Monday, May 22, 2017

New Year Resolution 2017


Okay, I know this is a little too late for a new year resolution cause I was too lazy, then I got too busy and now, I'm jobless.

A quick recap on what was done last year:-

 - Okay, I don't really remember what have I done last year except for working in a shitty place.

My new year resolution for last year was:
1. Save more money
2. Get my solo bridal photoshoot done
2. Going overseas with my Mr Man!

Save more money, I don't really remember but I know I have extra to save every month.

I didn't get my solo bridal shoot done at all.

I did book a flight to Taiwan with Mr Man for the following year, so I could consider that as done.

But, I did go for a holiday to Korea with my BFFs. Overall it was okay. I just felt that we missed out too many things to do and eat and buy. I'm definitely going there again.

And my job was like shit, I really don't know how the hell did I get through it. Oh wait, I was still okay last year until the end of the year and the beginning of this year when it become worst. The people there are shits. 

But what made my job fun was cause (including me there are 3 seniors), the other 2 seniors did not wanna go outstation (Ipoh, Gopeng, Taiping, Seberang Prai) for jobs, I got to go with the juniors and interns. It was basically fun cause I can waste time driving (although driving a long distance was really tiring) and not being able to see their stupid faces (the 2 idiotic seniors and the asisstant manager).

Anyhow, I can't really remember accomplishing anything fun and memorable except for work. Cause at the year end, December 2016, came a batch of interns and a junior who are really supportive for me. In February 2017, came another batch who are also supporting me! They really made my working days so much better. The other 2 seniors are really jealous and not satisfied about it and that I have supporters (cause the previous batches are all not supporting me) that they made up stories about me to the boss. Whatever, like I care. They didn't even know that I resigned before CNY 2017.

Oh! The birth of my first nephew in October 2016! He's just too cute to be mad at!

 I never really like kids or babies but he really made me change my mind.

Anyway, my 2017 resolution would be:
1. Always, save more money.
2. Going travel again
3. Get my job change.

So, going travel, I already went to Taiwan with my boyfie, it was fun and rushing and exciting.

I was planning to go Cambodia with KY, and a short trip with Ah Wei though. But it's still on a KIV.

Get my job change, although I have resigned and finished serving the notice (after much pressure and talks and convinces with the boss and the big boss which drags me more than a month), I still haven't got a new job. I was hoping to get a job at Ah Wei's company. But at least an account executive position with a salary at least RM3.2K.

So, I have a day left before my 26th birthday and about half the year to make my life exciting.


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