Thursday, February 15, 2018

New Year Resolution 2018


This year again, I am late for my new year resolution post, but at least not as late as last year. Apart from being lazy, I was quite busy with my new job.

Anyway, a recap for last year:

My 2017 new year resolution;
1. Always, save more money.
2. Going travel again
3. Get my job change

After discussing 2018 new year resolution with my new colleagues, which they suggested that my new year resolution is really contradicting, which I agree, I will be making my new year resolution a lil more in detail this year.

So, anyway my last year new year resolution, due to my jobless life for 6months+, I didn't save money at all. But at least I would say, I saved enough to survive 6months+ without income. Okay, maybe I did have a lil income.

Going travel was achieved in May 2017.
Recap Here

Really, finally got my job changed! Okay, the first step to achieved this resolution was the courage to leave my job. The second step was to resist the jobless life! After a really long process and interviews after interviews, I finally got a job at Dell. Never in my working life thought that I would be willing to work at a long distance workplace.

I went looking for jobs in town at first. My target was getting a job which would last me at least 5 years and prestige enough to make my resume/CV pretty. Somehow, I just went out of the route (from getting a job at Georgetown) and went over to free industrial zone.

So I thought to myself, since I'm going so far, why don't I look for MnC companies? So I went for Lumileds, Agilent, Keysight and etc. which was a disaster during interviews. In the end I asked Jordan and Sherine for help to apply Dell.

Goal ACHIEVED! Although I was a lil worried cause I am at a very different team from Jordan and Jimmy. But now that I've been working fr almost 2 months, I am really glad I got into this team. Especially when I know the truth.

What truth? Allow me; At first, Jordan kept on blaming me saying I didn't wanna apply when he first ask and when Dell first was hiring a lot of employees. When I was applying, there was less openings. And said I was really lucky to get in cause I was in the waiting list, cause there was a candidate who was an elite from PWC audit firm who every team with openings wants him/her. He said I was just a spare tyre/ a back-up cause that him/her was snatched by other team. But the truth was I was second best. That PWC candidate ran away. So actually, from the beginning I don't have to be worried at all.

Okay, that was all about work. Over the year, nothing much happened. Apart from my resigning process went out of expectation where the idiots who thought they could ruin my image, but ruin it for themselves. A few of my friends got married, Jimmy, Amanda and a few more. I went HK artist chasing (Nancy Wu, Elaine Yiu and etc.).
Baby had his 1st birthday.
Went to Lost World with my boyfie which is quite an unexpected from him. And I did quite a few art during my jobless months.
Other than these, my 2017 was basically all about work, politics and jobless life. Nothing much amazing. My job in that firm went pretty well a few months before I had my last day of work cause I had a bunch of interns supporting me. Basically it's my last 3 months since I tendered my resignation letter, so I did enjoy every audit I do, especially outside auditing. Brought my interns for a short travel outstations, visit places and ate delicious breakfast. Especially Xue Jing who has been following me pretty much from the first day she came until the day I left (which was also her last day).

Well I amazing thing which happened was, I lose 4kg of weight during my jobless 6 months. Unexpected. But gained back once I started working.

Okay, so my 2018 resolution would be:
1. Save more money.
2. Go for a short trip oversea
3. Pass my ACCA

I'm gonna make my resolution a lil more specific this year.
1. Same more money. I would set a target of at least RM10k this year. I think this amount is reasonable. Especially when I have started working, in an environment which I felt I would be able to prefer work than going home doing nothing.

2. Go for a short trip oversea. I think I wouldn't wanna waste money going for long holidays this year, don't want to contradict with my first resolution. So I would plan to go for short oversea trips.

3. To pass my ACCA. Target, at least 1 paper. I am beginning to attend classes for my P5 paper, so I guess I could achieve this real soon. Afterall I have stopped studying for 4 damn years. It may be a lil difficult for me to work and study at the same time but I think I can still manage 1 paper in a year.

So, my short goals would be:
1. Expanding/ changing my work portfolio.
2. Get my room a small renovation. 
3. On a diet. Lose up till I am at 50kg and below.

So, I think that is about all. I hope this year, exciting things would happen to me.
