Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Near to an end again

2 more days and it's the end of my life in 2015. Time really pass so-so fast.

Hey, people! If you have anything to tell me all these while, tell me before this year ends!
But yea, like anyone's gonna read my blog here. Whatever.

Okay, these 2 days is gonna be over really fast due to my busy work, stock take. A lil bit here and there, gonna briefly write about my life recently.

I've got a job, in an audit firm again. It's almost the worst place to work in. Colleagues; terrible. Workload; too loose. Management; the worst. Seriously, the one and only thing which made me stay is the feeling of my boss looking up at me, giving a high increment. Not really gonna stay long in this firm. Sometimes, I just though maybe I should have just go to Singapore with Yvonne and Ah Tine 2 years ago. But the chance came again when KY told me she's going this coming April, but I can't resign now. My boss is really treating me well while looking up at me.

So, about friends, as usual getting lesser. Oh yes, you know, after 6 years that guy I most hated suddenly sent me a message through FB messenger to tell me he wants to be friends with me again. Like, what the fuck?! Friends or not doesn't bother me at all, but I felt really fed up with this guy. I don't need a friend like him anymore. He says til as if I am a really good friend, the best of the best, so he didn't wanna lose a friend like me. Like hell, I'm sure he asked all other girls too. Otherwise, I know I'm the best of the best friends people around me had ever had, provided you treat me well. But he failed, 6 years ago. And I'm not afraid of you or avoiding you, AT ALL.

Just a few things for you:
I gave u chances, but the past is the past. I don't get why are you still living in the past and trying to drag me with you. To know me once again? You don't know who are you dealing with. I'm not the same anymore, not as innocent and as stupid as I was.
Okay, my next blog will be about my new year resolution and reflection of my 2015. Cheers!


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