Saturday, August 9, 2014

Feeling Grateful

Every morning, you walk into a glass door lazily, seeing the usual high staircase and the smell of coffee which lingers around you as you walk to your seat, making you think and sigh; here goes another day.
However, at the end of the day, you looked at your bunch of freaking insanity colleagues, you thought to yourself; that morning blue you had everyday wasn't that bad afterall!

Ya know, I really hate my firm so much to the extend I really wish this firm would just go out of business!

But one thing which pulled me back each and everyday is my colleagues and manager who were really awesome people.

As time goes by, as relationships get closer, as people reveal their personalities and as you start picking up who really is your real true friends, you know they are one of the best colleagues nevertheless also your friends, you have which no one will be able to replace them!

Sometimes you know you got left out, especially you know they are not the same gender as you, but when you face difficulties, you know they are always there for you. Especially your manager who has been protecting us all these while!

Also, to the extend where you know if one day, you are out from this firm, in a new place you worked without them, you will miss them without a doubt.

To the extend when one of them tells you they have resigned before you, your heart crushed and bleeds inside out, with teary eyes, swallowing the fact.

You know you love your colleagues and you love working with them tho your job sucks! 

And that's when you realized, you have to face the fact that one day, they will leave you. So do you, who will leave them.

And then, you start appreciating them as much as possible as you never know when will be their last day being your colleague.

 The 2 guys who always made my day! <3
The only girl who bares with my complains and grumpiness! <3

I love you guys. You guys made me everyday full of laughter.


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