Thursday, October 26, 2017

My Holiday's Gonna End Soon


I started looking for a job after a long 5 months holiday, lazing around at home. And so, after a month waiting and searching, interviews after interviews I finally got myself a job in Dell.

Initially I didn't really wanna enter Dell. My first choice was Lumileds but the interview really made me emotional. The interview was so fine until near to the end, the manager saw that I am not conversant in writing and reading chinese. He rejected me then. Before that he offered me a position in AP or AR but I refused.

So I went to Keysight. This is one fucked up interview. I already knew this interview was for an advance level position but I didn't know why they asked me for the interview. They didn't ask much but from the very beginning I already know I'll fail the interview. 

Then I went to Dell. They offered me almost immediately it as a contractor. If initially they told me so, I would have accepted the offer. But out of the sudden, I told the hiring manager I wanted to wait for the permanent position. It's also due to it's too easy to get this job. So I didn't want to in addition of the fact that I didn't get to see the whole financial statements. But as time goes by, I started to think that this job isn't that easy to get. Out of stress I dated Jordan and Jimmy and asked for details. We went for a long steamboat and they comfort me a lot. Especially Jimmy. Then I started to accept the fact of being a contractor, so I asked the hiring manager about it, But another interview from them popped out. It has been a week since the second interview.

I asked Jordan and he said they are hiring me as a permanent, asking me to be patient. So I guess soon I'll be working. End of my holiday.

The morning before my second interview with Dell, Alan (my former boss from my previous firm) pm me asking me to go back. I just told him I got the job in Dell but as a contractor, so they're now trying to fit me in as a permanent (it was just a lie which became a fact later on). He said the 2 senior are leaving and it's not a bad thing, so he needs me there to manage the office. He said he would discuss the package with me, especially my salary and position. So I guess it would be an audit supervisor? Too fast! At one glance, I was really attracted with the position. But the think again, the files, the job, the workload... OMG. Although I told him I'll consider for a night (just for the sake of respect) but I rejected almost immediately.

The next day I told him it wasn't easy to get a job in Dell and since they had offered me, regardless of being contractor or permanent, I didn't want the chance to slip away. He said he would want me to learn some managing skills before entering commercial line (afterall I'm better at managing the office than anyone else when I was there, otherwise why would all the interns and juniors seek for me? And the fact that the seniors are just doing files for the sake of doing files. They don't understand at all why are they doing so. What left me speechless most was the "ever so smart" told the juniors that in the administrative expenses, certain accounts CANNOT be vouch! WTF! Are you stupid? I guess you are! All accounts can be vouched, but certain accounts are COMPULSORY to be vouched! You stupid ah? Why need to vouch why not also don't know! Walao! No wonder you kept on complaining why I didn't check certain items, cause you don't even know it's not compulsory to do so! Stupid, laugh die me!). But I just told him thanks but no thanks. I know you're a nice boss to work for, but I just don't wanna go back there. At the very least, not so fast! The fear is still there.

Like hello, the clients are like shits! The files are all shits! I, entering as a supervisor would need to clean up all the SHITS! And he said the seniors are all gone which means leaving all the juniors?! All those trained by me had left! No army with me anymore! Anyhow, later on, I told Molli about it and she got the news that the seniors weren't leaving. AM wasn't leaving either. She's been transferred to KL branch. So if Alan said they are leaving which means there are 2 possibilities;

1. If I enter, he'll transfer the seniors to KL or get fired.
2. The seniors themselves volunteer to go to KL.

Anyhow, I think it's a trick. I mean that one may be stupid enough to fire the boss or let the boss fire, but the "ever so smart", she's too smart to leave the firm (although she's still stupid to doing practical files).

Anyway, that was on my process for job searching.

Previously, it was Baby's first birthday. It wasn't that big. Baby's shocked the whole day tho.

Anyway, Baby's growing up so fast!

Nothing had really happened within these days tho. I've been staying at home most of my time.
So that'sit.
