Monday, March 14, 2022

New Year Resolution 2022


Unconsciously, the first quarter of year 2022 has almost passed! from the beginning of year 2021 was tough up till now for me. Only now did I have time to write and actually think about my resolution was because I'm on critical leave. So basically resting a while for now.

My 2021 New Year Resolution:

1. Save more money
2. Pass my last paper
3. Be a content expert at work

Short-term goals:
1. Loose weight
2. I just wanna be secure

1. Save more money
I somehow don't know how and why I did not save much although the pandemic was still hitting us. I didn't hang out a lot, neither did I spend on useless stuff too. I don't know how and where did all my savings go. Probably cause I am not allowed to claim OT anymore, so no extra income to save up? But I didn't lose a lot too.

2. Pass my last paper.
I neglect my studies full force in year 2021. I started the class at the beginning of the year but I was just too lazy to study and stop midway and left it there till now. Well, majority was i am not mentally ready to study cause I was focusing more on work during the year.

3. Be a content expert at work.
I made this a new year resolution last year cause I wanted a promotion very badly. So badly that for the whole of 2021, all I did was work. I couldn't focus on doing anything else except for work. Interviews after interviews, rejections after rejections. I cracked my brain day and night, stressing out how to outperform and what to own beyond my work. I became insomnia for the whole year, and even now I did not recover. I was so stress out with work and promotions that I had nightmares. Knowing my peers or juniors had promotions before me was so depressing and anxiety hits me each and every day. I was so depressed that I broke down in from of my boss crying so hard when she criticize my work for not doing well. I was even so desperate that I started praying day and night and believing and shifting ridiculous feng shui in my room and wearing lucky charms!

My countless interviews were all gone to drains that I had no more motivation by the last quarter of the year. Open positions were never consistent. They come and go and there were too much candidates waiting for those promotional positions. Many were already aiming for it from the very beginning. Those with really good networking would have gotten it even before the job requisition opens. And my interviews for those kind of jobs were just a surface act where I just introduce myself to them while trying to leave a good impression and impressed them. Nevertheless expand my network. Even when I know I didn't get the role, but I have to act like a positive person and still say I will work to improve on my job and interview sessions. Some interviewers were mean but some were very nice. But over an average of 2 interviews per month, approximately 10interviews later, I really got defeated. For a moment, I just stop. I was just so tired. But still I stood up straight and strong again for my last 2 interviews when my colleagues introduced me. My manager wasn't looking up on me and wasn't too confident that I would get the role. One in accounting and one in finance. I went full force for accounting but 3/4 force for finance.

And exactly 4th year anniversary working in Dell, I finally got the role in finance! I made it! I finally made it! My manager was distress cause she never thought I would succeed. Even if she does, she thought she could comment bad about me and made the interviewer think twice. But unexpectedly, the new manager did not get any comments from her but got it from my previous interviewers and those nice interviewers were helping me out and saying good things about me. She immediately offered me without telling my manager. I was so shocked and happy beyond words. I exploded! My hardwork finally paid off! I flew up in the sky, up above heaven that no words can describe beyond my happiness.

I made it! And I made it good cause I joined a team with the best manager in Dell. My promotional salary shoot up high rise beyond my expectation! I was underpaid for my senior analyst position in Dell all the while. So my work luck was accumulated throughout the year and made a blast at the end of the year! I mean my work luck was just so bad all year long and everyday was like working in hell. No one will understand the tears I shed and the blood I bled all year long just to get what I wanted for the past 4 years in Dell.

But the within the transition period, I was also working my ass off to transit all my things out and absorbing all the new job. It was hard but I'm happy, cause I finally made it.

4. Loose weight.
Yap, when you focus so much on 1 things, you lose focus on another. I gained weight.

5. I just wanna be secure.
This point to my relationship. Yea, I did cause I tried staying with him during the weekend to get used to his lifestyle and he did try to compromise with my demands too. We had an argument over getting married and buying a house but we manage to come with an agreement at least for a 3 years plan. So if everything turns out right, I should be engaged by the end of this year.

So, all and all, year 2021 was the toughest I've been in my 30 years living. But I made it through. It wasn't easy, but I made it. It was a year worth remembering. Not only to remember the victory I gain but also to remember the tears and blood shedding process I've gone through throughout the year. Now I'm proud to say I have finally achieved my second life goal; to earn at least RM5k per month by the age of 30. And I dare say I have achieved way beyond that now!

By the way, also a year to remember I sign my first S&P for my first house. It's located opposite my parent's house. Yea so, something to remember in my life too.

My 2022 New Year Resolution:
1. Pass my last paper (I have less than 2 years left, 7 sittings left)
2. Lose weight
3. Get engaged

Short-term goals:
1. Save more money for my new house renovation
2. Do well in my new job.

Well, the 1st quarter is almost ending and guess what? Majority of my family tested positive covid including me. My bro got it from work probably but as of today, a week has passed and we're all recovering. It wasn't that bad, but the worst was we were all quarantined and we couldn't get out of the house to buy some necessities. But other than that, it was all normal. Probably we already got used to the lockdown for the past 2 years.

For my friendship, I didn't get much time with KY these years, she's just too scared to get out from the house. I was closer to Ah Wei instead this year. She tend to call me every now and then to update me about important stuff like health, work, relationship and stuff. And I really appreciate it. A lot of my colleagues were all like friends to me now due to the lockdown. We don't talk much about work but personal stuff and I'm really glad we did.

Mei Mei & Balihai is growing up well. Very well and naughty.

Oh well, that's it for the year and I guess see you next year's new year resolution!
