Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tough Life

Yea, have been missing for quite a while, due to my busy life at work.

Work has been really tough to me these weeks cause of peak period and which I had to settle 5 files in 2 weeks! My idiotic boss has not been nice to me. My colleagues, they are nice people, well....sort of...nice....

As a conclusion, I hate my job.

Like Jordan told me: A.U.D.I.T.O.R. = All U Do Is Think Of Resigning!

So, in my next post, I'm gonna write about my new year resolution 2014. Like what I did every year. It's just that I've been too busy with work lately, I even have to work on Saturdays, and when I got home, I just wanna plop on my bed and just laze there till I knock out.

Chinese New Year is near, but I still have to work tho, luckily my leave has been approved but only for 2 days. What a celebration.

So, I still hate my job and I just hate my low paid salary!


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