Thursday, September 27, 2012

Popcorn Arashi

Yes, my beloved ARASHI is realeasing a new album of the year called: POPCORN!

Released date: 31/10/2012

1. Welcome to our party
2. 駆け抜けろ!
3. ワイルド アット ハート (Wild at Heart)
4. Face Down
5. We wanna funk, we need a funk (Vocal: Jun Matsumoto)
6. two(Vocal: Satoshi Ohno)
7. Waiting for you
8. 楽園(Vocal: Masaki Aiba)
9. 旅は続くよ
10. それはやっぱり君でした (Vocal: Kazunari Ninomiya)
11. 迷宮ラブソング (Meikyu Love Song)
12. Your Eyes
13. Fly on Friday (Vocal: Sho Sakurai)
14. Cosmos
15. 証 (Akashi)
16. Up to you

The songs seems nice~ <3 Can't wait any longer~ *smiles widely!*
Can't wait to listen to how Oh-chan & Nino Nino's solo is! <3

Credit: J-net


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Random Spendings

Sunday, I brought my mum and grandma over to prangin mall to get a short sweater. It was a bit expensive. Then I went for dinner when my bro came.
Before that, my aunt came cause her eldest daughter was gonna have the UPSR exam soon. So my mum was supposed to bring her to pray the milk buddha. So her youngest daughter and son stayed with me and my bro at home. So, I taught Ah Mei her school spelling. Lolz....epic, totally.
Monday was first day of class. Bored as usual... After class, I went home. Skipped work. At night was supposed to have a BBQ farewell for Ah Wei. It was Xeng's plan but why did it became mine. Totally frustrated. Why must I be the messenger?! And Fook & Hui were totally giving out tips that they didn't want it! I got so mad that I cancel and suggested Inaka, Japanese restaurant! Ugh~ Totally didn't like it! I mean they say go anywhere and anything but they go against opinions! What the hell!?
The dinner was fine except when fook brought Michelle which I didn't really like it. I mean, this is my TARCollege life, my TARC gang, my friend who are far from you which I didn't want you to interfere with my friendship with them! I know you knew a few of them but it's totally a different story!
If I knew she come, I wouldn't have gone or I'll just cancel the dinner! After dinner, Ah Wei came up to my room and we chatted a while, I presented her my handmade farewell card. Ah Wei and I always open our hearts to each other. I just wanna wish her good luck there. If you've got any problems, remember that you still have me! =)

Tuesday, class and work. Bored. After work, I went to Gurney with Yvonne to get Miko's shop's stuff I reserved to buy. It was like RM150 for everything I bought! It's totally worth it. Her shop was totally blank! I felt so guilty that i didn't keep a sand pillow for my mum.
After that, Vivian asked me for a hang out with Shan. So I fetched them to Station 1 at Queensbay. I thought there was something wrong with Ah Shan when I saw her. Indeed, Ah Vian told me she broke up with her boyfriend.
The next day, went to work in the morning. Ivy made scramble egg with a happy face for us! <3 It's cute. Then I went to Eugene's place and gave him a surprise of the teddy bear! <3
 The surprise is in my car's back seat! <3

He didn't show it but I knew he's surprised and totally didn't know how to react and express it. Then we went to Queensbay to have lunch at 4.30pm cause we went to the EPF building to check his EPF account thing.
Then we went to buy random stuff at Daiso and mooncakes! Before that, we went to Blackball for dessert.
Then we went to farlim night market. I bought a dress. Totally love it.

The next day was Thursday. Went to work before going to Gurney for lunch with Ah Vian & Shan & Hui at chopper board. Class was boring.
At night, I went to Gurney with my mum to Miko's shop and shop another big bear and some random stuff again for RM60+
Friday was bored too cause I worked full day. Ugh~ At night, Ah Vian asked me out for dinner again. We went to Coffee Island. We talked and stuff. Well, she said Michelle went to find her for advise about Ah Fook and her. OMG! I mean, totally, I didn't like the idea of letting them be together. Michelle is taking him as a replacement that she didn't even knew it herself. I mean it's totally too fast for a new relationship especially she didn't even forget Hoong Yi at all yet! Ugh~ Poor GOD!

Saturday, no class but we all went to class. We ended up for breakfast at Bali Hai. Stayed at home with TV the whole afternoon.

And 15 September 2012: ARASHI DAY!!!
Happy 13th Anniversary, Arashi-chan! <333

P.S.: 13th Anniversary is totally more and most awesome than 12th, so don't brag yours! Especially when yours have already stop producing albums and has separated!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lots of Updates In My Recent Days

These few days, I have been going shopping a lot!! I'm totally broke now... Anyway, the other day, I went to pasar malam and bought a hooded cardigen again! It was quite nice actually. I also bought a belt tho.
On the 18th August, a Sunday, I went tfor the pudding meeting. During the meeting I was so hot and mad at the members in cluding the boss. They are otally not taking the meeting seriously. They don't even take the business seriously! All the care about is sales. I know sales are important but the inner management is important too. Maybe we have different opinion on which is more important but this is like a helping-each-other thing. I need your sales record and you need my management info. So why can't you just provide us with those records? And the boss is totally over-protecting the members. I got so mad that I finally voiced out that I'm gonna stop if this goes on!

After the meeting, I so don't feel like going home. I called while driving the whole night and no one can go out with me immedietly except for Cheah. But the both of us would be boring and I couldn't call anyone else to join us. But it ended up raining very very heavily. So I just went home.

On the 19th August, I went for a date with Ah Wei. I waited for her for like 2 hours plus. She came and we went to Komtar walk for Char Kuey Teow and Ice Kacang. Lolz...
Then we went for a walk around and window shopping and watched a movie: Paranorman. Lolz... It was funny.
Then we went to my home and she just decided to overnight my house. I was really tired but we still went for supper at Coffee Island with Eugene and went home.
She was using my beloved color pencils to draw some stuff for Amanda.
Then I went to sleep first cause I was too tired. It was already 3am.
We woke up at 11am and went for a bath and lunch at the market. Then went home and I slept again cause I was still tired. Afterall, the next day is my work day already. (It was Raya when she came)
At night, went for dinner with my dad and bro at The Village at Jetty.

The next day was work day and as usual, my hatest hours! Went for a japanese food for lunch with them. Got perli as usual.
After work, went to Sakae sushi in 1st Avenue with my family.
The next day, 23rd August 2012 was Chinese Valentine's Day. It's the 7th day of the 7th month in the Chinese Calender. So. I just texted Eugene asking him for a present and he really did gave me. We went to Harvest InCafe for dinner.
While going, home met a crazy fat lady who scolded me in the middle of the road. Of course I shouted at her a bit and middle fingered her before ignoring her cause it's such a no-standard people shouted like a mad person in the middle of the road. So what if I'm wrong, call the police lah! Hang water lah! See who's water more! How I hope this fat crazy fucking bitch got knocked down by a car or got rape or beaten for scolding people! She should die earlier to avoid disturbance in the country!
The next day, argued big with my dad! I got so mad that I didn't eat with them at all in Sushi King! Then after went home, I went to find Ai Yin and complaint while waiting for our 1 and a half hour char mee.
And for the first time, I went to her room! It was quite a small one but really suits her. Her nieces and nephews were surrounding her and one lil niece was playing with me.

25th August, Fook, Xeng, Hui, Wei and Amanda came over for mahjong. Fook bought us a 'I <3 SG' Giordano shirt for me and Hui. I was happy.
We didn't play much rounds that night. After that, we were talking and chatting. Then we decided to go for supper except for Hui after Eugene came. We went to Batu Lanchang but closed, Jelutong too. So we just decided to go Raja Uda for Lok Lok. Lolz...
Fook drove us there. We talked and joked and stuff. It was a fun supper. Then we went home.

The next day, I went to Queensbay with Hui, Fook, Michelle. Hui fetched me there. I was a bit pissed off tho.
Monday, 27th August 2012 is my 1st salary day! <3  Work was boring as usual.

28th August 2012, Eugene fetched me to work and off work. We went to Queensbay for shopping & dinner at Kim Gary.
Bought 2 blouses & tried a purple dress~

And I bought a bracelet too. The one I've been wanting to buy at a very cheap price!

The next day, my colleagues were going red box together but at the same time I have got my pudding meeting. And Ah Vian is celebrating her birthday too! I'm totally a busy person. I mean I'm really a bit mad cause when I want event, no one is there but when I'm busy, everyone comes! It's just so stupid!

End up, meeting called off, so I went to Ah Vian's celebration. Well, it was at Behind 50. I rejected my colleagues cause I promised Ah Shan first. However, it wasn't a great dinner tho. I mean you guys informed us so last minute and expect us to come early? And my mum cooked my portion already! Of course I've eaten before I went.

Ok, that was fine but I was a bit pissed off with Michelle & Fook who were the lovey dovey there. Ugh~ I mean they ignore us and when we perli them, they were like hating it! Come on lah! If you guys are together then don't like like you guys are not! It's kinda sickening okay.

And Ah Hui again another emo person. He was almost emo-ing. I don't know what's wrong cause it's like they just perli me and him and he got mad at me? It's like what the hell?! Or was it Ah Vian was the one who perli him?! After the celebration and everything, he just became normal. He wasn't mad at me already?! It's really like what the fuck!?

Anyway, it wasn't very very fun tho. But at least it was still okay.
Liking these '3 Brothers' pics of us!

Ah Vian & Shan asked us to go Soju with them. I really wanted to go but I've got work the next day and I know it myself. I wouldn't be able to wake up! So I rejected.

Thursday, 30th August is our great MATSUMOTO JUN's Birthday!!! OMG!!! Love him forever!!
Otanjoubi Omedetou, Jun-chan!! We all LOVE you forever!! <3

Friday was Merdeka Day! Went window shopping with Yvonne, KY & Cindy. It was a bit bored but then it was always fun & relax being with them. We went Queensbay & Gurney. I bought a dress tho. And also bought a few lil things.
 Outfit for the day!
 Bought this black dress~
 Considering whether to buy this or not~
Isn't this tissue kawaii?

Saturday, I was bored, so I brought my grandma & mum to prangin mall to buy my heels for work. Went sushi before that.

My grandma was really happy.
But well, the next day I brought them with my godmum along to Gurney. It was just a walk around. Complaint & stuff to my godmum but I got a bit regret when I heard her telling it to my mum which I didn't want her to know. Ugh~ I shouldn't have!

The next day, after work, I went pasar malam with Hoay Hoay & Yin Yin befor egoing to pulau tikus pasar to have Hoay Hoay's dinner and then black ball for dessert then to Paradise beach for a walk. It was nice with them.
After fetching Yin Yin home, when Hoay Hoay and I were on the way home to the Farlim's big junction, some fucker indian came & scolded me that I'm blind and stopped my cara from moving or cutting him. What? Are you the police? Calling people there?! You crazy ah? What rights do you have to stop me?!

Stupid indian. We ran away using the other road when he tried to blocked me from cutting him and drove slowly. Crazy & totally 100% stupid! So what if you call your people here?! You think I'm as stupid as you that I will just follow you and try to cut across you? Of course I'll find a way to run away! And there's so many lanes and road at the side. You think I'm so stupid to go straight? Puff! How stupid of you that you can let me run away?! Fuck you sucker! Son of a bitch!!

Well again, not that I'm cursing but you these kind of people should just die as early as possible! Or your life should be punished as miserable as possible that you would rather die than live to teach you all suckers a lesson!

We got home safely tho. I quite sure he didn't get my number plate. And I didn't get his too cause I was thinking how should I ran away from him.

Anyway, I received Yin Yin and Hoay Hoay's souvenir & presents from S'pore! I love them!
The next day at work, I told them and Tze Ling was totally shocked that I could be so calm. Honestly, I wasn't really calm but at least I was cool enough to think of a way to get rid of that really 100% stupid Indian. And from there and then, she called me 'Tai Lou'. Lolz!! I told them I prefer to be 'Di'... The name of number 2 in poker cards.

Oh! And my shirt is finally here! Damn! That seller, I'm not gonna order from her anymore. It takes like more than 2 weeks to arrive and she's such a slow person and totally a bad service person!

Wednesday, Eugene's off day. Went for steamboat. Actually, he wanted to bring me to a buffet at Deluxious but I complaint that it was too expensive and it was a rainy day. So we ended up in steamboat!

Thursday wasn't much. I just went over to GAMA at night for a office food shopping. Bought Oreo and some bread.
Bought yougurt for the night cause my stomach wasn't feeling well lately.

Oh and met a crazy old lady on the road who cross the road without lookign at vehicles and my mum just honk her a bit and wasn;t even near her. She got shocked herself and ended up scolding and shouting at us. What's wrong with these day's people?! They are all crazy and nuts and bitches and fuckers and totally nned to be taught lessons! these people should just dissapear in this world. They should be punished badly! Fuck you people!

Friday wasn't much either. Except that it's the last day of Ivy's intern in the office. Feels a bit sad tho.

Today is Saturday and it's totally aboring day. Morning went for a blood test. the doctor is totally so pretty! She looked like she's 30years old but she's actually 50+ already! OMG!! Her body shape is to nice and she skin is flawless and her hair is so pretty! OMG! She's just so awesome!!
