Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 New Year Resolution

So, It has been another year. A day more to go to a new 2013 year.
So, let's reflect back, my 2012 new year resolution was:
1. Save more money.
2. Going to a trip.
3. Go more crazy about Arashi!

So, I fulfilled number 2, as I went to lots of trips this year tho; KL, Langkawi, Genting.

Failed to save more money cause I bought myself a new phone and went to too much trips, and had lesser time for Arashi tho.

Anyway, recalling what I did this year, 2012;

1. Well, leanrt how to play mahjong.
2. Got to show off my art talent in public again after so long in 1st Avenue in valentine's day.
3. Had my first SEGi final exams and passed all.
4. Got a brother-friend Ah Hui.
5. My 21st Birthday was basically great! <3
6. Started working for internship in an audit firm and basically the people there were nice after 1 month or so.
7. My brother went to KL for his studies.
8. My boy and I were practically okay except for some times. Anyway, he bought me a ring tho and a bouquet of flowers!
9. Bought myself 2 new phones this year!
10. Quite a number of photoshoot of myself I had.
11. Got my hair curled and had learn more to eye make up!

Okay, now the bads.
1. My dad went for a surgery but luckily, he is recovering now.
2. Cold war with my classmates.
3. FCK Pudding is getting not very good and they are owing me a sum of money!
4. My TARC adviser passed away.
5.Still, neglected a lot more Arashi~

So, my 2013 resolutions are:
1. Still, and again, save more money.
2. Still, go more crazy about Arashi.
3. (leaving blank!)

I learnt a lot in 2012. Thank you 2012, for helping me to grow up as I'm 21.
I know my 2013 would be very busy cause I'm facing a final exam, graduating, looking for a new job and stuff.
Anyway, I still hope 2013 would treat me well.
So, Happy New Year Everyone! May the past be a lesson and the future is where you build!


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lost In Sight

Ever realized I'm lost from my own blog?

Sorry everyone... And to myself.

Have been too busy with work, assignments, tests and now, the coming final exam.

Well, the major thing is that:

1. I stopped working in that audit firm.
2. I has major assignments that drove me crazy.
3. Family probs. + Family days. + Family events (Wedding & Birthdays)
4. Got a new phone AGAIN!
5. My boy's big birthday!
6. Went to Langkawi Island finally!
7. Christmas was fun!
8. Waiting for the new year.

I'll blog on my new year resolution like how I did in the pass years soon.

Cheers everyone, for 2012 is going to end soon.
 And welcoming the New Year! 2013!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Arashi's Voice Analysis

Arashi's Voice Analysis - The Television Zoom  
A Verification Project

We tried carrying out a voice analysis of Arashi’s vocals

What is the charm behind Arashi’s vocals? 
We asked Suzuki Soushi from the Japan Acoustic Lab to help us analyze the members’ solos; and inspected the respective voices in a scientific manner.

Untitled 4

Ohno Satoshi
A talented singer whose voice is stable even within a female vocal range
voice ohno
“Ohno-san’s vocals are rather orthodox. He has no idiosyncrasies, and is skilled when it comes to transiting from one pitch to another and his vibrato.”

Characteristics of his voice: 
- He transits from one pitch to another precisely
- The waveform of his vibrato is precise and beautiful
- He has the technical skill to sing stably at a vocal range that is close to a female’s

Precise, and very stable even in his upper vocal range
As we examine the waveform, the vibrato portion forms a sine wave, as it ought to, and the wave form is even. When he goes from one pitch to another, it sounds very clean, and the transition from his falsetto to his chest voice is smooth as well. We could say that he is a very skilled singer. Moreover, he is extremely stable in his upper vocal range, a range that is twice as high as a normal male’s speaking voice. Because he has the ability to utilize the vibrato in his upper vocal range, his voice can be described as “free”. 

Sakurai Sho
A manly voice which has a precise sense of rhythm
voice sho
“The green portion at the lower end of the diagram represents the lower part of his vocal range. Normally, a person would control his voice by altering the volume of his mouth cavity, but Sakurai uses his pharynx as well.”

Characteristics of his voice: 
- An accurate sense of rhythm
- A deep voice which impresses the listener with a manly image
- Beautiful enunciation of consonants, which makes it easy to follow his English

A trait that is suited for dance music
When we analyzed his rap, his words weren’t misplaced by a single bit, and aligned with the rhythmic lines perfectly. With strongly rhythmic music like this, a person’s voice can be easily buried if he didn’t enunciate his consonants clearly. However, Sakurai-san enunciates his consonants well, so that makes it easy to follow. As his neck muscles which control the vocal tract are well developed, he’s able to clearly project lower notes in the range of 100 ~ 1000 Hz. This would impress upon the listener that Sakurai-san has a manly charm.

Aiba Masaki
A mischievous voice which appeals to the maternal instinct of each female listener
voice aiba
“His slightly laid-back style of singing, coupled with his character, gives listeners a mischievous image.”

Characteristics of his voice: 
- An invigorating and refreshing voice
- A singing voice which appeals to one’s maternal instincts
- Mastery of abdominal voice projection

A refreshing and unique singing style that is cute
He’s able to carry out basic abdominal projection of his voice to a high degree. According to the structure of Aiba-san’s mouth, he’s able to project sounds around the frequency bandwith of 8500 ~ 10000Hz clearly. When a person projects his voice clearly in this region, we can conclude that it sounds invigorating and refreshing to the listeners. In addition, the unique way in which he sings the ends of his sentences like he’s going to cry imparts a cute image upon his listeners. Perhaps it might appeal to their maternal instincts?

Ninomiya Kazunari
A kaleidoscopic voice, he sings as if he’s acting
voice nino
“As we go from left to right, the projection of the “ah” vowel becomes progressively stronger. There is a large amount of sound pressure coming from the “ah” vowels. I should think that during the composition of the lyrics, he intentionally wanted the “ah” sounds to be the highlight.

Characteristics of his voice: 
- He can express the same word in diverse ways
- A bright voice which comes across strongly in the frequency range of 7000Hz
- A pretty falsetto

He possesses a bright voice which is capable of a myriad of expressions
The areas surrounded by the rectangles are sounds which end with the “ah” vowel. He sings like he’s talking; and by altering the strength of his falsetto and belting greatly, he’s able to sing expressively. Another characteristic of his voice is that it comes through strongly in the frequency range of 7000Hz. He has a voice like Hosokawa Takashi*, which is bright and cuts across to its listeners clearly. However, he varies his tone depending on the song. In any case, he’s a singer with a diverse range of expressions.

*T/N: Hosokawa Takashi is a Japanese enka singer.

Matsumoto Jun
A singing voice which is rich in overtones
voice jun
“Normally, a person would alter his voice by modifying the shape of his mouth. However, for his voice to be this rich in overtones, it’s proof that the oscillation of his vocal cords is rather dynamic.”

Characteristics of his voice: 
- A very human voice that is rich in overtones
- The slight noise emphasizes the human aspect of his voice
- Dynamic vocal cord oscillation

A rich and warm voice that is like a violin
On average, he projects overtones up till the frequency of 12500Hz via the oscillation of his vocal cords. A regular person would only be able to project overtones up till 8000Hz, so he has a rich timbre to his voice. He has a voice which resembles stringed instruments, such as a violin; it’s warm, refreshing and rich. Coupled slightly with the noise that comes from the shape of his vocal tract, that again adds to the warmth of his voice. Even after processing his voice through a vocoder, the human quality in it remains.

raw: 炸鸡味爆米花 via saobang
Music beta: nekobot01

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Busy Week With My Bros!

This week has been a very busy week after we got our presentation topic. James has been very serious about it like kept on going over to Hui's place to discuss or stay back after class.
But it was fun, I mean really. At least after discussions, we went for movies and dinners and gossip and stuff. But that Kar Hou is totally getting up James and my nerve! He kept on lying and not wanting to come. It's totally so irresponsible! James, I like how he say I'm serious about it and very responsible about it.

Anyway, I'll first say about the McCafe I went at Penang Airport! I went with KY, Yvonne and Cindy. We went there, has a drink and watched 'Yes or No' Lolz...
Well then we had dinner and stuff before going home.

Well, then I went with my colleagues a few days after. We went for a steamboat at La Mei Zi before going.
It was fun... Ivy somehow, got a shocked or something that she spit out all her coffe she drank directly on the table at me. It was very funny! And Ivy was tagging all of us saying we have McCAfe befoire flying to LegoLand. Lolz...

Then Tze Ling fetched us to the back of the Airport. It was pretty but then it was raining. Sad.

We were planning to go for a Langkawi trip next next week. I'm a bit excited tho.

Well, last week on Eugene's off day, we went for a random photoshoot at QB's funfair. It was a hot day but the results are not bad. He did improve a lot.
 Liking this pic! <3
 Liking this pic a lot!
 Liking this with the monkeys! <3
 After the shoot, we had dinner ad walked around at Queensbay...

Anyway, Friday, 2nd Nov 12 was my Bro's birthday. We went to take family photo for my brother's convocation.
Then, we went for dinner at Santorini. Well, I was playing with my brother's new Note II phone.

The next day was the convocation day. I was totally furious and mad at my mum! What's rush man?! The car drivers are so damn stupid so what can I do about it?!

Anyway, took a couple of pics and gave flowers to Mimi and Alfred wasn't there at all. Sad, cause I prepared flowers for him already.
So, I was basically shouting at my mum, well each other at the convo and I just gave my mum my car and I've got no car home. Damn! I hate it! Ah Wei was shocked and said she would fetch me home. But then she was far away already. And I met Tze Ling and Siew Wan. We talked and stuff and I called Eugene to fetch me and he actually didn't go to work. Love him much.
And look who I met! Yon Kai & Chia Ling! Then I went for lunch at The Coob with Eugene before rushing to Segi to meet up with Hui and James. Talk more than work. Then Eugene and I went to Tesco cause we were supposed to have a meeting but then Kar Ming canceled. I bought myself a handbag and went to secret recipe for a cake.

Sunday, I went to Hui Ko's house. Rehearsing for the presentation. James is totally so good in it. Then Hui, James and I wen to Gurney for dinner. At night, Eugene bought me so many food stuff. Awww... So random and lovely. Then we went for supper.

The next morning, I already planned not to go to class. So, midnight, I already text Hui Ko. Well, in the morning around 9.10+ am, Hui Ko said he's not going. I knew he's not but unexpectedly, James text me telling me both of them are waiting for me to teach them. Damn! He didn't go too! Lolz...! This is so random! I mean, we didn't plan it! And luckily I didn't go! Otherwise, I would be lonely. Yea! It's so funny how the 3 of us are stick together recently that we just didn't go to class at the same time without planning. Lolz....

So, afternoon, we went to school early for rehearsal. I was totally panicking inside actually. But I knew someone in the group would be much worst than me so, I'm not so pressured afterall.
Then we went to class. I kinda felt relax cause Hui Ko wasn't really paying attention in class so we were talking more than paying attention (which is my favourite in class, I hate paying attention in class, especially the people sitting around me!)

So, our presentation went very well! Except for a few mistakes we did in the Q&A session. But i really wanna thank them to make this presentation well! Except for that one Kar Hou guy who ruin his part. Damn! Otherwise, we would be a perfect group.
And one more thing, I never regretted unfriending those 2 bitches over for these 2 brothers! <3
