
2. Go for a short trip oversea
3. Pass my ACCA

Short goals:
1. Expanding/ changing my work portfolio
2. Get my room a small renovation
3. On diet. Lose up to a result below 50kg

So, I really saved quite a lot this year. Basically because I didn't go for a long trip this year. But still manage to fulfill my second resolution, went to Hatyai twice and almost went to Singapore. I did started my ACCA studies again but I failed twice. So let's try again in 2019.

My short goals, I changed my work portfolio but in a sad situation. I did moved a lil here and there with my room's furnitures so I would consider it a partial renovation. I definitely did not lose weight at all, all because of my teammate!

A recap for this year;
My year 2018 is all about working life in Dell. I devote most of my time to work related stuff like work or teammates, colleagues or even events in Dell.

I got really close to my teammates. We went to Hatyai together, had an apartment stay, Christmas dinner and etc.


Then I became part to GPTW pillar in Dell, so basically all fun events in our organisation were organised by us and I am either one of the organizers or helpers. It was really troublesome but also fun I would admit.

But In Around September, our team got broken up. So we all went to our separate ways. That is when I fulfilled my short resolution one. But it was a sad way. I made a small album for each of us as memory. And that is also when Billy left Dell. This year, I witness 3 close friends left Dell; Jordan, Jimmy and Billy. I see my friends leave one by one and I felt that I have lesser and lesser friends there. I was hardest seeing Jimmy left Dell, all because he was the closest to me in Dell.

Working in a new role has been really stressful. But my goal is to prove to my boss that I am worth staying back. But recently has been a disaster. I am not really in a mood to work. Mainly because of that man.

He broke up with me in October. It broke me so much. He ruined my life, my dream, my future and my everything. I begged him to come back but he didn't until I threaten him to, only he would. I admit we grew distance after I entered Dell, but I never expect he would give up on me. In between during the year, I've tried lots of ways for us to spend time together but now, all has gone to the big wide ocean. 
Now we are in a complicated relationship. I don't even know how to fix it. It has been almost 4 months. I don't wanna give up but too much pressure and too much hurtful words were thrown at each other. We tried a few ways like going for a short trip, still celebrating our 5th anniversary and stuff like that but to me, it didn't really work. But I really hope that this is a disaster that we had to go through before we enter to another stage of happiness. I just hope that this disaster is over soon.

Anyhow, because if this, I grew distance with my family. He dragged in my mum and it made me felt like I don't wanna go home to face them all cause all they do is annoyingly ask me about us. So I usually stayed back in office till late.

Baby has been growing up a lot! This lil brat, still love him so much. Felt really reluctant to go to wok every morning when I see him before leaving for work.

I rarely see my friends too lately. After growing close to my foodie buddy teammate, Terry, I rarely put effort in meeting my friends cause all of them are not making the effort to see me. It's always me doing the initiation which made me feel so annoyed. But now that Foodie Buddy has got a partner, I grew distance with him. (This teaches me a lesson not to grow close to new friends as, the older you meet someone new, the faster they enter and exit your life. By then the person hurting is you alone.) Once again, lose another close friend. KY has been really caring about me and my relationship. We didn't really meet often but we're still really close. Don't mention Ah Wei. She's the worst. I didn't really manage to meet up with long lost friends like Ah Xeng, Alice, Amanda and etc. Last minute I managed to catch up with Molli and the juniors.

But my 31st December 2018 ended with tears. My 1st January 2019 started with work. It didn't really ended and began well. I hope the year would still be fine.

So, my resolution for 2019:
1. Save more money
2. Go for a oversea trip out of Asia
3. To loose weight 

I will still cap my limit to at least RM10k cause I am targeting to travel to New Zealand this year, so would need to spend a certain amount of money. To loose weight. I seriously needed to. I really lose some weight in between October, all because I almost never had a proper meal for days, but gained a lot more in December.

Passing my ACCA would be a lil challenging as I'm more focused on work this year cause I'm aiming for a promotion in year 2020. Treating myself better is because at the end of 2018, my heart broke twice. Also, I would buy things for myself and not be stingy to myself anymore.

Short goals:
1. Pass at least one paper for ACCA
2. Treat myself better

Again, each and every year teaches me to grow stronger. In year 2018, reminds me of how it feels to have your heart broken again and also teaches me to maturely handle situations. Thank you and farewell.


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