Monday, October 29, 2012

A Quick One Definitely!

Just a quick update after a long break from here. Picture speaks a thousand words. Hence, more pics, less words in this post.

 My first ever Japanese curry I cooked~
 Bought a new crystal bracelet
 Kobachi with my boy~
 Sakae Sushi with noob face boy? XD
 His sister's hamster has got 6 babies!
 One of my colleague's birthday surprise!
 Baby hamsters~
  With Hiao Hiao Hui's phone~

Ky's Birthday preparation was totally tough... Have been with Yvonne and Cindy to plan it 2 weeks before and it's tiring.
 And on her real b'day celebration day...
 KY's birthday celebration~
 My gift for her, a handmade photo album~
 Her birthday cupcakes.
  At Midland Kitchens at Campbell Street~ It's a bit expensive tho~
 While waiting for KY, a surprise!
Oktoberfest after that~
  Colleague's RedBox, first outing with them~
 A sleeping drown baby hamster~
Boy's night out for a movie and ice-cream! (James & Hui)
 Hui Ko's hand bullied by me, with watches! XD
 Teddy in Jame's cap!
 Bought a new cool shirt!

Well, at college things happened like that 2 bitches, I stop talking to them and went around with James and Hui more. Cause those bitches were too bitchy and slutty and childish!

Pudding was a bit bad this month.

My boy and I were okay~ nothing much tho... Planning for a fun fair photoshoot soon.

Work was better. We even went to RedBox and BBQ together but my bosses weren't going overseas anymore so I'm stopping early but my mum was insisting I continue which I hate it.

My drawing hobby faded a bit cause of assignments and my lecturers this year were a bit strict which made me pissed off.

Ah Wei came to me twice this month for advice.

Popcorn Arashi was released with Oh-chan's really beautiful and sad song! Nino's nice song... The others.... didn't really listen to them still.

Oh! Went to Sherine's birthday party. Met up with the juniors.

My dad's doing well, it seems like. My bro's convo is this week. My mum, the usual mum. My grandma's leg is aching and it's not getting better.

Well me, a lil sick and less sleep and I'm trying to grow up and an thinking what should I do after I graduate! Someone just motivate me!!

Well, that's basically what happened in the month of Halloween! XD <3


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Popcorn Arashi List!

Yes, Arashi-chan is gonna release an album name; POPCORN! I'm so excited!!!

01. Welcome to our party
作詞:Soluna, Shun
Rap詞:櫻井 翔
作曲:Stephan Elfgren, Conor Edwards, Junior Jokinen

02. 駆け抜けろ!
作曲:Takuya Harada, Samuli Laiho, Pessi Levanto

03. ワイルド アット ハート
作曲:Chris Janey, Junior Jokinen
編曲:Trevor Ingram

04. Face Down
Rap詞:櫻井 翔
作曲:Albi Albertsson, Royce.H, Vincent Stein, Konstantin Scherer
編曲:metropolitan digital clique, Vincent Stein, Konstantin Scherer

05. We wanna funk, we need a funk  
Vocal: Jun Matsumoto
作詞:Shigeo, Bruce R F Smith, John World
作曲:Bruce R F Smith, Mats Ymell
編曲:metropolitan digital clique

06. two
Vocal: Satoshi Ohno
作曲:Erik Lidbom, R.P.P.
編曲:Erik Lidbom

07. Waiting for you
作曲:Octobar, iiiSAK
編曲:吉岡たく, 宮野幸子

08. 楽園
Vocal: Masaki Aiba
編曲:Slice Of Life, Tatsuya K.

09. 旅は続くよ
作曲:curly, youwhich
10. それはやっぱり君でした  
Vocal: Kazunari Ninomiya
編曲:ha-j, 二宮和也

11. 迷宮ラブソング
作曲:iiiSAK, Dyce Taylor
編曲:Trevor Ingram

12. Your Eyes
作曲:Chris Janey, Max Grant

13. Fly on Friday
Vocal: Sho Sakurai  
Rap詞:櫻井 翔

14. Cosmos
作詞:pause, eltvo
Rap詞:櫻井 翔
作曲:Erik Lidbom

15. 証

16. Up to you

credit: matsubunny


Monday, October 1, 2012

Some Minor Celebrations & Acts

Bought a few dresses & shirt lately... My mum bought be a 50 over dress! It's expensive but it's pretty.
There weren't much special days except for a photoshoot day & mid autumn festival day.
16th September was boring cause I stayed at home the whole day. Ugh~ My god-mum's brother came with his baby. He was so cute!
Being too bored at home~

The next day was Monday outing with Yvonne, KY and Cindy. We went for lunch at the cruise. As usual, we talk and joke around. Then we went to prangin mall for window shopping but I ended up with a blue shirt! Then rested at Share Tea and took pics there and stuff as usual.
 Damn! Loving this so-wrong pic! XD
19th September was an outing with Eugene.  Played with his sister's hamster in the afternoon which it pooped on my arm. Lolz... It's just so cute!
20th Septermber, after class, I went for a guy gossip with James & Hui. Lolz... We were of course talking about Ah Fook. James is really dissapointed with Fook actually, so am I. And even the ever so don't-wanna-care Ah Hui Ko even egreed with us that Michelle is totally using Ah Fook. None of us even feel like wishing them to be forever. Hence, I would say, I don't like what Vivian told Michelle to be happy with Fook. Vivian acted as if she is expert in these things but no, as what I heard of her advice, damn, those are the worst! Even Evelyn said this is totally wrong!

Anyway, that guy gossip was fun. After that, I went home and cook cause I had a home-cook dinner with Shan, Vian, Hoong Yi and Evelyn. So happy that they told me my cookings were good! Well, partly was my mum guiding me.
Then we went to Queensbay Mall for a walk. Saw the jeans advertisement which kinda attract my attention!I was talking a lot to Evelyn in the car and mall tho. Unexpectedly we could talk a lot too. She's such a nice person to talk to actually.

The next day, went to office. It was bored. Tze Ling brought her wall-e to the office. Lolz...
The following Sunday, Kar Ming came to discuss the pudding plan with me at my house and she bought me a car thing from KL. Lolz... Suits me.
Then we had an emergency meeting with Khang and Jia Qing at Burger King with Eugene too to say out our plan. Then we went to Tesco (except Khang & Jia Qing) to buy the stuff!
Tuesday, dated Hui Ko to Times Square for lunch with Ah Shan and the others. Regret it cause the food was expensive & not nice at all. I was sick in addition. Went to work after that.
Illustration may look nice but it doesn't taste nice~

That Tuesday night, went over to new house for a pudding new image try. It was a failure. Except for 2. One of those looked pretty.
I arranged the strwberries prettily!

The next day, woke up early and got prepared for my photoshoot! It was a cycling day plan actually but it rained for days already so it became a walk around plan with a huge umbrella. Then we went to China House for a pie lunch before continuing the photoshoot cause it was raining heavily of all the sudden.

We went home for a nap at around 3pm. I was happy tho~ The at night, we went to The Cab for dinner before going to Gama to buy mooncakes!
 Thursday was bored. Work, school, home. Nothing much. Well, Friday's dinner was with Sin Yee and Kar Ming at Prangin Mall. Their belated Birthday dinner. Then we rushed to Autocity to buy Sin Yee's inner cloths for her dinner. Lolz... Within 1 and a half hour to Autocity and back to her hostel Lolz... Crazy stuff again.
Saturday, went to make a new spec cause my old one broke. It was a bit expensive but it was pretty pink!
Bought a few random stuff.

Sunday, is Mid Autumn Festival which is today! ♥ It was a boring Sunday too but in the morning at the market, my mum bought me another watch again! ♥ And she also bought 2 more for my brother's convocation & my cousin's birthday! Love it!
I posted up in my facebook wall for my brother to see and that people name Wu Feng, he's totally nuts! He expect me to present him this watch for his farewell to Kampar for his further studies. Is he nuts? I knew he was trying to clue me to give it to him. Hello, this is one very expensive watch! Why would I give it to you when I can buy myself another pretty watch?! Besides, my 21st birthday, you didn't even give me anything or not even for my other birthdays! Except for those things which you're not in use anymore like those speakers. He's just too childish to think I really can give this to him. Dream on! If one farewell would cost me that much. In addition he's not going overseas, it's just kampar. Crazy! My brother went to

Ate mooncake at night but tonight's moon at my house wasn't pretty. I planned to go over to TARC for a moon photoshoot. I called Ah Hui and he was asleep and I made him couldn't sleep back. Lolz... Sorry. On my way there, I saw the jam! Damn, I U-turned and went other place but then I got lost! I somehow kept on driving till I reached Disted College but the moon wasn't pretty, so I went home. Lolz...
Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

And tonight, my boy brought me 17 black black sweet cookies from his restaurant! Love you! ♥ It's yummy!

And it's 1st October 2012, My mum's birthday! Happy Birthday Mi!
