Saturday, November 26, 2011

31 already?!

Yes, my all time beloved ohno satoshi is officially 31 years old today. But he still looks young... <3 And I still love him... Can't believe he's 31 already ne~ xD

Wishing to stay happy once again forever...
Wishing you to stay healthy too...
Wishing you to always stay young as always....
And please be our tsuri-baka as always...
The best artist too!
And nevertheless, our forever beloved Riida~ <333
I love you forever....
Happy 31st Birthday... ^O^

ee ling-chan =3


嵐 エナジーソング~絶好調超!!!!~

This is the new song that is included in the special edition of Beautiful World album sold only on 7net shopping site.

written by arashi and Sho (rap) and composed by Nino (with help of ha-j for arrangement)

credit: arashi_no_jidai @ LJ

P.S. Happy Birthday to my most beloved Oh-chan~!!! <333 I love you!!!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Being Hiatus

Yes, I know. I've neglected my blog for quite a few weeks. Sorry about that cause I'm too busy with my hectic life.

Okay, I'll continue from my previous my life post. 20th October was a very nervous day. Well, for some reason I didn't wanna mention here. However, luckily everything went well. Thank you god! Anyway, early morning, I was supposed to go over to Eugene's house to get some things before going to work but my gastric attacked me the night before so I wasn't feeling well that morning so I skipped work. I stayed in his house while he fed me with food and let me rest.
His mum was bathing Chloe. He's so wet~ xD And randomly, I found his sister's cute pin on the table.
Afternoon, I got so much better. He even went to buy soya bean for me and also a sweet honey dew for me to eat. Then we went to TARC to get my form passed up and went to buy satay chicken rice for lunch.
Then we went to Prangin Mall planning to watch a movie but I wasn't in the mood. So we went to look for dinner instead. We ate at Kim Gary at First Avenue. We were such a troublesome customer cause we went to eat when they are closing. The food I ordered was too spicy that I can't eat them at all. Eugene helped me ate them all.
Then we went to meet up with Ah Khang at Coffee Island and it's Lilian's birthday too. They ate while we just drank floral tea and then we played poker till it was late at night.
Then I went home and ate the honey dew he bought for me. Felt the happiness I got from him.

21st October, after morning class, my classmates and I went to gurney to have lunch. It was fun with them. We all ordered spagetthi except for Evelyn. Then we went back to class and fooled around and I could feel our friendship are deepening. New friends are entering.
Then at night, I went to meet up with Kar Ming cause she said she has got some job opportunities for me. So I agreed. She brought me to a paintball match and let me see the people working there asking if I'm interested. It was fun watching them play and it's really an exciting play. I've never watch a paintball match before, not to mention play.
Then she brought me to a Mango Pudding Business meeting and suddenly, I'm in the bussiness. They are all guys except for me Kar Ming and a girl name Cindy. They all seems like nice guys. So I'm interested.

23rd October, Saturday was boring at home but then at night, I've got a really bad stomached that I'm about to cry. I started to vomit and stuff. I can't even sleep, lay, stand, sit or do anything. My mum took care of me that night til I fell asleep till the next morning, it still hurts but not as bad as the night. I felt so weak. Evening, Eugene came and took care of me. Well, not really cause by then I already felt a lot better. But I still took a day off from work for the next day.

At night, I went to Old Town for my English presentation. Eugene fetched me. I really got pissed off with one of the member. Damn, he edited the whole article I gave him which wasn't up to the standard at all! I got so mad and frustrated that I forgot I was sick!

The next day, Monday evening, Eugene and I went to Prangin Mall's Little Oasis to have our dinner cause Eugene wanted to try. We didn't do much things that day. Ah! I think Eugene bought me chicken rice for lunch and come to my house!
The next day, I had work. Break time, Eugene came to accompany me and we went to eat wan than mee at the 7th floor at Gurney Plaza.
After work, I fetch him with me to Sunshine City to meet up with Yvonne to buy KY's birthday present: Junk Food. I was late cause I was released from work late. Yvonne and I talked a lot. Then Eugene and I went to eat Ice kacang & Hokkien mee. Then we went to Tesco to continue buying KY's present and went home after that.
The next day, I went to work, on Deepavali. Unexpectedly, the office was closed. It'll open at 10am. so I sat in my car to sleep for half an house before entering the office. It was boring cause all I did was filing and the filing work they gave me was supposed to be a 3 days work but I finished it in half the day.
Lunch, Eugene came again and we went for Sushi King! After lunc, I went back for work and finished everything by 3.30pm. It's a double pay day so of course I wanted to work a longer time but nothing to do. So I closed up the door and started drawing while making some paper noises so they wouldn't notice I'm actually drawing.
Till 4.30pm I couldn't stand it so I just went home. Cause I've got a pudding meeting at 7pm but then unluckily, my car couldn't start. Out of petrol. I called mum but my phone died. So I went to the pblic phone and my mum came fix it up for me. Ugh~ Bad day. So I went to Queensbay to meet up with Kar Ming but I arrived too early. I reached at 6pm but she's gonna come at 6.30pm. So I stayed in the car til 6.40pm she's coming but her car broke down so I gotta wait for Tommy to come but then I waited til 7.30pm. Ugh~ I slept like thrice in the car and was waken up by phone calls.

Then we got to the meeting and it was a bit tensed up with Kar Ming's boyfriend scolded one of the member. Later on, we went home.

The next day, I worked for half the day and went home. I suddenly felt so happy seeing my boy waiting for me under the tree with lunch box for me.
So we went home after having our lunch there. At night, we went to Prangin Mall again for dinner at J.L. Cafe. Then we met Ah Khang and Lilian. We're supposed to meet up anyway. So we went to Anutie Mary's Crepe Cottage to have dessert. They ordered food but Eugene and I ordered Apple Crepe dessert.
After that, I went to Eugene's house and sister asked me to play Scrabble with her. Ahhh! My favourite childhood game!
Lolz... at the word: BRA...

The next day, again, I worked half day. after work, I went to buy satay chicken rice as lunch for us but unfortunately, I drop the thing and the rice fell out from the box in the plastic bag. Ugh~
Then we played scrabble a bit. Lolz... Pardon me, cause I'm the one who put the word: FUCK. xD

Then we went to Prangin to meet up with Ah Khang and Lilian for a movie; The Thing. The movie was okay. 

At first, we planned to watch Hong Kong Ghost Stories cause Cathay Cinema was full of Indians and Ah Khang didn't really like it and TGV doesn't have The Thing in 2D. But then in the end, we still decided to go Cathay and there wasn't much people, especially when we all bought couple seats.

Before that, we went to have dinner. We all had spicy food. Lolz...
I just like this pic of me *smiles*

The next day, morning, we and Alfred went to PC fair. Yeay~ Alfred bought a mouse and I bought nothing but I aimed a portable game. After that,. we went to New World Park to have our lunch cause we're all very hungry. We all ordered mee goreng.
Then he came to my house and started working. He was so proud of himself making so much and he asked me to take a pic of it. Lolz... Then I started to take a nap.
Then evening, we went to Harvest InCafe to celebrate KY's birthday. With Yvonne, Wooi Theng, Yaa May, Cindy and Yaa May's friend.
We talked and stuff. Then KY, Cindy, Yvonne, Eugene and me went to Prangin for a movie: Hong Kong Ghost Stories. The movie was funny. After the movie, we went home. Before that, I gave KY her birthday present. Full of junk food. Lolz...
The next day, I decided to buy the portable game but too bad KY ppk me and said she didn't wana share with me anymore cause it's a buy 2 offer. Seeing me so sad and frustrated, Eugene comforted me saying he would share with me. I knew he didn't wanna share with me cause he didn't really like these kind of games.
But anyway, we went to PC fair again to ask for details and they allow buy 1 offer already. So I bought it. I was so happy but sad for my money. Then we went to gurney for lunch at A&W.
Then went back t his house and his sister or rather his mum gave me a bag/ pencil box. It was so pretty! I love it. Then we went back to my house and bought roti canai for dinner and ate at my house. Then went to my room and started working and we talked and stuff.

The next day, I went to work for 2 hours. Tired. Then went to college. I was bored in class so I took out my portable game and played it. Everyone who saw was awed with me cause I dared to do these kind of stuff in class. Come on lah... I don't care anyway.

After class, Ah Fook, Ah Hui and I with that idiot went for a rehersal for our presentation. Before that, Fook, Hui and Lee Shan and I went for lunch at the cafeteria.

During the presentation rehearsal, it was fun with them. Ah Hui, Ah Fook and I were like 'sua pah' awed with the discussion room cause we've never been inside. We were opening the cupboard, window and was like so excited. Lolz... xD After class, I went to Eugene's house and played scrabbles. Lolz... then we went to sushi king for dinner, the RM2 bonanza with Fook and Louis.

I was so happy to see Yvonne there too, lining up with us, just in front of us. We were talking about the movie we watched 2 days ago and were laughing like mad.

After lining up for an hour, finally we get to go in. We went near the belt to snatch food and sushi. Lolz.. It's Eugene's first experience. Lolz... I was so happy eating with him especially snatching sushi with him.
I ate 8 plates and Eugene ate 10 plates. I'm so satisfy~!
Today, in class, was boring. I was playing games all the time. Lunch was at Prangin Mall's food court. We sat Ah Hui's car. It's the first time I sat his car. It was fun tho. Then, we went back to class, Law. I was playing games and AH Hui was watching me play and were like making sound effects and stuff. Lolz... James talked a lot today till Kelly got a bit pissed off and frustrated with him. we all girls were like all so speechless with him cause he talked too much and his topics are all like so perverted.

After class, went home and had dinner with my family at Pizza Hut. Then we went to Giant to get some daily stuff and went to Parkson to look for my formal pants. It was a blessed evening with my family.

Got home and started memorizing my english presentation stuff. It seems fine already except for the last paragraph.

Oh, and Eugene started his new job at G-Hotel. Gambatte! <3

Most importantly, Arashi's new single! Meikyuu Love Song! Not really my type but it's still exciting! I heart Arashi forever! And Sho-chan is in RAY magazine (which is in Malaysia too)! OMG! And it's a cover page! Kyaaaaa~ I'm so gonna buy.
