Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Healthy Life After A Stressful Life

Yes, I'm as free as a bird now!

I finished my SEGi College, University of Greenwich final, final examinations around 2 weeks ago. I am now so happy and relax doing nothing but plans for hang outs, outings and stuff!

During my final exams, it was so tiring and such pressure is pressuring me [tho I didn't really feel the stress but I know I am].
Cause everything I do, I'm thinking about my exams, even when I'm sleeping I dreamt of exams. Ugh, hate exams periods!
A pic of my starbucks during the middle of my exams revision!

And my boy is annoying me with stuff and stuff. Ugh~ Annoying.
But he still support me fully and bought me this hello kitty collection! <3

However, during the exam periods, I was quite happy that I had became closer to a group of those famous year 1 classmates. They are all nice people. Even Evelyn became closer to me, taught me a lot of things. But However, JC has been an annoying person. Sometimes, I just got annoyed and I started ignoring her. She knew but she's just too annoying.
Our study group at Sun Xuen.
My coffee Bean with Evelyn.
Had a break dinner with my parents after a paper.

Oh yea, after our final paper that day, we went for a barbeque. It was nice too. I mean we talked a lot and get to know more about each other and stuff. I was happy and glad. It was afterall the last day we, as all classmates came to a event we organize. Almost everyone came.

I was a bit sad that how Hui Ko became further apart from me after he and his gay partner, James started so called 'dating'. And he's a bit left out when James isn't here and he came to the party joining us and got a bit lost on what we're talking. But, whatever. Oh! And he gave me a RM100 Haagen Dazs voucher! Damn this is really touching cause he still owe me Haagen Dazs ice cream.

oh! That very last paper 28th May, audit, Kar How cheated and got caught! What the fuck is wrong with him?! I mean cheating is ok, but with a bunch of piles of papers bringing in?! The fuck! Is he nuts?!
But it's none of my business.

Speaking of exams, this is the first ever final exams where time is a matter! Audit and Strategic Financial Management papers, I didn't have enough time to write and damn, SFM I had 14 pages and Audit I had 19 pages! When I was younger, I thought it's almost impossible to write so much in exams but now, I totally believe. If time is not a factor, I would have wrote more!
My SFM case study, Facebook Inc.

Ok, back to my SEGi classmates, we went for steamboat and asking ACCA courses on the 4th June. And also Iron Man III movie with Evelyng, Beng and Tatt Yik too. [Finally, I get to watch Iron Man III] It was fun with them. We played truth or dare too that day. We were a bit nuts tho. Then we planned on a trip to Langkawi, going on this coming Monday, 10th June. So, excited but Evelyn is not going. Feeling a bit sad tho.
Sudden Photographer: Evelyn Chua

My exam was a bit adventurous cause I went all the way to mainland to Evelyn's house to study. Her house is pretty. Went to Gelugor to Hoong Yi's apartment to see his house. It is a very pretty nice apartment.
 Hoong Yi's house.
Oh! And Hoong Yi's birthday present.

Evelyn's room with Cindy.
Our dinner at Evelyn's place by her lil brother.

Now that our exams are over, I'm now living a semi healthy life, like doing exercise: jogging, hiking, badminton.
I'm growing fat you know. From 45kg a year ago to 51kg! Da fuck! >.<

I'm trying to improve my stamina too. I know my stamina is really weak.

I played badminton that day with Beng, Tatt Yik and Hoong Yi, JC too and Vern went but didn't play but his boyfriend. Eugene went too. Damn! He's good and yet he didn't tell me and teach me! Playing with JC is boring. She's like how I was when I first went. Day dreaming and didn't wanna run around. At least I'm better now, I guess. Cause they almost scolded me for not running around so I'm trying to run around now. Back to Eugene, he played non stop 2 hours man! He's nuts!

Oh! And 31st May, we went to red box. I was having fun singing until Cindy came, she's so good that I felt no point singing! Damn. Beng, PC, TY they came to listen and eat and talk, no singing. Damn. It's a bit boring tho.

So a healthy life is what I need. Went jogging with KY, Yvonne and Cindy last weekend and I felt not regrets excising altho I couldn't really wake up in the morning. In the evening, went for dinner with them and Tine Tine. The whole night I was talking to Tine Tine about ACCA. Joking and teasing around tho. It was always happy being with them.
Last week's breakfast!

So this week, the same but them I rained. Luckily Eugene is driving. So we went for breakfast at Big Ben. The breakfast was nice but the service sucks.

Anyway, I'm also trying to keep in touch with my friends who I'm not able to hang out with during the 2 months exam periods. Like the ones in SME, Ai Yin, Sin Yee and Kar Ming.

SME friends celebrated my belated birthday that day, June 3rd. Was also Ivy's birthday. Felt very embarrassed cause my birthday was long finished a week. They even gave me gift! Then had a beer. I got drunk tho. Vomited a bit. But was a nice night afterall.
Our Japanese birthday dinner.
A gift from them.
My first Savanna which made me drunk!

Hang out with Kar Ming and Sin Yee on the 7th June for a dinner. I was 3 hours late due to the hair perming. But had fun again. Talking a lot. We had never ending talks. So as Ai Yin who suddenly came to my house today when I was half sleeping. Lolz....

On my birthday, I slacked off for a day before preparing for my last paper. Since Audit's in-class test, i got quite a high result, (88%, which is really unexpected and am very happy!) so I decided to put things down a bit on Audit. On my birthday eve, I dated Eugene and went to Tao. It was quite boring and then went to Red Box with KY and Yvonne giving me a failed surprise cause of Eugene's mistake. Lol... I saw his messages.
Outfit of the day!
A pretty colorful shoes from VonVon, Tine Tine and Dydy <3

And so, on my real day, went to Sushi Tei with Mama and my grandma and my mum. Was fun and nice eating! Then night, with my dad and mum. Went home and slacked off a bit and refer back a bit. 
 Something from Yin Yin! She called me in the middle of the night! Feeling touched! <3 I love her!

 A usable paper hand made camera from KY. The coolest gift ever!
  Something I snatched from my brother! Wakakaka....

Oh, the day after exam, I went for lunch with my so called god-sister aunt [Ah Hui Jie Jie] and her daughter. Her daughter is a bit annoying. And a bit of auntie type being with her and her mum and my mum and my grandma. Lolz.

Last week's Sunday, went for my grandma's birthday dinner. My brother got really mad cause no one told him and he didn't come back for it and I got scolded cause I told him and my grandma scolded me for not telling him. It's complicated. I was kinda mad tho. Yea, so it's kinda complicated.

So, it was really a great journey as a degree student. It was so much more better than diploma's life. Such journey within my degree life including and excluding life in college. Appreciate it a lot. Thanks everyone who had helped me throughout. And I apaogize if I've hurt you guys. And for those 'people' fuck off!


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