Friday, May 13, 2016

Fastest Speed


Okay, this year has been going too fast for me. It might not be the fastest speed but it's definitely fast! My birthday is only 10 days away and yet, I'm still not ready. Sometimes, I just lost track how old am I celebrating my birthday this year! The first quarter of my life is about to end. The second quarter is starting in 10 days and I'm still... I don't even know what my path is going to be.

I mean I do have a short term goal and a medium short term goal but everything is just too fast!
Short-term goal : To get a medium management position.
Medium short-term goal : To reach a salary of at least 5K per month. 
Yes, work is just so meaningless these days here. I'm starting to doubt my capabilities here in my second audit firm. I used to like audit jobs but now, I just felt like; it's a waste of my time, why am I doing these stupid and additional things?

Whatever it is, I'll be waiting for my very-soon increment and throwing off my letter to my boss after that.

Within these 4 months in year 2016, I just spent RM2,599 for a new and first laptop and unexpectedly RM1,799 for a new semi-pro Fujifilm camera. And RM1,428.08 for my Korea trip this coming October and RM1,404 for me and my dear's Taiwan Trip next year!

Was thinking to wait for the coming Note 6 but unexpectedly on the 9th May 2016, my 3 and a half years old Samsung Galaxy Note II died of motherboard breakdown. My baby just couldn't wait till September or October for me. I don't think I can wait any longer cause the temporary phone I'm using now kinda sucks. Ugh.... An approximate of RM3,000 to be spent on a new phone.

These aren't the only ones, I still owe Tine Tine RM200+ and flight from Penang to KL (back and forth) for both Korea and Taiwan trips not bought. What about accommodation? Travelling expenses?

Never ending expenses. I know, these are all luxuries but I mean I've been studying and working all my life, especially almost 3 years of working almost non-stop, I think I should reward myself big. But I guess a lil too big. It's okay, money can still be earned. I mean I earned more than RM600 per week.


Okay, that about my financial life, related to my working life. About my personal life. I've been sick for the past two days. Vomitted like hell due to food poisoning? 

On 3rd March 2016, I had my first operation. I mean like real surgery. It was minor but it's still has the risk. There is been a lump in me for quite some time until that day, when I went for my regular check-ups, I got so tired of my work that I took this surgery for granted and a reason for me to skip work for days. My doctor said the lump was actually nothing much. But I just wanted it to be out from my body. I'm fine, just a scar now. Didn't know being 'injected to sleep' is just too scary and creepy.

The surgery is like the ones you watch in TV shows. You just lay on the bed, they push you in and the doctor and nurses started asking about you and asking if you know what kind of surgery you're going through and you see circles of lights, they just ask you to breath in and relax and black-out! You're asleep. Until suddenly someone wakes you up and you felt things pulling out from your mouth and that sharp pain in your body. They just left you aside trying to make you stay awake and later on you're conscious but still feeling tired and heavy and they just push you out. Your mum is there waiting and runs along with you to your wad. And there you just hear nurses telling your mum the doctor will be there later. Then you just fell asleep. When you wake up, you see your mum and you just felt that pain and drowsy. Then once you're okay, able to drink, eat and pee, you just go home.

My first surgery. Believe me, it wasn't fun at all. Anyway, I'm all okay now.


That's about my health. Sometimes, I just felt guilty for not writing much about my boyfriend here cause there isn't really much things to write about him. He's dull, boring, da da da.... Yap, that's about it. But I mean I don't need passionate lovers, complicated relationships, active and romantic ones, I just need one guy who can just go through life with me. I mean I'm a boring person now compare to the me 3 years ago. I just like to hang around my house and my room, watching TV shows and cartoons, playing games during my off days and that's about it. Maybe just hang around, window shopping in the malls sometimes, just sit in cafes and started playing our own phone games until our shared-coffee finishes and that's why he is there for me.

He's an awesome boring guy. But I just need peaceful boring life during off-work periods. Work is really killing me, with constant aggressiveness toward fierce clients, constant fake smiles and laughter towards colleagues and certain clients, constant joker I tried to be, constant make-ups during work and etc. I guess I just need a life with a nude face in pajamas and lay around everywhere at home with my boring man with me. And yea, that's him.

We just got too comfortable with each other. I mean I don't mind not celebrating our anniversaries (unlike 'some people' who celebrates MONTHSARIES) <Okay, I don't even know how to spell monthsary. Is this how you spell?> cause I think I should just save that money celebrating for other stuff. We don't give each other birthday gifts, maybe cakes and a lil dinner. Nope, not even valentine's day. Yea, we're pretty boring.

I like to go tell people this; other girls shows/ posts what her boyfriend buys her most, flowers? jewelries? branded bags? Well, my boyfriend buys me food the most. Yap, he's my special food-delivery guy! I'm growing fat and I'm not fine with it but the food he bought me, can't resist at all. *hearts*


Well, that's about it for now. Oh, why did I changed my blog title and website? Cause it's about my current life; so regular. Nevertheless I am obsess with the 2 cartoons now, Regular Show and The Adventure of Finn and Jake.
