Saturday, August 4, 2018

Feeling Guilty


Writing about negative stuff relating my workplace is really not a good thing. Cause I do have happy moments at work. I mean at least up till now, there isn't a day where I hate going to work. I would say mostly it's because of the flexible time my Company has for us as employees. And also it's because we have one day a week to work from home.

For the last 8 months at work, a lot of happy stuff do happen. Aside from me being sad that there is not enough work for me to do or the politic part, other stuff are all alright. Most probably it's cause we have such nice teammates too as friends (not colleagues).

We had events from time to time from Dell. Like FIFA day, CNY roadshow, CSR, farewell video making for the VP, quarterly birthday celebration and many more. All these are really interesting.

A lil smaller view, cause we are all under a director in China which is also related to the Statutory team beside us. So, usually we would join their acivities. (Although sometimes there are conflict between our teammates on whether we wanna join them or not). We had like laser battles, a manager's farewell and basically that's all but usually they would also take care of us cause one of their senior advisor is our acting manager. We also have team building when my manager is down in Penang. And quarterly, we have team lunch!

Also, from our own team view, we usually have birthday celebrations. In the whole 5 years of my working life, I only celebrated 3 (including this year's) with colleagues. The last 2, there isn't any cake either. This year is the first time my colleagues actually celebrated my birthday with a birthday cake. (Although there are some conflict with one of my teammate cause we didn't celebrate his).

We even planned our own trips or eat out or apartment stay with steamboat and stuff like that for ourselves.

As for individuals, I usually will have dinner or a short hang out with one or two teammates off work. I usually go for dinner with Terry most. At times we would call out Billy or Wen Hui. Sometimes, I would just have girls talk with Wen Hui. Previously I even had a baking cake activity with Terry.
Sometimes, I find my teammates really nice people. I mean avoiding the fact that they defend themselves during working hours, they are really taking care of me from time to time. Like how Xian Zheng would buy us food at times, like how Billy would always listen to my complains and grumpiness and teach me a lot of work related stuff, like how Wen Hui would invite me to certain non-dell activities, like how Terry would always ensure that I'm not hungry. 
I would admit that mostly it's Terry who has been taking care of our whole team. But just because we have the same interest where we love to eat so much, he would usually bring me out for food. The deepest impression was when I was on my study leave for my exam, one day, he bought vitagen (my energy drink) from the office and brought it to me.

Sometimes, lunch could be fun! But sometimes, lunch could be depressing. When I sensed the depressing part, I would usually avoid lunch with them. To avoid, I used to have lunch with Jimmy but he had left Dell. Jordan is always busy tho. Now that Sherine has rotated to the department upstairs, I could now go lunch with her anytime.

But then again, this job has proved me right again; I am still always in good terms with the guys more than the girls. I really find myself happier with the guys than the girls. I don't know why but when I am always good with the guys, the girls would always criticize me and stuff like that happens (maybe due to jealousy). And this time, in his job is happened again. But I'm really used to it now.

Overall, I like my team as friends.


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